4 research outputs found

    Improving the Performance of the Wireless Data Broadcast by the Cyclic Indexing Schemes

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    Abstract. Wireless data broadcast is an effective approach to disseminate information to a massive number of users. Indexing techniques for broadcasting data can reduce the battery power consumptions of mobile terminals by decreasing the tuning time. The organization of the indexes affects the efficiency of data searching. We investigate how the degree of the index node affects the tuning time, and thus minimize the power c o n s u mp t i o n o f u s e r ' s terminals. We proposed a performance measurement for the tuning time and a cyclic indexing algorithm. The numerical results suggest the degree of an index node be 3 when the access probabilities of the data tend to be uniformly distributed so that the expected tuning time is minimal. When the access distribution of the data nodes is skewer, the tuning time can be minimized by setting the degree in the index node 2

    Tuning On-Air Signatures for Balancing Performance and Confidentiality

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    In this paper, we investigate the trade off between performance and confidentiality in signature-based air indexing schemes for wireless data broadcast. Two metrics, namely, false drop probability and false guess probability, are defined to quantify the filtering efficiency and confidentiality loss of a signature scheme. Our analysis reveals that false drop probability and false guess probability share a similar trend as the tuning parameters of a signature scheme change and it is impossible to achieve a low false drop probability and a high false guess probability simultaneously. In order to balance the performance and confidentiality, we perform an analysis to provide a guidance for parameter settings of the signature schemes to meet different system requirements. In addition, we propose the jump pointer technique and the XOR signature scheme to further improve the performance and confidentiality. A comprehensive simulation has been conducted to validate our findings

    Research in Mobile Database Query Optimization and Processing

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