19 research outputs found

    A Scalable 6-to-18 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Quad-Beam Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS

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    This paper reports a 6-to-18 GHz integrated phased- array receiver implemented in 130-nm CMOS. The receiver is easily scalable to build a very large-scale phased-array system. It concurrently forms four independent beams at two different frequencies from 6 to 18 GHz. The nominal conversion gain of the receiver ranges from 16 to 24 dB over the entire band while the worst-case cross-band and cross-polarization rejections are achieved 48 dB and 63 dB, respectively. Phase shifting is performed in the LO path by a digital phase rotator with the worst-case RMS phase error and amplitude variation of 0.5° and 0.4 dB, respectively, over the entire band. A four-element phased-array receiver system is implemented based on four receiver chips. The measured array patterns agree well with the theoretical ones with a peak-to-null ratio of over 21.5 dB

    Fully Integrated Frequency and Phase Generation for a 6-18GHz Tunable Multi-Band Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS

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    Fully integrated frequency-phase generators for a 6-18GHz wide-band phased-array receiver element are presented that generate 5-7GHz and 9-12GHz first LO signals with less than -95dBc/Hz phase noise at 100kHz offset. Second LO signals with digitally controllable fourquadrant phase- and amplitude spread with better than 3° resolution are generated and allow removal of systematic reference clock skew as well as accurate selection of the received signal phase. This frequency- and phase generation scheme was successfully demonstrated in a 6-18GHz receiver system configured as an electrical 4-element array

    A 6-to-18 GHz tunable concurrent dual-band receiver front end for scalable phased arrays in 130nm CMOS

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    This paper presents a study and design of tunable concurrent dual-band receiver. Different system architectures and building blocks have been compared and analyzed. A tunable concurrent dual-band receiver front end has then been fabricated and characterized. It operates across a tri-tave 6-18 GHz bandwidth with a nominal 17-25 dB conversion gain, worst-case -15 dBm IIP3, and worst-case -24.5 dBm ICP 1 dB

    A tunable concurrent 6-to-18 GHz phased-array system in CMOS

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    This paper presents a scalable phased-array receiver system that covers a tritave bandwidth of 6-to-18 GHz implemented in a 130nm CMOS process. The single receiver element with a 10-bit phase shifting resolution achieves a maximum phase error of 2.5° within a baseband amplitude variation of 1.5dB for an arbitrary target angle. This dense interpolation provides excellent phase error/offset calibration capability in the array. A 4-element electrical array pattern is measured at 6 GHz, 13.5 GHz and 18 GHz, showing a worst case peak-to-null ratio of 21.5dB. The EVM and phase noise improvements of the array compared with the single receiver element are also shown

    A Sub-Picosecond Hybrid DLL for Large-Scale Phased Array Synchronization

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    A large-scale timing synchronization scheme for scalable phased arrays is presented. This approach utilizes a DLL co-designed with a subsequent 2.5GHz PLL. The DLL employs a low noise, fine/coarse delay tuning to reduce the in-band rms jitter to 323fs, an order of magnitude improvement over previous works at similar frequencies. The DLL was fabricated in a 65nm bulk CMOS process and was characterized from 27MHz to 270MHz. It consumes up to 3.3mW from a 1V power supply and has a small footprint of 0.036mm^2

    A Sub-Picosecond Hybrid DLL for Large-Scale Phased Array Synchronization

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    A large-scale timing synchronization scheme for scalable phased arrays is presented. This approach utilizes a DLL co-designed with a subsequent 2.5GHz PLL. The DLL employs a low noise, fine/coarse delay tuning to reduce the in-band rms jitter to 323fs, an order of magnitude improvement over previous works at similar frequencies. The DLL was fabricated in a 65nm bulk CMOS process and was characterized from 27MHz to 270MHz. It consumes up to 3.3mW from a 1V power supply and has a small footprint of 0.036mm^2

    A Scalable 6-to-18GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Quad-Beam Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS

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    Frequency-selectable dual-band wilkinson divider/combiner

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    A technique for realising a compact frequency-selectable dual-band Wilkinson divider/combiner is presented in this study. To provide a frequency-selection function, the band-pass transmission-line transformer (TLT) in a dual-band device is replaced with a tuneable band-reject TLT. To realise this tuneable device, a variable capacitively loaded spur-line filter is proposed for its compact size. The theory based on an ideal transmission-line circuit is developed to provide a design procedure. The proposed circuits are demonstrated with simulated and measured results of a Wilkinson divider/combiner fabricated on FR4 substrate

    A CMOS Broadband Power Amplifier With a Transformer-Based High-Order Output Matching Network

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    A transformer-based high-order output matching network is proposed for broadband power amplifier design, which provides optimum load impedance for maximum output power within a wide operating frequency range. A design methodology to convert a canonical bandpass network to the proposed matching configuration is also presented in detail. As a design example, a push-pull deep class-AB PA is implemented with a third-order output network in a standard 90 nm CMOS process. The leakage inductances of the on-chip 2:1 transformer are absorbed into the output matching to realize the third-order network with only two inductor footprints for area conservation. The amplifier achieves a 3 dB bandwidth from 5.2 to 13 GHz with +25.2 dBm peak P_sat and 21.6% peak PAE. The EVM for QPSK and 16-QAM signals both with 5 Msample/s are below 3.6% and 5.9% at the output 1 dB compression point. This verifies the PA’s capability of amplifying a narrowband modulated signal whose center-tone can be programmed across a large frequency range. The measured BER for transmitting a truly broadband PRBS signal up to 7.5 Gb/s is less than 10^(-13) , demonstrating the PA’s support for an instantaneous wide operation bandwidth