5 research outputs found

    PAMP: a power-aware multicast protocol for Bluetooth radio systems

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    [[abstract]]Bluetooth is a low power, low cost, and short-range wireless technology. A piconet consists of a master and up to seven slaves. Devices that desire to receive data from the same source construct a multicast group, sharing multicast communication services. A piconet may consist of member and non-member devices of a multicast group, causing non-member devices to consume power to overhear the multicast message. For those members that belong to different piconets, a multi-hop communication path is required, hence increasing the delay time of a multicast service and causing more non-member devices to participate in the multicast tree. The paper develops a power-aware multicast protocol (PAMP) for constructing an efficient multicast tree. By collecting members into the same piconet, the constructed multicast tree has characteristics of fewest non-member devices, smallest tree level, and proper role assignments to members. Experimental results show that PAMP provides an efficient multicast service with low power consumption and small delay.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20040627~20040629[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Chengdu, Chin

    On strong Menger-connectivity of star graphs

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    AbstractMotivated by parallel routing in networks with faults, we study the following graph theoretical problem. Let G be a graph of minimum vertex degree d. We say that G is strongly Menger-connected if for any copy Gf of G with at most d−2 nodes removed, every pair of nodes u and v in Gf are connected by min{degf(u),degf(v)} node-disjoint paths in Gf, where degf(u) and degf(v) are the degrees of the nodes u and v in Gf, respectively. We show that the star graphs, which are a recently proposed attractive alternative to the widely used hypercubes as network models, are strongly Menger-connected. An algorithm of optimal running time is developed that constructs the maximum number of node-disjoint paths of nearly optimal length in star graphs with faults

    Investigation of the robustness of star graph networks

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    The star interconnection network has been known as an attractive alternative to n-cube for interconnecting a large number of processors. It possesses many nice properties, such as vertex/edge symmetry, recursiveness, sublogarithmic degree and diameter, and maximal fault tolerance, which are all desirable when building an interconnection topology for a parallel and distributed system. Investigation of the robustness of the star network architecture is essential since the star network has the potential of use in critical applications. In this study, three different reliability measures are proposed to investigate the robustness of the star network. First, a constrained two-terminal reliability measure referred to as Distance Reliability (DR) between the source node u and the destination node I with the shortest distance, in an n-dimensional star network, Sn, is introduced to assess the robustness of the star network. A combinatorial analysis on DR especially for u having a single cycle is performed under different failure models (node, link, combined node/link failure). Lower bounds on the special case of the DR: antipode reliability, are derived, compared with n-cube, and shown to be more fault-tolerant than n-cube. The degradation of a container in a Sn having at least one operational optimal path between u and I is also examined to measure the system effectiveness in the presence of failures under different failure models. The values of MTTF to each transition state are calculated and compared with similar size containers in n-cube. Meanwhile, an upper bound under the probability fault model and an approximation under the fixed partitioning approach on the ( n-1)-star reliability are derived, and proved to be similarly accurate and close to the simulations results. Conservative comparisons between similar size star networks and n-cubes show that the star network is more robust than n-cube in terms of ( n-1)-network reliability

    A Routing and Broadcasting Scheme on Faulty Star Graphs

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    The authors present a routing algorithm that uses the depth first search approach combined with a backtracking technique to route messages on the star graph in the presence of faulty links. The algorithm is distributed and requires no global knowledge of faults. The only knowledge required at a node is the state of its incident links. The routed message carries information about the followed path and the visited nodes. The algorithm routes messages along the optimal, i.e., the shortest path if no faults are encountered or if the faults are such that an optimal path still exists. In the absence of an optimal path, the algorithm always finds a path between two nodes within a bounded number of hops if the two nodes are connected. Otherwise, it returns the message to the originating node. The authors provide a performance analysis for the case where an optimal path does not exist. They prove that for a maximum of n-2 faults on a graph with N=n! nodes, at most 2i+2 steps are added to the path, where i is O(√n). Finally, they use the routing algorithm to present an efficient broadcast algorithm on the star graph in the presence of faults

    On strong fault tolerance (or strong Menger-connectivity) of multicomputer networks

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    As the size of networks increases continuously, dealing with networks with faulty nodes becomes unavoidable. In this dissertation, we introduce a new measure for network fault tolerance, the strong fault tolerance (or strong Menger-connectivity)in multicomputer networks, and study the strong fault tolerance for popular multicomputer network structures. Let G be a network in which all nodes have degree d. We say that G is strongly fault tolerant if it has the following property: Let Gf be a copy of G with at most d - 2 faulty nodes. Then for any pair of non-faulty nodes u and v in Gf , there are min{degf (u), degf (v)} node-disjoint paths in Gf from u to v, where degf (u) and degf (v) are the degrees of the nodes u and v in Gf, respectively. First we study the strong fault tolerance for the popular network structures such as star networks and hypercube networks. We show that the star networks and the hypercube networks are strongly fault tolerant and develop efficient algorithms that construct the maximum number of node-disjoint paths of nearly optimal or optimal length in these networks when they contain faulty nodes. Our algorithms are optimal in terms of their time complexity. In addition to studying the strong fault tolerance, we also investigate a more realistic concept to describe the ability of networks for tolerating faults. The traditional definition of fault tolerance, sustaining at most d - 1faulty nodes for a regular graph G of degree d, reflects a very rare situation. In many cases, there is a chance that a routing path between two given nodes can be constructed though the network may have more faulty nodes than its degree. In this dissertation, we study the fault tolerance of hypercube networks under a probability model. When each node of the n-dimensional hypercube network has an independent failure probability p, we develop algorithms that, with very high probability, can construct a fault-free path when the hypercube network can sustain up to 2np faulty nodes