1,334 research outputs found

    Auditing in common computer environments; Auditing procedure study;

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    CPAS/CCM experiences: Perspectives for AI/ES research in accounting

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    Impact of technological events and trends on audit evidence in the year 2000: Phase I

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    Virtual Auditing Agents: The EDGAR Agent Challenge

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    Intelligent agents can be used as agents of organizational change. This potential exists in the domain of accounting audit, where much of what is currently done manually in batch mode could be done continuously and on-line. We discuss the use of intelligent Internet agents as a way of changing and expanding audit practices in the virtual world. A quality/service framework is presented that suggests ways that accounting firms can evolve in this era of on-line opportunities. The EDGAR Agent is presented as an example of an intelligent Internet agent that gathers financial information. The challenges involved in the development of the EDGAR agent are analyzed, providing insight into the practical aspects of agent technology designed for a specific business domain. A test of the agent is presented, with comments and suggestions from financial practitioners that will be integrated into the research stream

    An Expert System Approach to Audit Planning and Evaluation in the Belief-Function Framework

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    This is the author's final draft. The publisher's version is available from:

    Auditing with computers; Auditing procedure study;

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    Computer-assisted audit tools and techniques use: Determinants for individual acceptance

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    During the last fifteen years, several studies on the research topic of Individual Technology Acceptance have been developed, and several new models have been proposed. All these models aim to understand and define determinant contributions for the acceptance of technologies and what the drivers leading to successful adoption are. This dissertation’s main emphasis is to gain an understanding of individual acceptance of Computer-assisted Audit Tools and Techniques (CAATTs) in the context of Portuguese Statutory Auditors. Previous research in other countries, utilizing several and distinct research universes, has informed this work and the definition of the main objectives of the present research. This dissertation has as its main objectives: 1) understanding the tasks in which CAATTs are used; 2) to identify the adoption drivers of CAATTs; 3) to explore the current usage of CAATTs among statutory auditors and 4) to develop a CAATTs adoption model. To reach the objectives two studies were conducted: a qualitative study, supported by interviews to experts, and a quantitative study operationalized by a questionnaire to 110 Portuguese statutory auditors. This latter study was the cornerstone, which allowed testing the CAATTs acceptance model. This dissertation presents significant contributions impacting the various stakeholders: individual Statutory Auditors, Statutory Auditors Firms, The Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors, Software houses and higher education.Nos últimos 15 anos, vários estudos de investigação foram desenvolvidos abordando a temática da aceitação individual de tecnologia, tendo sido apresentados novos modelos. Esses modelos têm como objetivo compreender e identificar os determinantes sobre a aceitação de tecnologias que levem a uma adoção bem-sucedida. A principal ênfase da tese é compreender a aceitação individual de “Tecnologias de Informação para Auditoria”, também designadas, em Português, por “Ferramentas Informáticas de Suporte à Auditoria” ou “Técnicas de Auditoria Assistidas por Computador” (CAATT), no contexto dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas em Portugal. Investigações anteriores realizadas em diferentes países, com distintos universos de investigação, inspiraram este trabalho na definição dos principais objetivos da presente pesquisa. A presente dissertação tem como principais objetivos compreender as tarefas em que as CAATT são utilizadas; identificar os fatores de adoção de CAATT; explorar o atual uso de CAATT entre Revisores Oficiais de Contas e desenvolver um modelo de adoção de CAATT. Para alcançar estes objetivos foram realizados dois estudos: um estudo qualitativo e exploratório, apoiado por entrevistas com peritos, e um estudo quantitativo operacionalizado através de um questionário a 110 Revisores Oficiais de Contas portugueses. Este estudo foi a pedra angular que permitiu testar o modelo de aceitação de CAATT. Esta dissertação apresenta contribuições significativas com impactos para os principais stakeholders: Revisores Oficiais de Contas, empresas, Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas, software houses e instituições de ensino superior

    The impact of the data management approach on information systems auditing

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    In establishing the impact of formal data management practices on systems and systems development auditing in the context of a corporate data base environment; the most significant aspects of a data base environment as well as the concept of data management were researched. It was established that organisations need to introduce a data management function to ensure the availability and integrity of data for the organisation. It was further established that an effective data management function can fulfil a key role in ensuring the integrity of the overall data base and as such it becomes an important general control on which the auditor can rely. The audit of information systems in a data base environment requires a more "holistic" audit approach and as a result the auditor has to expand the scope of the systems audit to include an evaluation of the overall data base environment.AuditingM. Com (Applied Accounting

    Identifying Employer Needs from Accounting Information Systems Programs

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    As the need for new hires with accounting and information technology knowledge increases, a new major in accounting information systems (AIS) has emerged. This new AIS degree is a hybrid of accounting concepts and common business subjects combined with key information technology issues. Employers were presented with 56 core content areas found in the curriculum for the AIS major and asked to rate the importance of each. We present the results of the survey along with company demographics. Conclusions are then drawn to determine if the employers are hiring new employees with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to fill these employment trends