611 research outputs found

    Some restrictions on weight enumerators of singly even self-dual codes II

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    In this note, we give some restrictions on the number of vectors of weight d/2+1d/2+1 in the shadow of a singly even self-dual [n,n/2,d][n,n/2,d] code. This eliminates some of the possible weight enumerators of singly even self-dual [n,n/2,d][n,n/2,d] codes for (n,d)=(62,12)(n,d)=(62,12), (72,14)(72,14), (82,16)(82,16), (90,16)(90,16) and (100,18)(100,18).Comment: 16 page

    Results on zeta functions for codes

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    We give a new and short proof of the Mallows-Sloane upper bound for self-dual codes. We formulate a version of Greene's theorem for normalized weight enumerators. We relate normalized rank-generating polynomials to two-variable zeta functions. And we show that a self-dual code has the Clifford property, but that the same property does not hold in general for formally self-dual codes.Comment: 12 page

    Self-Dual Codes

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    Self-dual codes are important because many of the best codes known are of this type and they have a rich mathematical theory. Topics covered in this survey include codes over F_2, F_3, F_4, F_q, Z_4, Z_m, shadow codes, weight enumerators, Gleason-Pierce theorem, invariant theory, Gleason theorems, bounds, mass formulae, enumeration, extremal codes, open problems. There is a comprehensive bibliography.Comment: 136 page

    Construction of quasi-cyclic self-dual codes

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    There is a one-to-one correspondence between β„“\ell-quasi-cyclic codes over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q and linear codes over a ring R=Fq[Y]/(Ymβˆ’1)R = \mathbb F_q[Y]/(Y^m-1). Using this correspondence, we prove that every β„“\ell-quasi-cyclic self-dual code of length mβ„“m\ell over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q can be obtained by the {\it building-up} construction, provided that char (Fq)=2(\mathbb F_q)=2 or q≑1(mod4)q \equiv 1 \pmod 4, mm is a prime pp, and qq is a primitive element of Fp\mathbb F_p. We determine possible weight enumerators of a binary β„“\ell-quasi-cyclic self-dual code of length pβ„“p\ell (with pp a prime) in terms of divisibility by pp. We improve the result of [3] by constructing new binary cubic (i.e., β„“\ell-quasi-cyclic codes of length 3β„“3\ell) optimal self-dual codes of lengths 30,36,42,4830, 36, 42, 48 (Type I), 54 and 66. We also find quasi-cyclic optimal self-dual codes of lengths 40, 50, and 60. When m=5m=5, we obtain a new 8-quasi-cyclic self-dual [40,20,12][40, 20, 12] code over F3\mathbb F_3 and a new 6-quasi-cyclic self-dual [30,15,10][30, 15, 10] code over F4\mathbb F_4. When m=7m=7, we find a new 4-quasi-cyclic self-dual [28,14,9][28, 14, 9] code over F4\mathbb F_4 and a new 6-quasi-cyclic self-dual [42,21,12][42,21,12] code over F4\mathbb F_4.Comment: 25 pages, 2 tables; Finite Fields and Their Applications, 201
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