2 research outputs found

    A soa-based e-government data integration

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    Data Integration presents a core issue in the Palestinian e-Government Technical Framework. The currently used data integration model relies on the Integrated Central Database which lacks quality attributes such as: interoperability and flexibility. We purpose a SOA-based approach for data integration that achieves the above attributes. We present and analyze the current architecture and implementation of the Palestinian e-Government Integrated Central Database model. We transform the current model into a SOA framework that is realized using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Web Services. The proposed framework offers database replication and connectivity functionalities for the Central Database. The proposed framework is evaluated using a scenario-based software architecture evaluation method and proves that it achieves the framework goals of quality attributes: interoperability and flexibility. Moreover, a prototype of the framework is implemented and validates the framework correctness. A specific usage is presented and further proves that the framework accomplishes its functionality and quality attributes

    Design and development of a context sensitive rural development software application for eService provisioning

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    After more than a decade since South Africa realized the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the role it can play to deliver services, the country is still confronted by a number of challenges challenges that hinder the implementation of a fully-fledged ICT-based system in a form of electronic government to better deliver services and information. While rural development remains as one of the country’s greatest concerns, ICT is among approaches and perspectives that are recognized for not only accelerating rural development but also for providing the country’s economic growth. This research was set to investigate approaches to implement ICT solutions for rural development and service provisioning in the context of electronic government. The research focused more on the technical skills to implement such ICT systems for the benefit of rural development and e-government stakeholders that have an interest in design and development of an integrated and interoperable solution to accelerate service delivery, especially in rural communities. A mixed methods approach was used throughout the research accompanied by an evolutionary prototyping to development the desired prototype. A study was then conducted to gain an understanding of the state and the needs of rural communities to date. The results of the study yielded a number of urbanized service providers that rural dwellers need to timeously visit to consume services. Scenarios to design and develop the intended prototypes were then drawn from these results. The overall implementation of the prototypes produced an integrated platform that allows multiple disparate systems to communicate, share and use information. The qualities of the prototype are what this research recommends to relevant to stakeholders in order to implement an integrated and interoperable e-government system that elevates rural development programs and service delivery