6 research outputs found

    Analysis of Inter-Domain Routing Requirements and History

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    HIDRA: Hierarchical Inter-Domain Routing Architecture

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    As the Internet continues to expand, the global default-free zone (DFZ) forwarding table has begun to grow faster than hardware can economically keep pace with. Various policies are in place to mitigate this growth rate, but current projections indicate policy alone is inadequate. As such, a number of technical solutions have been proposed. This work builds on many of these proposed solutions, and furthers the debate surrounding the resolution to this problem. It discusses several design decisions necessary to any proposed solution, and based on these tradeoffs it proposes a Hierarchical Inter-Domain Routing Architecture - HIDRA, a comprehensive architecture with a plausible deployment scenario. The architecture uses a locator/identifier split encapsulation scheme to attenuate both the immediate size of the DFZ forwarding table, and the projected growth rate. This solution is based off the usage of an already existing number allocation policy - Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). HIDRA has been deployed to a sandbox network in a proof-of-concept test, yielding promising results

    A Set of Possible Requirements for a Future Routing Architecture

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    Domain Identifiers In A Next Generation Internet Architecture

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    In this paper we make the domain entity a first class citizen. The concept of Domain Identifiers (DIDs) is introduced to effectively bring the domains to the next generation Internet scenario. The paper presents an architecture to address challenging next generation Internet requirements such as node and domain mobility, multi-homing, security, network composition and inter-domain routing. Although our architecture supports all the mentioned requirements, the focus of this paper is specifically on node and domain mobility in order to evaluate and compare the advantages of having DIDs for facilitating the mobility. First, we present the generic Next Generation Internet architecture proposal and its envisioned scenario. Then, we show how to instantiate it to work together with the current Internet. We have developed a prototype to evaluate our proposal and we depict results related to node and domain mobility under this gradual deployment scenario using the Internet as the core. © 2009 IEEE.Farinacci, D., Fuller, V., Oran, D., Meyer, D., Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) (2007) IETF Draft - draft-farinacci-lisp-05. txt, p. 14. , NovSchuetz, E.S., Winter, R., Burness, L., Eardley, P., Ahlgren, B., Node Identity Internetworking Architecture (2007) IETF Draft - draft-schuetz-nidarch- 00, , September, 14Moskowitz, R., Nikander, P., (2006) Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Architecture, , IETF RFC-4423, MayM. Caesar, K. Lakshminarayanan, T. Condie, I. Stoica, J. Kannan, and S. Shenker, ROFL: Routing on Flat Labels, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM, Pisa, Italy, September 11-15, 2006, pp. 363 - 374Schmid, S., Eggert, L., Brunner, M., Quittek, J., TurfNet: An Architecture for Dinamically Composable Networks, Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC), Berlin, Germany, October 18-19, 2004, vol LNCS, 3457, pp. 94-114Information, , http://www.ambient-networks.org, available at:, 2007Ng, C., Zhao, F., Watari, M., Thubert, P., (2007) Network Mobility Route Optimization Solution Space Analysis, , IETF RFC-4889, JulyDoria, A., Davies, E., Kastenholz, F., A Set of Possible Requirements for a Future Routing Architecture (2008) IETF Draft - draft-irtf-routing-reqs- 10.txt, , JuneWong, W., Verdi, F.L., Magalhaes, M., A next generation internet architecture for mobility and multi-homing support (2007) ACM CoNext Student Workshop. New York, , NY, DecemberWong, W., Villaça, R., Paula, L.B., Pasquini, R., Verdi, F.L., Magalhães, M., An Architecture for Mobility Support in a Next Generation Internet (2008) The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information, Networking and Applications (AINA 2008), , MarchStoica, I., Morris, R., Karger, D., Kaashoek, M.F., Balakrishnan, H., Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications ACM SIGCOMM 2001 - San Diego, CA, EUA, August, 2001Johnson, D., Perkins, C., Arkko, J., (2004) Mobility Support in IPv6, , IETF RFC-3775, JunePaula, L.B., Villaça, R., Welin, A., Verdi, F.L., Magalhães, M., A Web Service-based Network Composition Architecture for the Next Generation Internet (2008) The 5th International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM 2008), , SeptemberFord, B., (2003) Scalable internet routing on topology-independent node identities, , http://project-iris.net, MIT technical report conducted as part of the IRIS project, Octobe