2,185 research outputs found

    Decidability and Undecidability Results for Propositional Schemata

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    International audienceWe define a logic of propositional formula schemata adding to the syntax of propositional logic indexed propositions and iterated connectives ranging over intervals parameterized by arithmetic variables. The satisfiability problem is shown to be undecidable for this new logic, but we introduce a very general class of schemata, called bound-linear, for which this problem becomes decidable. This result is obtained by reduction to a particular class of schemata called regular, for which we provide a sound and complete terminating proof procedure. This schemata calculus allows one to capture proof patterns corresponding to a large class of problems specified in propositional logic. We also show that the satisfiability problem becomes again undecidable for slight extensions of this class, thus demonstrating that bound-linear schemata represent a good compromise between expressivity and decidability

    A Resolution Calculus for First-order Schemata

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    International audienceWe devise a resolution calculus that tests the satisfiability of infinite families of clause sets, called clause set schemata. For schemata of propositional clause sets, we prove that this calculus is sound, refutationally complete, and terminating. The calculus is extended to first-order clauses, for which termination is lost, since the satisfiability problem is not semi-decidable for nonpropositional schemata. The expressive power of the considered logic is strictly greater than the one considered in our previous work

    A Meta-Logic of Inference Rules: Syntax

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    This work was intended to be an attempt to introduce the meta-language for working with multiple-conclusion inference rules that admit asserted propositions along with the rejected propositions. The presence of rejected propositions, and especially the presence of the rule of reverse substitution, requires certain change the definition of structurality

    Integrating a Global Induction Mechanism into a Sequent Calculus

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    Most interesting proofs in mathematics contain an inductive argument which requires an extension of the LK-calculus to formalize. The most commonly used calculi for induction contain a separate rule or axiom which reduces the valid proof theoretic properties of the calculus. To the best of our knowledge, there are no such calculi which allow cut-elimination to a normal form with the subformula property, i.e. every formula occurring in the proof is a subformula of the end sequent. Proof schemata are a variant of LK-proofs able to simulate induction by linking proofs together. There exists a schematic normal form which has comparable proof theoretic behaviour to normal forms with the subformula property. However, a calculus for the construction of proof schemata does not exist. In this paper, we introduce a calculus for proof schemata and prove soundness and completeness with respect to a fragment of the inductive arguments formalizable in Peano arithmetic.Comment: 16 page

    Generating Schemata of Resolution Proofs

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    Two distinct algorithms are presented to extract (schemata of) resolution proofs from closed tableaux for propositional schemata. The first one handles the most efficient version of the tableau calculus but generates very complex derivations (denoted by rather elaborate rewrite systems). The second one has the advantage that much simpler systems can be obtained, however the considered proof procedure is less efficient

    A Decidable Class of Nested Iterated Schemata (extended version)

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    Many problems can be specified by patterns of propositional formulae depending on a parameter, e.g. the specification of a circuit usually depends on the number of bits of its input. We define a logic whose formulae, called "iterated schemata", allow to express such patterns. Schemata extend propositional logic with indexed propositions, e.g. P_i, P_i+1, P_1, and with generalized connectives, e.g. /\i=1..n or i=1..n (called "iterations") where n is an (unbound) integer variable called a "parameter". The expressive power of iterated schemata is strictly greater than propositional logic: it is even out of the scope of first-order logic. We define a proof procedure, called DPLL*, that can prove that a schema is satisfiable for at least one value of its parameter, in the spirit of the DPLL procedure. However the converse problem, i.e. proving that a schema is unsatisfiable for every value of the parameter, is undecidable so DPLL* does not terminate in general. Still, we prove that it terminates for schemata of a syntactic subclass called "regularly nested". This is the first non trivial class for which DPLL* is proved to terminate. Furthermore the class of regularly nested schemata is the first decidable class to allow nesting of iterations, i.e. to allow schemata of the form /\i=1..n (/\j=1..n ...).Comment: 43 pages, extended version of "A Decidable Class of Nested Iterated Schemata", submitted to IJCAR 200
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