791 research outputs found

    A secure lightweight texture encryption scheme

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    Due to the widespread application of augmented and virtual environments, the research into 3D content protection is fundamentally important. To maintain confidentiality, encryption of 3D content, including the 3D objects and texture images, is essential. In this paper, a novel texture encryption scheme is proposed which complements the existing 3D object encryption methods. The proposed method encrypts texture images by bit masking and a permutation procedure using the Salsa20/12 stream cipher. The method is lightweight and satisfies the security requirement. It also prevents the partial disclosure of the encrypted 3D surface geometry by protecting the texture patterns from being partially leaked. The scheme has a better speed-security profile than the full encryption and the selective (4most significant bit-plane) encryption by 128-bit AES. The encryption schemes are implemented and tested with 500 sample texture images. The experimental results show that the scheme has a better encryption performance compared to the full/selective encryption by 128-bit AES.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics

    3D Textured Model Encryption via 3D Lu Chaotic Mapping

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    In the coming Virtual/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) era, 3D contents will be popularized just as images and videos today. The security and privacy of these 3D contents should be taken into consideration. 3D contents contain surface models and solid models. The surface models include point clouds, meshes and textured models. Previous work mainly focus on encryption of solid models, point clouds and meshes. This work focuses on the most complicated 3D textured model. We propose a 3D Lu chaotic mapping based encryption method of 3D textured model. We encrypt the vertexes, the polygons and the textures of 3D models separately using the 3D Lu chaotic mapping. Then the encrypted vertices, edges and texture maps are composited together to form the final encrypted 3D textured model. The experimental results reveal that our method can encrypt and decrypt 3D textured models correctly. In addition, our method can resistant several attacks such as brute-force attack and statistic attack.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, under review of SCI

    Robust Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on RSA via DCT by Using an Advanced Logic Design Approach

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    تتزايد أهمية أمن المعلومات في تخزين البيانات ونقلها. من جانب اخر يتم استخدام الصور في العديد من الإجراءات. لذلك ، يعد منع الوصول غير المصرح به إلى بيانات الصورة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية من خلال تشفير الصور لاجل حماية البيانات الحساسة او الخصوصية. تتنوع طرق وخوارزميات إخفاء الصور أو تشفيرها من طرق المجال المكاني البسيطة إلى طرق مجال التردد والذي يعتبر الأكثر تعقيدًا وموثوقية. في هذا البحث ، نقترح نظام تشفير جديد يعتمد على منهجية تهجين مولد المفتاح العشوائي من خلال الاستفادة من خصائص DCT لتوليد مجموعة غير محددة من المفاتيح العشوائية والاستفادة من معاملات المنطقة منخفضة التردد بعد مرحلة DCT لتمريرها إلى نظام فرعي يتكون من مجموعة RLG للحصول على المفاتيح السرية التي يتم تمريرها إلى RSA لتنتهي بتشفير الصورة. تشير النتائج إلى أن الطريقة المقترحة لها القدرة على تولد مجموعة كبيرة جدًا من المفاتيح السرية شديدة التعقيد والآمنة التي يمكن استخدامها لاحقًا في مرحلة التشفير. علاوة على ذلك ، سيتغير عدد وتعقيد تلك المفاتيح في كل مرة يتم فيها تغيير الصورة، وهذا يمثل مساهمة الطريقة المقترحة. ولم نلاحظ اي ضياع للوقت أثناء عمليات التشفير وفك التشفير لاستخدامنا RLG ، مما يدل على أن النظام المقترح قام بعمل جيد في صنع مفاتيح مختلفة من نفس الصورة. ويختلف في قوة المفتاح من صورة إلى أخرى حسب طبيعة الصورة الملونة.Information security in data storage and transmission is increasingly important. On the other hand, images are used in many procedures. Therefore, preventing unauthorized access to image data is crucial by encrypting images to protect sensitive data or privacy. The methods and algorithms for masking or encoding images vary from simple spatial-domain methods to frequency-domain methods, which are the most complex and reliable. In this paper, a new cryptographic system based on the random key generator hybridization methodology by taking advantage of the properties of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to generate an indefinite set of random keys and taking advantage of the low-frequency region coefficients after the DCT stage to pass them to a subsystem consisting of an Reversible Logic Gate (RLG) group to obtain the secret keys that are passed to Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) to finish encrypting the image. The results indicate that the proposed method has the ability to generate a very large set of highly complex and secure secret keys that can be used later in the encryption stage. Moreover, the number and complexity of those keys will change each time the image is changed, and this represents the contribution of the proposed method. They experienced no time loss throughout the encryption and decryption processes when using RLG, which indicates that the proposed system did a good job in making different keys from the same image. And it differs in the strength of the key from one image to another, depending on the nature of the color imge

