1 research outputs found

    Robustness of a DFT based image watermarking method against am halftoning

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    U ovom radu je evaluirana otpornost na rastriranje metode označavanja slika bazirane na diskretnoj Fourierovoj transformaciji (DFT). Rastriranje se koristi za reprodukciju višetonskih slika. U istraživanju je korišten set od 1000 slika. Za rastriranje su korištena tri različita oblika rasterskog elementa (točka, elipsa i linija) i 5 različitih linijatura (10, 13, 15, 40 i 60 lin/cm). Evaluirana je vjerojatnost detekcije i distribucija postignutih vrijednosti detekcije. Rezultati su pokazali da je ispitivana metoda označavanja slika otporna na rastriranje linijaturama većim od 15 lin/cm. Također, zaključeno je da oblik rasterskog elementa ima slab utjecaj na stupanj detekcije.In this paper the robustness of a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) based image watermarking scheme to amplitude modulation (AM) halftoning is evaluated. Halftoning is used for reproduction of continuous images. Thus, it is important that a watermarking method is robust to halftoning. Three different shapes of clustered dots of AM (Amplitude Modulation) halftones are used (round, ellipse and line) with five different halftone frequencies (10, 13, 15, 40, and 60 line/cm). The tests where done on a dataset of 1000 images. As the metric of robustness, watermark detection rate, distribution of detection values, and ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristic) curves were used. The results showed that the watermarking scheme is robust to halftoning for halftone frequencies greater than 15 line/cm. Also, the type of AM halftone used has almost no effect on a detection rate