4 research outputs found

    A Trust-Based Group Key Management Protocol for Non-Networks

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    In this paper, a secure and trust-based group key management protocol (GKMP) is presented for non-networks such as MANET/VANET. The scheme provides secure communication for group members in a dynamic network environment and does not restrict the users (registered or non-registered), allowing for flexible group communication. The proposed scheme is designed to address the challenges of key distribution, secure grouping, and secure communication. For result evaluation, first of all formal and informal security analysis was done and then compared with existing protocols. The proposed trust-based GKMP protocol satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, forward/backward security concurrently as well as shows robustness in terms of packet delivery ratio and throughput

    Autenticação com suporte à Computação de Borda 5G para a Internet de Veículos

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    O suporte de segurança é de suma importância para o sucesso e a ampla adoção de carros conectados e autônomos na era da Internet dos Veículos (IoV). Para isso, os Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems) demandam soluções eficazes de controle de acesso e confiabilidade, considerando os requisitos de latência e vazão das aplicações veiculares atuais e futuras. Com o advento do 5G e da computação de borda, esses requisitos podem ser alcançados dispondo do processamento mais próximo dos veículos. Apesar de propostas recentes se beneficiarem da segurança baseada em Cadeia de Blocos (Blockchain) para IoV, os estudos com avaliação de desempenho ainda são incipientes quanto à análise comparativa com sistemas de autenticação centralizados tradicionais em termos de métricas de QoS. Este artigo propõe comparar arquiteturas centralizadas e distribuídas para autenticação em IoV. Primeiro, um esquema de Autoridade de Confiança (TA - Trust Authority) é desenvolvido. Uma arquitetura de autenticação baseada em Blockchain para IoV também é proposta. Por fim, a avaliação de desempenho por meio de simulações é realizada para quantificar os prós e contras de ambas as abordagens

    A Secure and Efficient Group Key Agreement Scheme for VANET

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    A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special mobile ad hoc network that provides vehicle collaborative security applications using intervehicle communication technology. The method enables vehicles to exchange information (e.g., emergency brake). In VANET, there are many vehicle platoon driving scenes, where vehicles with identical attributes (location, organization, etc.) are organized as a group. However, this organization causes the issue of security threats (message confidentiality, identity privacy, etc.) because of an unsafe wireless communication channel. To protect the security and privacy of group communication, it is necessary to design an effective group key agreement scheme. By negotiating a dynamic session secret key using a fixed roadside unit (RSU), which has stronger computational ability than the on-board unit (OBU) equipped on the vehicle, the designed scheme can help to provide more stable communication performance and speed up the encryption and decryption processes. To effectively implement the anonymous authentication mechanism and authentication efficiency, we use a batch authentication scheme and a shared secret key mechanism among the vehicles, RSUs and trusted authority (TA). We design an efficient group secret key agreement scheme, which satisfies the above communication and security requirements, protects the privacy of vehicles, and traces the real identity of the vehicle at a time when it is necessary. Computational analysis shows that the proposed scheme is secure and more efficient than existing schemes