73 research outputs found

    Protection of Relational Databases by Means of Watermarking: Recent Advances and Challenges

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    Databases represent today great economical and strategic concerns for both enterprises and public institutions. In that context, where data leaks, robbery as well as innocent or even hostile data degradation represent a real danger, and watermarking appears as an interesting tool. Watermarking is based on the imperceptible embedding of a message or watermark into a database in order, for instance, to determine its origin as well as to detect if it has been modified. A major advantage of watermarking in relation to other digital content protection mechanisms is that it leaves access to the data while keeping them protected by means of a watermark, independent of the data format storage. Nevertheless, it is necessary to ensure that the introduced distortion does not perturb the exploitation of the database. In this chapter, we give a general overview of the latest database watermarking methods, focusing on those dealing with distortion control. In particular, we present a recent technique based on an ontological modeling of the database semantics that represent the relationships in between attributes—relationships that should be preserved in order to avoid the appearance of incoherent and unlikely records

    Watermarking Categorical Data : Algorithm and Robustness Analysis

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    The importance of watermarking digital databases has increased by leaps and bounds due to the high vulnerability of digital assets to piracy attempts when they traverse through the internet. To deter piracy, we propose a robust watermarking scheme for relational databases containing categorical data that resolves ownership issues. We propose a three-level security strategy. Firstly, the watermark is itself made secure using playfair cryptographic algorithm. Secondly, the database is securely partitioned using a primary key independent hash partitioning technique. This step virtually reorders the tuples before embedding. Thirdly, we entail a secret key based embedding process to ensure security. Linear feedback shift registers are implemented to generate pseudorandom numbers which selects different watermark bit index for each partition. The process of embedding does not produce any distortion in the database. Hence it is suitable for databases with categorical attributes containing sensitive information that cannot tolerate perturbations. Each watermark bit is embedded multiple times into different partitions. This makes the scheme highly robust against various attacks. The technique is proved by experimentally, and by theoretical analysis to be extremely robust. Experimental results show that it is 400 per cent resilient to subset addition attack, 100 per cent resilient to subset alteration attack, and 96 per cent resilient to tuple deletion attack. We prove analytically the resilience of the proposed technique against invertibility and additive attacks.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 2015, pp.226-232, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.844

    Distortion-Free Watermarking Approach for Relational Database Integrity Checking

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    Nowadays, internet is becoming a suitable way of accessing the databases. Such data are exposed to various types of attack with the aim to confuse the ownership proofing or the content protection. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on fragile zero watermarking for the authentication of numeric relational data. Contrary to some previous databases watermarking techniques which cause some distortions in the original database and may not preserve the data usability constraints, our approach simply seeks to generate the watermark from the original database. First, the adopted method partitions the database relation into independent square matrix groups. Then, group-based watermarks are securely generated and registered in a trusted third party. The integrity verification is performed by computing the determinant and the diagonal’s minor for each group. As a result, tampering can be localized up to attribute group level. Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique is resilient against tuples insertion, tuples deletion, and attributes values modification attacks. Furthermore, comparison with recent related effort shows that our scheme performs better in detecting multifaceted attacks

    Design and Analysis of an Intelligent Integrity Checking Watermarking Scheme for Ubiquitous Database Access

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    As a result of the highly distributed nature of ubiquitous database accessing, it is essential to develop security mechanisms that lend themselves well to the delicate properties of outsourcing databases integrity and copyright protection. Researchers have begun to study how watermarking computing can make ubiquitous databases accessing more confident work environments. One area where database context may help is in supporting content integrity. Initially, most of the research effort in this field was depending on distortion based watermark while the few remaining studies concentrated on distortion-free. But there are many disadvantages in previous studies; most notably some rely on adding watermark as an extra attributes or tuples, which increase the size of the database. Other techniques such as permutation and abstract interpretation framework require much effort to verify the watermark. The idea of this research is to adapt an optimized distortion free watermarking based on fake tuples that are embedded into a separate file not within the database to validate the content integrity for ubiquitous database accessing. The proposed system utilizes the GA, which boils down its role to create the values of the fake tuples as watermark to be the closest to real values. So that it's very hard to any attacker to guess the watermark. The proposed technique achieves more imperceptibility and security. Experimental outcomes confirm that the proposed algorithm is feasible, effective and robust against a large number of attacks

    Towards a Systematic Approach of Relational Database Watermarking

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    Nowadays more and more data of socio-technical systems become available online to anyone interested to access it or process it (without data alteration or copyright infringement). Generally, these data are stored in relational databases. However, to comply with this new paradigm new models of data access and security are necessary. One upcoming trend for relational databases is to watermark the database instance, i.e. to compute a secret code, which can be either embedded directly into the database or registered to a trusted authority. Current watermarking schemes only apply to either a particular database relation or index and, generally, distort the data. In this paper, we propose a methodology for distortion-free watermarking of both the database schema and instance that takes into account the database semantics, its dynamic, and also ensuring various security levels within the database. A possible scenario on using this methodology on a real-world database is also available

    HQR-Scheme: A High Quality and resilient virtual primary key generation approach for watermarking relational data

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    Most of the watermarking techniques designed to protect relational data often use the Primary Key (PK) of relations to perform the watermark synchronization. Despite offering high confidence to the watermark detection, these approaches become useless if the PK can be erased or updated. A typical example is when an attacker wishes to use a stolen relation, unlinked to the rest of the database. In that case, the original values of the PK lose relevance, since they are not employed to check the referential integrity. Then, it is possible to erase or replace the PK, compromising the watermark detection with no need to perform the slightest modification on the rest of the data. To avoid the problems caused by the PK-dependency some schemes have been proposed to generate Virtual Primary Keys (VPK) used instead. Nevertheless, the quality of the watermark synchronized using VPKs is compromised due to the presence of duplicate values in the set of VPKs and the fragility of the VPK schemes against the elimination of attributes. In this paper, we introduce the metrics to allow precise measuring of the quality of the VPKs generated by any scheme without requiring to perform the watermark embedding. This way, time waste can be avoided in case of low-quality detection. We also analyze the main aspects to design the ideal VPK scheme, seeking the generation of high-quality VPK sets adding robustness to the process. Finally, a new scheme is presented along with the experiments carried out to validate and compare the results with the rest of the schemes proposed in the literature
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