41,332 research outputs found

    A Resource Based View of the Information Systems Sourcing Mode

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    This paper studies the relationships between the choice of a sourcing mode for information systems, the value of the resources used in systems development activities and the presence of those resources at sufficient level within the firm. The objective is to better understand the factors underlying the decision to keep the development of an information system inside the firm or to entrust it to an outside partner. A sourcing model is proposed using the resource-based theory. Two case studies drawn from a larger study are used to illustrate the concepts used in the research model. Data from these two projects illustrate how the model could be used to predict the sourcing mode retained by the managers for each project, given the availability of the necessary resources and the strategic value of the future system. Cette recherche tente de mesurer le lien entre le mode de gestion d'une activité (gestion interne ou impartition) et la valeur de l'activité d'une part, et la présence des ressources requises dans l'entreprise d'autre part. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre les facteurs sous-jacents à une décision d'internalisation ou d'impartition d'une activité. Deux cas sont présentés. Ces cas traitent de développement de systèmes informatiques. Ils permettent d'illustrer le pouvoir explicatif du modèle. Les données illustrent bien comment le modèle proposé peut être utilisé pour prédire le mode de gestion approprié d'une activité de développement de systèmes informatique.Resource-based theory, software development, outsourcing, management of software development projects, Théorie fondée sur les compétences, développement de logiciels, impartition, gestion de projets de développement de systèmes

    A Resource Based View of the Information Systems Sourcing Mode

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    Cette recherche tente de mesurer le lien entre le mode de gestion d'une activité (gestion interne ou impartition) et la valeur de l'activité d'une part, et la présence des ressources requises dans l'entreprise d'autre part. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre les facteurs sous-jacents à une décision d'internalisation ou d'impartition d'une activité. Deux cas sont présentés. Ces cas traitent de développement de systèmes informatiques. Ils permettent d'illustrer le pouvoir explicatif du modèle. Les données illustrent bien comment le modèle proposé peut être utilisé pour prédire le mode de gestion approprié d'une activité de développement de systèmes informatique.This paper studies the relationships between the choice of a sourcing mode for information systems, the value of the resources used in systems development activities and the presence of those resources at sufficient level within the firm. The objective is to better understand the factors underlying the decision to keep the development of an information system inside the firm or to entrust it to an outside partner. A sourcing model is proposed using the resource-based theory. Two case studies drawn from a larger study are used to illustrate the concepts used in the research model. Data from these two projects illustrate how the model could be used to predict the sourcing mode retained by the managers for each project, given the availability of the necessary resources and the strategic value of the future system

    A Resource-Based Analysis of Outsourcing: Evidence from Case Studies

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    The central role that information technology plays in the management of companies, the massive investments that are required, and a preoccupation for rationalization explain in good part the renewed interest in the strategies used for information systems sourcing. In-house provision is often seen as the best way to provide an organization with IT services that are well adapted to support its business activities while preserving its trademark processes and know-how. On the other hand, critics argue that a better solution is to outsource those IT activities to specialists, thus permitting the company to focus on its core business. The choice of a sourcing mode has an impact on the ability of the firm to implement its systems and ultimately to compete in its field of business. In order to better understand under what conditions a firm should choose one sourcing mode over another, we argue that it is necessary to analyze the interactions between a firm's competencies and the strategic value of those competencies. This is investigated using evidence from 21 information system projects. The0501n findings were that the best predictor of success and failure, by far, is the fit between the governance mode and the position of the project in the value/availability matrix. Another interesting finding is that no sourcing mode per se seems to lead to successful outcomes. It is always a matter of selecting the appropriate mode for each situation. De plus en plus, les technologies de l'information sont au centre des préoccupations des gestionnaires. Elles commandent des investissements massifs et peuvent être gérées de diverses manières. Traditionnellement, une gestion interne était favorisée pour fournir à l'organisation des services sur mesure et pour protéger des pratiques uniques, permettant à l'organisation de se différencier. Les détracteurs de cette approche soutiennent que l'impartition est un meilleur choix. L'impartition permet à la firme de se concentrer sur ses compétences de bases tout en lui donnant accès à des spécialistes de pointe. Pour mieux comprendre le lien entre les compétences de la firme et l'impartition, 21 projets sont étudiés. Les résultats indiquent que le meilleur prédicteur de succès est l'adéquation entre le mode de gestion et le profil de compétences de la firme.Outsourcing of IT, resource-based theory, IT resources, Impartition, approche centrée sur les resources, étude de cas

    A Resource-Based Analysis of IT Oursourcing

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    This paper studies the relationships between the choice of a sourcing mode for information systems, the value of the resources used in systems development activities and the presence of those resources at sufficient level within the firm. The objective is to better understand the factors underlying the decision to keep the development of an information system inside the firm or to entrust it to an outside partner. A sourcing model is proposed using the resource-based theory. A case study is used to illustrate the concepts used in the research model. Data from this case illustrate how the model could be used to predict the appropriate sourcing mode, given the availability of the necessary resources and their strategic value. Ce document étudie les liens entre le choix d'un mode de gestion (interne ou impartition) et la valeur stratégique des ressources utilisées pour la conduite de l'activité évaluée. Les éléments de base de l'approche des ressources sont présentés et un modèle d'approvisionnement est dérivé de cette approche. Un cas est utilisé pour illustrer les concepts.Resource-based theory, software development, outsourcing, management of software development projects, Théorie fondée sur les compétences, développement de logiciels, impartition, gestion de projets de développement de systèmes

