113,357 research outputs found

    DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching

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    We introduce a novel matching algorithm, called DeepMatching, to compute dense correspondences between images. DeepMatching relies on a hierarchical, multi-layer, correlational architecture designed for matching images and was inspired by deep convolutional approaches. The proposed matching algorithm can handle non-rigid deformations and repetitive textures and efficiently determines dense correspondences in the presence of significant changes between images. We evaluate the performance of DeepMatching, in comparison with state-of-the-art matching algorithms, on the Mikolajczyk (Mikolajczyk et al 2005), the MPI-Sintel (Butler et al 2012) and the Kitti (Geiger et al 2013) datasets. DeepMatching outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms and shows excellent results in particular for repetitive textures.We also propose a method for estimating optical flow, called DeepFlow, by integrating DeepMatching in the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) approach of Brox and Malik (2011). Compared to existing matching algorithms, additional robustness to large displacements and complex motion is obtained thanks to our matching approach. DeepFlow obtains competitive performance on public benchmarks for optical flow estimation

    Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching

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    We address the problem of determining correspondences between two images in agreement with a geometric model such as an affine or thin-plate spline transformation, and estimating its parameters. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we propose a convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching. The architecture is based on three main components that mimic the standard steps of feature extraction, matching and simultaneous inlier detection and model parameter estimation, while being trainable end-to-end. Second, we demonstrate that the network parameters can be trained from synthetically generated imagery without the need for manual annotation and that our matching layer significantly increases generalization capabilities to never seen before images. Finally, we show that the same model can perform both instance-level and category-level matching giving state-of-the-art results on the challenging Proposal Flow dataset.Comment: In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017

    Learned Multi-Patch Similarity

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    Estimating a depth map from multiple views of a scene is a fundamental task in computer vision. As soon as more than two viewpoints are available, one faces the very basic question how to measure similarity across >2 image patches. Surprisingly, no direct solution exists, instead it is common to fall back to more or less robust averaging of two-view similarities. Encouraged by the success of machine learning, and in particular convolutional neural networks, we propose to learn a matching function which directly maps multiple image patches to a scalar similarity score. Experiments on several multi-view datasets demonstrate that this approach has advantages over methods based on pairwise patch similarity.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted at ICCV 201

    SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence

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    We address the problem of semantic correspondence, that is, establishing a dense flow field between images depicting different instances of the same object or scene category. We propose to use images annotated with binary foreground masks and subjected to synthetic geometric deformations to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) for this task. Using these masks as part of the supervisory signal offers a good compromise between semantic flow methods, where the amount of training data is limited by the cost of manually selecting point correspondences, and semantic alignment ones, where the regression of a single global geometric transformation between images may be sensitive to image-specific details such as background clutter. We propose a new CNN architecture, dubbed SFNet, which implements this idea. It leverages a new and differentiable version of the argmax function for end-to-end training, with a loss that combines mask and flow consistency with smoothness terms. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which significantly outperforms the state of the art on standard benchmarks.Comment: cvpr 2019 oral pape
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