2 research outputs found

    Management system for Unmanned Aircraft Systems teams

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    This thesis investigates new schemes to improve the operability of heterogeneous Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) teams through the exploitation of inter-vehicular communications. Releasing ground links from unnecessary data exchanges saves resources (power, bandwidth, etc) and alleviates the inherent scalability problem resulting from the increase in the number of UAS to be controlled simultaneously. In first place, a framework to classify UAS according to their level of autonomy is presented along with efficient methodologies to assess the autonomy level of either individual or multiple UAS. An architecture based on an aerial Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is proposed for the management of the data exchange among all the vehicles in the team. A performance evaluation of the two most relevant MANET approaches for path discovery (namely, reactive and proactive) has been carried out by means of simulation of two well-known routing protocols: Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV). Several network configurations are generated to emulate different possible contingencies that might occur in real UAS team operations. Network topology evolution, vehicle flight dynamics and data traffic patterns are considered as input parameters to the simulation model. The analysis of the system behaviour for each possible network configuration is used to evaluate the appropriateness of both approaches in different mission scenarios. Alternative network solutions based on Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) for situations of intermittent connectivity and network partitioning are outlined. Finally, an assessment of the simulation results is presented along with a discussion about further research challenges

    Ferramenta de gestão de redes MESH

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Área de Especialização de TelecomunicaçõesO acesso às novas tecnologias usadas em edifícios de habitação (acesso à internet, comunicações, videovigilância, videoporteiro, gestão de condomínios, domótica, etc.) implica o uso da tecnologia IEEE 802.11, uma vez que os dispositivos usados atualmente, desde computadores portáteis a smartphones, estão equipados com interfaces 802.11. Devido à limitação de alcance de rádio da tecnologia 802.11 tem surgido novas soluções para aumentar a sua cobertura. As redes sem fios mesh – Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) são consideradas soluções flexíveis e económicas adequadas para serem usadas no contexto acima descrito. O objectivo deste trabalho é criar uma ferramenta que possa ser integrada na solução GateBox, um dos produtos desenvolvidos e comercializados pela empresa NextToYou. Esta ferramenta de gestão deve permitir ao administrador da rede o controlo e a consulta do estado de uma rede mesh em tempo real. O trabalho desenvolvido teve como base uma pesquisa quanto aos protocolos de routing e equipamentos utilizados, em soluções idênticas já existentes. Com base nesse estudo foi criada uma ferramenta de gestão para redes mesh que utilizem o protocolo de routing Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking advanced (BATMAN-ADV). A ferramenta desenvolvida permite a visualização gráfica e textual da localização, caracterização e estado das redes mesh. Permite também a configuração em tempo real das redes e dos seus nós, assim como permite a monitorização automática das redes e emite notificações de alerta, em caso de deficiências de desempenho. Foram realizados testes à ferramenta de gestão desenvolvida que mostraram que a mesma responde com rapidez às solicitações efetuadas, assim como se revelou eficaz quanto à monitorização automática das redes. Devido à ferramenta de gestão desenvolvida, o produto GateBox, passa agora a estar habilitado a implementar redes mesh em edifícios de habitação, podendo controlar e monitorizar o funcionamento dessas redes em tempo real.Access to new technologies used in residential buildings (internet access, communications, video surveillance, video intercom, property management, home automation, etc.) involves the use of IEEE 802.11 technology, once the devices used today, from laptops to smartphones, are equipped with 802.11 interfaces. Due to limited radio range of 802.11 technology has emerged new solutions to enhance its coverage. The Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are considered appropriate economic and flexible solutions to be used in the context described above. The aim of this work is to create a tool that can be integrated into the GateBox solution, a product developed and marketed by the company NextToYou. This management tool should allow the network administrator to control and query the status of a mesh network in real time. The work was based on a survey regarding routing protocols and equipment used in existing identical solutions. Based on this study was created a management tool for mesh networks using the routing protocol BATMAN-ADV. The developed tool provides a graphic and textual display of location, characterization and status of mesh networks. It also allows real-time configuration of networks and their nodes, as well as allows the automatic monitoring of networks and sends alert notifications in case of performance deficiencies. Tests were conducted at management tool developed which showed that it responds quickly to requests made, and proved effective in the automatic monitoring of networks. Due to management tool developed, GateBox solution will now be able to deploy mesh networks in residential buildings, being able to control and monitor the operation of these networks in real time