2 research outputs found

    Formal verification of the extension of iStar to support Big data projects

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    Identifying all the right requirements is indispensable for the success of anysystem. These requirements need to be engineered with precision in the earlyphases. Principally, late corrections costs are estimated to be more than 200times as much as corrections during requirements engineering (RE). EspeciallyBig data area, it becomes more and more crucial due to its importance andcharacteristics. In fact, and after literature analyzing, we note that currentsRE methods do not support the elicitation of Big data projects requirements. Inthis study, we propose the BiStar novel method as extension of iStar to under-take some Big data characteristics such as (volume, variety ...etc). As a firststep, we identify some missing concepts that currents requirements engineeringmethods do not support. Next, BiStar, an extension of iStar is developed totake into account Big data specifics characteristics while dealing with require-ments. In order to ensure the integrity property of BiStar, formal proofs weremade, we perform a bigraph based description on iStar and BiStar. Finally, anapplication is conducted on iStar and BiStar for the same illustrative scenario.The BiStar shows important results to be more suitable for eliciting Big dataprojects requirements