    Connected innovation: an international comparative study that identifies mixed modes of innovation

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    This paper offers a new angle on innovation modalities by adopting a recently emerging approach towards identifying innovation typologies via exploratory data analysis techniques with the aim to tease out some underlying latent variables that represent coherent innovation strategies for groups of firms. Mixed modes of innovation include aspects of both user and open innovation, and are employed to inform on such concepts. The modes of innovation are developed by exploring micro-level innovation survey data across 18 countries. The contributions of the paper lie in (a) the identification of five core innovation modes that are found in almost all countries; and (b) examining – via regression analysis – the role of different modes in firm performance

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines

    Contextual factors, knowledge processes and performance in global sourcing of IT services: An investigation in China

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    Copyright @ 2011, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Reuse of this article has been approved by the publisher.In this paper, the authors explore the influences of two major contextual factors—supplier team members’ cultural understanding and trust relationship—on knowledge processes and performance in global sourcing of IT services. The authors discuss a joint investigation conducted by a cross-cultural research team in China. Cultural understanding is measured by individualism with guanxi and mianzi, two Chinese cultural concepts, and trust relationship is measured by adjusting trust, a notion reflecting the uniqueness of the Chinese people. Knowledge processes are characterized by knowledge sharing. Performance is measured by the outcomes of global sourcing, which is represented by product success and personal satisfaction. Data are collected in 13 companies in Xi’an Software Park, with 200 structured questionnaires distributed to knowledge workers. The results of quantitative data analysis indicate that cultural understanding influences trust relationship greatly, as well as knowledge sharing and performance in global sourcing of IT services. Trust relationship significantly impacts knowledge sharing, whereas trust relationship and knowledge sharing have no impact on performance. This study suggests that special aspects of the Chinese context have significant direct impacts on knowledge processes while no direct and immediate impacts on performance in global sourcing of IT services.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Program for Humanity and Social Science Research, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University in China and Brunel University's Research Development Fund

    Знання як фактор конкурентних переваг: перспективи України

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    Introduction. In recent decades, economic growth of the leading world countries have occurred on the basis of information and knowledge embodied in new products, production technologies and management at all stages of production and marketing. Due to the generation and commercialisation of knowledge competitive advantages of individual companies, institutions and national economies, leaders of economic growth are formed and advanced. Considering the current trends in the changing conditions of economic and political space of Ukraine and abroad, which will only intensify fast and efficient reorientation to new markets is relevant for the domestic producers. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role and place of knowledge as an element of intellectual capital of organisations to ensure their competitiveness in light of trends in the global economy; to assess the current position and to outline the problems and perspectives of fast and efficient innovation growth in Ukraine based on knowledge. Results. The role of knowledge in providing competitive advantages of organisations has been outlined. The place of knowledge relevant to intellectual capital of organisations is specified. It has been determined that knowledge as an element of intellectual capital has a dual nature: it can be regarded both as an intellectual resource and as a possibility to implement existing intellectual capital of organisations. The influence of knowledge in the global economy is investigated. Ukraine’s position in the world rankings, which reflects the level of economic development based on intellectual capital and innovation, as well as the status of its competitiveness, has been studied. From these positions, we have specified strengths and weaknesses of the national economy and outlined the prospects of economic growth based on knowledge as an element of intellectual capital.Окреслено роль знань у забезпеченні конкурентних переваг організацій. Уточнено місце знань в інтелектуальному капіталі організації. Визначено, що знання як елемент інтелектуального капіталу, мають дуалістичну природу: їх можна розглядати як інтелектуальний ресурс, а також як можливість реалізації наявного інтелектуального капіталу організації. Досліджено вплив знань на розвиток світової економіки. Досліджено позиції України у світових рейтингах, які відображають рівень економічного розвитку країн на основі інтелектуального капіталу та інновацій, а також стан їхньої конкурентоспроможності. Визначено сильні та слабкі сторони вітчизняної економіки, а також окреслено проблеми та перспективи її зростання на основі знань як елементу інтелектуального капіталу

    Different competences, different modes in the globalization of innovation?. A comparative study of the Pune and Beijing regions

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    Since the seminal work of Archibugi and Michie (1995) on the globalization of innovation, several authors have tried to understand the complex relationship between innovation and internationalization, mainly using firm or sectoral level data. However, most of them tend to focus on just one form of globalization of innovation – exploitation of technology, research collaboration or offshoring of R&D – and often One traditional indicator of innovation, like patents or R&D investments, thus ignoring the complexity of the phenomenon. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the interplay of the micro characteristics of firms, the region in which they are embedded and different forms of globalization of innovation. Our paper is based on three distinct modes of globalization of innovation: global exploitation of innovation, global sourcing of technology and global research collaboration, thus adapting Archibugi and Michie’s taxonomy to a developing country context. We then use this taxonomy to explore empirically the linkages of firm-level competences, the nature of the international activities and the region in which the firms are located: Pune in India and Beijing in China. We use primary data on the two regions to show that the Pune region is specialized in the three types of globalization of innovation, and in particular in the exploitation of innovation more than Beijing. A deeper analysis of the micro characteristics of the firms shows that the three modes of globalization of innovation are associated to different competences. Firms with technological and organizational competences show a higher propensity to develop international linkages, while firms with a high level of educated human resources seems to focus more on the domestic market.globalization; innovation; regions; competences; China; India