37 research outputs found

    An Image Filter Based on Shearlet Transformation and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Digital image is always polluted by noise and made data postprocessing difficult. To remove noise and preserve detail of image as much as possible, this paper proposed image filter algorithm which combined the merits of Shearlet transformation and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Firstly, we use classical Shearlet transform to decompose noised image into many subwavelets under multiscale and multiorientation. Secondly, we gave weighted factor to those subwavelets obtained. Then, using classical Shearlet inverse transform, we obtained a composite image which is composed of those weighted subwavelets. After that, we designed fast and rough evaluation method to evaluate noise level of the new image; by using this method as fitness, we adopted PSO to find the optimal weighted factor we added; after lots of iterations, by the optimal factors and Shearlet inverse transform, we got the best denoised image. Experimental results have shown that proposed algorithm eliminates noise effectively and yields good peak signal noise ratio (PSNR)

    An Image Filter Based on Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm and Shearlet Transformation

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    Rician noise pollutes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, making data’s postprocessing difficult. In order to remove this noise and avoid loss of details as much as possible, we proposed a filter algorithm using both multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) and Shearlet transformation. Firstly, the multiscale wavelet decomposition is applied to the target image. Secondly, the MOGA target function is constructed by evaluation methods, such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and mean square error (MSE). Thirdly, MOGA is used with optimal coefficients of Shearlet wavelet threshold value in a different scale and a different orientation. Finally, the noise-free image could be obtained through inverse wavelet transform. At the end of the paper, experimental results show that this proposed algorithm eliminates Rician noise more effectively and yields better peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) gains compared with other traditional filters

    A new Edge Detector Based on Parametric Surface Model: Regression Surface Descriptor

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    In this paper we present a new methodology for edge detection in digital images. The first originality of the proposed method is to consider image content as a parametric surface. Then, an original parametric local model of this surface representing image content is proposed. The few parameters involved in the proposed model are shown to be very sensitive to discontinuities in surface which correspond to edges in image content. This naturally leads to the design of an efficient edge detector. Moreover, a thorough analysis of the proposed model also allows us to explain how these parameters can be used to obtain edge descriptors such as orientations and curvatures. In practice, the proposed methodology offers two main advantages. First, it has high customization possibilities in order to be adjusted to a wide range of different problems, from coarse to fine scale edge detection. Second, it is very robust to blurring process and additive noise. Numerical results are presented to emphasis these properties and to confirm efficiency of the proposed method through a comparative study with other edge detectors.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures and 2 table

    Scale Invariant Interest Points with Shearlets

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    Shearlets are a relatively new directional multi-scale framework for signal analysis, which have been shown effective to enhance signal discontinuities such as edges and corners at multiple scales. In this work we address the problem of detecting and describing blob-like features in the shearlets framework. We derive a measure which is very effective for blob detection and closely related to the Laplacian of Gaussian. We demonstrate the measure satisfies the perfect scale invariance property in the continuous case. In the discrete setting, we derive algorithms for blob detection and keypoint description. Finally, we provide qualitative justifications of our findings as well as a quantitative evaluation on benchmark data. We also report an experimental evidence that our method is very suitable to deal with compressed and noisy images, thanks to the sparsity property of shearlets