1 research outputs found

    A Self-configurable agent-based System for Intelligent Storage in Smart Grid

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    [Otros] Next generation of smart grid technologies demand intelligent capabilities for communication, interaction, monitoring, storage, and energy transmission. Multiagent systems are envisioned to provide autonomic and adaptability features to these systems in order to gain advantage in their current environments. In this paper we present a mechanism for providing distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) with intelligent capabilities. In more detail, we propose a self-configurable mechanism which allows a DESS to adapt itself according to the future environmental requirements. This mechanism is aimed at reducing the costs at which electricity is purchased from the marketThis work has been partially supported by projects TIN2012-36586-C03-01 and TIN2011-27652-C03-01Alberola Oltra, JM.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; García-Fornes, A. (2013). A Self-configurable agent-based System for Intelligent Storage in Smart Grid. Springer. 240-250. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38061-7_24S240250Momoh, J.A.: Smart grid design for efficient and flexible power networks operation and control. In: IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, pp. 15–18 (2009)Pipattanasomporn, M., Feroze, H., Rahman, S.: Multi-agent systems in a distributed smart grid: Design and implementation. In: IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, pp. 1–8 (2009)Vytelingum, P., Voice, T.D., Ramchurn, S., Rogers, A., Jennings, N.R.: Agent-based micro-storage management for the Smart Grid. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 39–46 (2010)Vytelingum, P., Voice, T.D., Ramchurn, S., Rogers, A., Jennings, N.R.: Intelligent agents for the smart grid. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 1649–1650 (2010)Van Dam, K.H., Houwing, M., Bouwmans, I.: Agent-based control of distributed electricity generation with microcombined heat and power-cross-sectoral learning for process and infrastructure engineers. Computers & Chemical Engineering 32, 205–217 (2008)Oyarzabal, J., Jimeno, J., Ruela, J., Engler, A., Hardt, C.: Agent based Micro Grid Management System. In: International Conference on Future Power Systems, vol. 18(8) (2005)Reddy, P.P., Veloso, M.M.: Factored Models for Multiscale Decision Making in Smart Grid Customers. In: Proceedings of AAAI 2012, the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2012)Mihailescu, R.C., Vasirani, M., Ossowski, S.: Dynamic coalition formation and adaptation for virtual power stations in smart grids. In: Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems, pp. 85–88 (2011)Nourai, A.: Installation of the First Distributed Energy Storage System (DESS) at American Electric Power (AEP). Technical report, Sandia National Laboratories (2007)Eyer, J., Corey, G.: Energy Storage for the Electricity Grid: Benefits and Market Potential Assessment Guide. Technical report, Sandia National Laboratories (2010)Mohd, A., Ortjohann, E., Schmelter, A., Hamsic, N., Morton, D.: Challenges in integrating distributed Energy storage systems into future smart grid. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1627–1632 (2008)Costa, L., Bourry, F., Juban, J., Kariniotakis, G.: Management of energy storage coordinated with wind power under electricity market conditions. In: 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, pp. 259–266 (2008)Pinson, P., Chevallier, C., Kariniotakis, G.N.: Trading Wind Generation From Short-Term Probabilistic Forecasts of Wind Power. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22(3), 1148–1156 (2007)Maly, D.K., Kwan, K.S.: Optimal battery energy storage system (BESS) charge scheduling with dynamic programming. IEE Proceedings-Science, Measurement and Technology 142(6), 453–458 (1995)Alberola, J.M., Julian, V., Garcia-Fornes, A.: Multi-Dimensional Adaptation in MAS Organizations. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics (in press, 2013)Alberola, J.M., Julian, V., Garcia-Fornes, A.: Multi-dimensional Transition Deliberation for Organization Adaptation in Multiagent Systems. In: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Aut. Agents and MAS, AAMAS 2012, pp. 1379–1380 (2012)Conejo, A.J., Plazas, M.A., Espinola, R., Molina, A.B.: Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using the Wavelet Transform and ARIMA Models. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20(2), 1035–1042 (2005)Mohsenian, A.H., Leon-Garcia, A.: Optimal Residential Load Control With Price Prediction in Real-Time Electricity Pricing Environments. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 1(2), 120–133 (2010)Szkuta, B., Sanabria, L., Dillon, T.: Electricity price short-term forecasting using artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 14(3), 851–857 (1999