2 research outputs found

    Evaluating and improving lexical language understanding in neural machine translation

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    Lexical understanding is an inalienable component of the translation process. In order to correctly map the meaning of a linguistic unit to the appropriate target language expression, the meaning of its constituent words has first to be identified and disambiguated, followed by the application of compositional operations. This thesis examines the competency of contemporary neural machine translation (NMT) models on two core aspects of lexical understanding – word sense disambiguation (WSD) and coreference resolution (CoR), both of which are well-established and much-studied natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Certain linguistic properties that are under-specified in a source language (e.g. the grammatical gender of a noun in English) may need to be stated explicitly in the chosen target language (e.g. German). Doing so correctly requires the accurate resolution of the associated ambiguities. While recent modeling advances appear to suggest that both WSD and CoR are largely solved challenges in machine translation, the work conducted within the scope of this thesis demonstrates that this is not yet the case. In particular, we show that NMT systems are prone to relying on surface-level heuristics and data biases to guide their lexical disambiguation decisions, rather than engaging in deep language understanding by correctly recognizing and leveraging contextual disambiguation triggers. As part of our investigation, we introduce a novel methodology for predicting WSD errors a translation model is likely to make and utilize this knowledge to craft adversarial attacks with the aim to elicit disambiguation errors in model translations. Additionally, we create a set of challenging CoR benchmarks that uncover the inability of translation systems to identify referents of pronouns in contexts that presuppose commonsense reasoning, caused by their pathological over-reliance on data biases. At the same time, we develop initial solutions for the identified model deficiencies. As such, we show that fine-tuning on de-biased data and modifying the learning objective of a model can significantly improve disambiguation performance by counteracting the harmful impact of data biases. We furthermore propose a novel extension to the popular transformer architecture that is found to strengthen its WSD capabilities and robustness to adversarial WSD attacks by facilitating the accessibility of lexical features across all layers of the model and increasing the extent to which contextual information is encapsulated with its latent representations. Despite the so effected improvements to WSD and CoR, both tasks remain far from solved, posing a veritable challenge for the current generation of NMT models, as well as for large language models that have risen to prominence within NLP in recent years