    RNA-TransCrypt: Image Encryption Using Chaotic RNA Encoding, Novel Transformative Substitution, and Tailored Cryptographic Operations

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    Given the security concerns of Internet of Things (IoT) networks and limited computational resources of IoT devices, this paper presents RNA-TransCrypt, a novel image encryption scheme that is not only highly secure but also efficient and lightweight. RNA-TransCrypt integrates the biocryptographic properties of RNA encoding with the non-linearity and unpredictability of chaos theory. This scheme introduces three novel contributions: 1) the two-base RNA encoding method, which transforms the image into RNA strands-like sequence, ensuring efficient scrambling; 2) the transformative substitution technique, which transforms the s-box values before replacing the pixel values, and is responsible for making the scheme lightweight; and 3) three mathematical cryptographic operations designed especially for image encryption that ensure the effective transformation of the s-box values, resulting in a new outcome even for the same input values. These modules are key-dependent, utilizing chaotic keys generated by the De Jong Fractal Map and the Van der Pol Oscillator. Extensive security analysis, including histogram analysis, correlation analysis, and the results of the statistical security parameters obtained from the Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) validate the efficacy of the proposed scheme in encrypting input images with close-to-ideal results of 7.997 entropy and 0.0006 correlation

    A PUF-and biometric-based lightweight hardware solution to increase security at sensor nodes

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    Security is essential in sensor nodes which acquire and transmit sensitive data. However, the constraints of processing, memory and power consumption are very high in these nodes. Cryptographic algorithms based on symmetric key are very suitable for them. The drawback is that secure storage of secret keys is required. In this work, a low-cost solution is presented to obfuscate secret keys with Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), which exploit the hardware identity of the node. In addition, a lightweight fingerprint recognition solution is proposed, which can be implemented in low-cost sensor nodes. Since biometric data of individuals are sensitive, they are also obfuscated with PUFs. Both solutions allow authenticating the origin of the sensed data with a proposed dual-factor authentication protocol. One factor is the unique physical identity of the trusted sensor node that measures them. The other factor is the physical presence of the legitimate individual in charge of authorizing their transmission. Experimental results are included to prove how the proposed PUF-based solution can be implemented with the SRAMs of commercial Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chips which belong to the communication module of the sensor node. Implementation results show how the proposed fingerprint recognition based on the novel texture-based feature named QFingerMap16 (QFM) can be implemented fully inside a low-cost sensor node. Robustness, security and privacy issues at the proposed sensor nodes are discussed and analyzed with experimental results from PUFs and fingerprints taken from public and standard databases.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TEC2014-57971-R, TEC2017-83557-

    Transparent encryption with scalable video communication: Lower-latency, CABAC-based schemes

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    Selective encryption masks all of the content without completely hiding it, as full encryption would do at a cost in encryption delay and increased bandwidth. Many commercial applications of video encryption do not even require selective encryption, because greater utility can be gained from transparent encryption, i.e. allowing prospective viewers to glimpse a reduced quality version of the content as a taster. Our lightweight selective encryption scheme when applied to scalable video coding is well suited to transparent encryption. The paper illustrates the gains in reducing delay and increased distortion arising from a transparent encryption that leaves reduced quality base layer in the clear. Reduced encryption of B-frames is a further step beyond transparent encryption in which the computational overhead reduction is traded against content security and limited distortion. This spectrum of video encryption possibilities is analyzed in this paper, though all of the schemes maintain decoder compatibility and add no bitrate overhead as a result of jointly encoding and encrypting the input video by virtue of carefully selecting the entropy coding parameters that are encrypted. The schemes are suitable both for H.264 and HEVC codecs, though demonstrated in the paper for H.264. Selected Content Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) parameters are encrypted by a lightweight Exclusive OR technique, which is chosen for practicality