31,587 research outputs found

    Assessing neural tuning for object perception in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI data.

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    IntroductionDeficits in visual perception are well-established in schizophrenia and are linked to abnormal activity in the lateral occipital complex (LOC). Related deficits may exist in bipolar disorder. LOC contains neurons tuned to object features. It is unknown whether neural tuning in LOC or other visual areas is abnormal in patients, contributing to abnormal perception during visual tasks. This study used multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) to investigate perceptual tuning for objects in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.MethodsFifty schizophrenia participants, 51 bipolar disorder participants, and 47 matched healthy controls completed five functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) runs of a perceptual task in which they viewed pictures of four different objects and an outdoor scene. We performed classification analyses designed to assess the distinctiveness of activity corresponding to perception of each stimulus in LOC (a functionally localized region of interest). We also performed similar classification analyses throughout the brain using a searchlight technique. We compared classification accuracy and patterns of classification errors across groups.ResultsStimulus classification accuracy was significantly above chance in all groups in LOC and throughout visual cortex. Classification errors were mostly within-category confusions (e.g., misclassifying one chair as another chair). There were no group differences in classification accuracy or patterns of confusion.ConclusionsThe results show for the first time MVPA can be used successfully to classify individual perceptual stimuli in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, the results do not provide evidence of abnormal neural tuning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

    BLADE: Filter Learning for General Purpose Computational Photography

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    The Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution (RAISR) method of Romano, Isidoro, and Milanfar is a computationally efficient image upscaling method using a trained set of filters. We describe a generalization of RAISR, which we name Best Linear Adaptive Enhancement (BLADE). This approach is a trainable edge-adaptive filtering framework that is general, simple, computationally efficient, and useful for a wide range of problems in computational photography. We show applications to operations which may appear in a camera pipeline including denoising, demosaicing, and stylization

    Hyperspectral colon tissue cell classification

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    A novel algorithm to discriminate between normal and malignant tissue cells of the human colon is presented. The microscopic level images of human colon tissue cells were acquired using hyperspectral imaging technology at contiguous wavelength intervals of visible light. While hyperspectral imagery data provides a wealth of information, its large size normally means high computational processing complexity. Several methods exist to avoid the so-called curse of dimensionality and hence reduce the computational complexity. In this study, we experimented with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and two modifications of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In the first stage of the algorithm, the extracted components are used to separate four constituent parts of the colon tissue: nuclei, cytoplasm, lamina propria, and lumen. The segmentation is performed in an unsupervised fashion using the nearest centroid clustering algorithm. The segmented image is further used, in the second stage of the classification algorithm, to exploit the spatial relationship between the labeled constituent parts. Experimental results using supervised Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification based on multiscale morphological features reveal the discrimination between normal and malignant tissue cells with a reasonable degree of accuracy

    Group-Sparse Signal Denoising: Non-Convex Regularization, Convex Optimization

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    Convex optimization with sparsity-promoting convex regularization is a standard approach for estimating sparse signals in noise. In order to promote sparsity more strongly than convex regularization, it is also standard practice to employ non-convex optimization. In this paper, we take a third approach. We utilize a non-convex regularization term chosen such that the total cost function (consisting of data consistency and regularization terms) is convex. Therefore, sparsity is more strongly promoted than in the standard convex formulation, but without sacrificing the attractive aspects of convex optimization (unique minimum, robust algorithms, etc.). We use this idea to improve the recently developed 'overlapping group shrinkage' (OGS) algorithm for the denoising of group-sparse signals. The algorithm is applied to the problem of speech enhancement with favorable results in terms of both SNR and perceptual quality.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Rectified Gaussian Scale Mixtures and the Sparse Non-Negative Least Squares Problem

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    In this paper, we develop a Bayesian evidence maximization framework to solve the sparse non-negative least squares (S-NNLS) problem. We introduce a family of probability densities referred to as the Rectified Gaussian Scale Mixture (R- GSM) to model the sparsity enforcing prior distribution for the solution. The R-GSM prior encompasses a variety of heavy-tailed densities such as the rectified Laplacian and rectified Student- t distributions with a proper choice of the mixing density. We utilize the hierarchical representation induced by the R-GSM prior and develop an evidence maximization framework based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Using the EM based method, we estimate the hyper-parameters and obtain a point estimate for the solution. We refer to the proposed method as rectified sparse Bayesian learning (R-SBL). We provide four R- SBL variants that offer a range of options for computational complexity and the quality of the E-step computation. These methods include the Markov chain Monte Carlo EM, linear minimum mean-square-error estimation, approximate message passing and a diagonal approximation. Using numerical experiments, we show that the proposed R-SBL method outperforms existing S-NNLS solvers in terms of both signal and support recovery performance, and is also very robust against the structure of the design matrix.Comment: Under Review by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Adversarial Convolutional Networks with Weak Domain-Transfer for Multi-sequence Cardiac MR Images Segmentation

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    Analysis and modeling of the ventricles and myocardium are important in the diagnostic and treatment of heart diseases. Manual delineation of those tissues in cardiac MR (CMR) scans is laborious and time-consuming. The ambiguity of the boundaries makes the segmentation task rather challenging. Furthermore, the annotations on some modalities such as Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) MRI, are often not available. We propose an end-to-end segmentation framework based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and adversarial learning. A dilated residual U-shape network is used as a segmentor to generate the prediction mask; meanwhile, a CNN is utilized as a discriminator model to judge the segmentation quality. To leverage the available annotations across modalities per patient, a new loss function named weak domain-transfer loss is introduced to the pipeline. The proposed model is evaluated on the public dataset released by the challenge organizer in MICCAI 2019, which consists of 45 sets of multi-sequence CMR images. We demonstrate that the proposed adversarial pipeline outperforms baseline deep-learning methods.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, conferenc
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