716 research outputs found

    Many-Sources Large Deviations for Max-Weight Scheduling

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    In this paper, a many-sources large deviations principle (LDP) for the transient workload of a multi-queue single-server system is established where the service rates are chosen from a compact, convex and coordinate-convex rate region and where the service discipline is the max-weight policy. Under the assumption that the arrival processes satisfy a many-sources LDP, this is accomplished by employing Garcia's extended contraction principle that is applicable to quasi-continuous mappings. For the simplex rate-region, an LDP for the stationary workload is also established under the additional requirements that the scheduling policy be work-conserving and that the arrival processes satisfy certain mixing conditions. The LDP results can be used to calculate asymptotic buffer overflow probabilities accounting for the multiplexing gain, when the arrival process is an average of \emph{i.i.d.} processes. The rate function for the stationary workload is expressed in term of the rate functions of the finite-horizon workloads when the arrival processes have \emph{i.i.d.} increments.Comment: 44 page

    Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for GI/GI/1+GI Queues in Heavy Traffic

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    A result of Ward and Glynn (2005) asserts that the sequence of scaled offered waiting time processes of the GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue converges weakly to a reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (ROU) in the positive real line, as the traffic intensity approaches one. As a consequence, the stationary distribution of a ROU process, which is a truncated normal, should approximate the scaled stationary distribution of the offered waiting time in a GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue; however, no such result has been proved. We prove the aforementioned convergence, and the convergence of the moments, in heavy traffic, thus resolving a question left open in Ward and Glynn (2005). In comparison to Kingman's classical result in Kingman (1961) showing that an exponential distribution approximates the scaled stationary offered waiting time distribution in a GI/GI/1GI/GI/1 queue in heavy traffic, our result confirms that the addition of customer abandonment has a non-trivial effect on the queue stationary behavior.Comment: 29 page

    Diffusion models and steady-state approximations for exponentially ergodic Markovian queues

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    Motivated by queues with many servers, we study Brownian steady-state approximations for continuous time Markov chains (CTMCs). Our approximations are based on diffusion models (rather than a diffusion limit) whose steady-state, we prove, approximates that of the Markov chain with notable precision. Strong approximations provide such "limitless" approximations for process dynamics. Our focus here is on steady-state distributions, and the diffusion model that we propose is tractable relative to strong approximations. Within an asymptotic framework, in which a scale parameter nn is taken large, a uniform (in the scale parameter) Lyapunov condition imposed on the sequence of diffusion models guarantees that the gap between the steady-state moments of the diffusion and those of the properly centered and scaled CTMCs shrinks at a rate of n\sqrt{n}. Our proofs build on gradient estimates for solutions of the Poisson equations associated with the (sequence of) diffusion models and on elementary martingale arguments. As a by-product of our analysis, we explore connections between Lyapunov functions for the fluid model, the diffusion model and the CTMC.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AAP984 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Gaussian queues in light and heavy traffic

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    In this paper we investigate Gaussian queues in the light-traffic and in the heavy-traffic regime. The setting considered is that of a centered Gaussian process X{X(t):tR}X\equiv\{X(t):t\in\mathbb R\} with stationary increments and variance function σX2()\sigma^2_X(\cdot), equipped with a deterministic drift c>0c>0, reflected at 0: QX(c)(t)=sup<st(X(t)X(s)c(ts)).Q_X^{(c)}(t)=\sup_{-\infty<s\le t}(X(t)-X(s)-c(t-s)). We study the resulting stationary workload process QX(c){QX(c)(t):t0}Q^{(c)}_X\equiv\{Q_X^{(c)}(t):t\ge0\} in the limiting regimes c0c\to 0 (heavy traffic) and cc\to\infty (light traffic). The primary contribution is that we show for both limiting regimes that, under mild regularity conditions on the variance function, there exists a normalizing function δ(c)\delta(c) such that QX(c)(δ(c))/σX(δ(c))Q^{(c)}_X(\delta(c)\cdot)/\sigma_X(\delta(c)) converges to a non-trivial limit in C[0,)C[0,\infty)

    Load Balancing in the Non-Degenerate Slowdown Regime

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    We analyse Join-the-Shortest-Queue in a contemporary scaling regime known as the Non-Degenerate Slowdown regime. Join-the-Shortest-Queue (JSQ) is a classical load balancing policy for queueing systems with multiple parallel servers. Parallel server queueing systems are regularly analysed and dimensioned by diffusion approximations achieved in the Halfin-Whitt scaling regime. However, when jobs must be dispatched to a server upon arrival, we advocate the Non-Degenerate Slowdown regime (NDS) to compare different load-balancing rules. In this paper we identify novel diffusion approximation and timescale separation that provides insights into the performance of JSQ. We calculate the price of irrevocably dispatching jobs to servers and prove this to within 15% (in the NDS regime) of the rules that may manoeuvre jobs between servers. We also compare ours results for the JSQ policy with the NDS approximations of many modern load balancing policies such as Idle-Queue-First and Power-of-dd-choices policies which act as low information proxies for the JSQ policy. Our analysis leads us to construct new rules that have identical performance to JSQ but require less communication overhead than power-of-2-choices.Comment: Revised journal submission versio