4 research outputs found

    Static analysis of functional languages

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    Static analysis is the name given to a number of compile time analysis techniques used to automatically generate information which can lead to improvements in the execution performance of function languages. This thesis provides an introduction to these techniques and their implementation. The abstract interpretation framework is an example of a technique used to extract information from a program by providing the program with an alternate semantics and evaluating this program over a non-standard domain. The elements of this domain represent certain properties of interest. This framework is examined in detail, as well as various extensions and variants of it. The use of binary logical relations and program logics as alternative formulations of the framework , and partial equivalence relations as an extension to it, are also looked at. The projection analysis framework determines how much of a sub-expression can be evaluated by examining the context in which the expression is to be evaluated, and provides an elegant method for finding particular types of information from data structures. This is also examined. The most costly operation in implementing an analysis is the computation of fixed points. Methods developed to make this process more efficient are looked at. This leads to the final chapter which highlights the dependencies and relationships between the different frameworks and their mathematical disciplines.KMBT_22

    Abstract Interpretation of Polymorphic Higher-Order Functions

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    This thesis describes several abstract interpretations of polymorphic functions. In all the interpretations, information about any instance of a polymorphic function is obtained from that of the smallest, thus avoiding the computation of the instance directly. This is useful in the case of recursive functions, because it avoids the expensive computation of finding fixed points of functionals corresponding to complex instances. We define an explicitly typed polymorphic language with the Hindley-Milner type system to illustrate our ideas, and provide two semantics of polymorphism that relate separate instances of any polymorphic function. The choice of which semantics to use depends on the particular program analysis we want to study. For studying strictness analysis and binding-time analysis, we introduce a semantics based on embedding-closure pairs. We see how the abstract function of the smallest instance of a polymorphic function is used in building an approximation to that of any instance. Furthermore, we extend the language to include lists, and describe both strictness analysis and binding-time analysis of lists. Thus, this work extends previous work by others, on analyses of polymorphic first-order functions and also of monomorphic higher-order functions, to polymorphic higher-order functions. In relating distinct instances of a polymorphic function, the approximate abstract function is expressed as the greatest lower bound of a set of functions. This may not be very cheap to compute. However, there are often ways of obtaining the same result by considering a smaller set of functions. Another issue concerns how close the approximations are to the exact values. In the first-order case, it is shown that the approximate values coincide with the exact values. In general this is not the case, but experimental results on strictness analysis indicate that good approximations are obtained. Embedding-projection pairs are used to provide a semantics that is convenient for termination analysis of polymorphic functions. We show that the abstract interpretation of an instance can be approximated by the least upper bound of a set of functions that are built from that of the smallest

    Projection-Based Program Analysis

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    Projection-based program analysis techniques are remarkable for their ability to give highly detailed and useful information not obtainable by other methods. The first proposed projection-based analysis techniques were those of Wadler and Hughes for strictness analysis, and Launchbury for binding-time analysis; both techniques are restricted to analysis of first-order monomorphic languages. Hughes and Launchbury generalised the strictness analysis technique, and Launchbury the binding-time analysis technique, to handle polymorphic languages, again restricted to first order. Other than a general approach to higher-order analysis suggested by Hughes, and an ad hoc implementation of higher-order binding-time analysis by Mogensen, neither of which had any formal notion of correctness, there has been no successful generalisation to higher-order analysis. We present a complete redevelopment of monomorphic projection-based program analysis from first principles, starting by considering the analysis of functions (rather than programs) to establish bounds on the intrinsic power of projection-based analysis, showing also that projection-based analysis can capture interesting termination properties. The development of program analysis proceeds in two distinct steps: first for first-order, then higher order. Throughout we maintain a rigorous notion of correctness and prove that our techniques satisfy their correctness conditions. Our higher-order strictness analysis technique is able to capture various so-called data-structure-strictness properties such as head strictness-the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate the head of every cons cell in a list for which it evaluates the cons cell. Our technique, and Hunt's PER-based technique (originally proposed at about the same time as ours), are the first techniques of any kind to capture such properties at higher order. Both the first-order and higher-order techniques are the first projection-based techniques to capture joint strictness properties-for example, the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate at least one of several arguments. The first-order binding-time analysis technique is essentially the same as Launchbury's; the higher-order technique is the first such formally-based higher-order generalisation. Ours are the first projection-based termination analysis techniques, and are the first techniques of any kind that are able to detect termination properties such as head termination-the fact that termination of a cons cell implies termination of the head. A notable feature of the development is the method by which the first-order analysis semantics are generalised to higher-order: except for the fixed-point constant the higher-order semantics are all instances of a higher-order semantics parameterised by the constants defining the various first-order semantics