3 research outputs found

    The impact of assistantrobotteacher on improving productive English skillsemphasizing communicative language teaching approach: Researchsynthesis

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    Background and Objectives:The goal of this study was to examine the impact of assistant robot teacher on improving productive English skills emphasizing on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) by research synthesis method. The research was applied one; and considering the the way of implementation, it was synthesis in qualitative part and semi-experimental in quantitative part. Methods: The research population was 150 students in 10th grade of high schools of Ghazvin in 2018-2019 educational year. This part was done based on 6 steps of synthesis research.  The first step was identifying entrance criterions; the type of research was qualitative-quantitative, the geographical domain was all around the world; the year of foreign publications was 2002 and the year for Persian ones was 2015 till now; and the type of document was all theories and approaches of theoretical and review researches published in an authentic book. In second step that was investigating, more than 20 key words were explored by the means of internal and external data bases. The third step was analyzing and the whole text of all books was searched; at the end, 40 books were remained to be tried for the next step. In fourth step that was coding and surveying, the analyzed books were ordered based on the relationship with the research goal. In the fifth step that was evaluation, 14 books were selected for synthesis based on two criterions, quality and relationship. In sixth step that was synthesis, a new model was created and presented.  34 participants were selected by systematic sampling as devoting codes, after implementing diagnostic test and homogenizing the students. The instruments in qualitative part was note taking of related resources, after literature analysis; extracted elements as learning tasks in lesson plan form in relation with productive skills based on 10th book were carried out at 8 sessions. The method in quantitative part was semi-experimental with experimental and control groups. The materials in quantitative part were English tests for assessing productive skills. In quantitative part, lesson plans were taught, one class using robot assistant teacher and the other without using it by holding up pre-test and post-test. For data analysis in quantitative part, independent-samples T test and MANCOVA were used. Findings: The qualitative findings included extracting the elements of CLT in teaching English. The quantitative findings showed that the mean of squares are the same for speaking and writing skills of 10th grade high school students in pre-test for both control and experimental groups, but being different in post-test for both. Conclusion: The results of research in qualitative part leaded to designing Communicative Language Teaching model including 3 main elements of interactional, tools and human ones, and 7 sub-elements including division of labor and object for interactional element, rules and mediating artifacts for tools element and subject and community for human element. The results  of quantitative part showed that using assistant robot teacher in teaching English improves productive skills including speaking and writing ones as it is an important step for implementing foreign language teaching approach, which is CLT mentioned and emphasized in the national curriculum being so affective in learning English productive skills.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2020 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    Mutual reinforcement learning to improve robots as trainers

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    Recently, collaborative robots have begun to train humans to achieve complex tasks, and the mutual information exchange between them can lead to successful robot-human collaborations. In this thesis we demonstrate the application and effectiveness of a new approach called mutual reinforcement learning (MRL), where both humans and autonomous agents act as reinforcement learners in a skill transfer scenario over continuous communication and feedback. An autonomous agent initially acts as an instructor who can teach a novice human participant complex skills using the MRL strategy. While teaching skills in a physical (block-building) or simulated (Tetris) environment , the expert tries to identify appropriate reward channels preferred by each individual and adapts itself accordingly using an exploration-exploitation strategy. These reward channel preferences can identify important behaviors of the human participants, because they may well exercise the same behaviors in similar situations later. In this way, skill transfer takes place between an expert system and a novice human operator. We divided the subject population into three groups and observed the skill transfer phenomenon, analyzing it with Simpson' s psychometric model. 5-point Likert scales were also used to identify the cognitive models of the human participants. We obtained a shared cognitive model which not only improves human cognition but enhances the robots cognitive strategy to understand the mental model of its human partners while building a successful robot-human collaborative framework