12 research outputs found

    Data Visualization Classification Using Simple Convolutional Neural Network Model

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    Data visualization is developed from the need to display a vast quantity of information more transparently. Data visualization often incorporates important information that is not listed anywhere in the document and enables the reader to discover significant data and save it in longer-term memory. On the other hand, Internet search engines have difficulty processing data visualization and connecting visualization and the request submitted by the user. With the use of data visualization, all blind individuals and individuals with impaired vision are left out. This article utilizes machine learning to classify data visualizations into 10 classes. Tested model is trained four times on the dataset which is preprocessed through four stages. Achieved accuracy of 89 % is comparable to other methods’ results. It is showed that image processing can impact results, i.e. increasing or decreasing level of details in image impacts on average classification accuracy significantly

    Tab2Know: Building a Knowledge Base from Tables in Scientific Papers

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    Tables in scientific papers contain a wealth of valuable knowledge for the scientific enterprise. To help the many of us who frequently consult this type of knowledge, we present Tab2Know, a new end-to-end system to build a Knowledge Base (KB) from tables in scientific papers. Tab2Know addresses the challenge of automatically interpreting the tables in papers and of disambiguating the entities that they contain. To solve these problems, we propose a pipeline that employs both statistical-based classifiers and logic-based reasoning. First, our pipeline applies weakly supervised classifiers to recognize the type of tables and columns, with the help of a data labeling system and an ontology specifically designed for our purpose. Then, logic-based reasoning is used to link equivalent entities (via sameAs links) in different tables. An empirical evaluation of our approach using a corpus of papers in the Computer Science domain has returned satisfactory performance. This suggests that ours is a promising step to create a large-scale KB of scientific knowledge