4 research outputs found

    A Recommender System of Buggy App Checkers for App Store Moderators

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    International audienceThe popularity of smartphones is leading to an ever growing number of mobile apps that are published in official app stores. However, users might experience bugs and crashes for some of these apps. In this paper, we perform an empirical study of the official Google Play Store to automatically mine for such error-suspicious apps. We use the knowledge inferred from this analysis to build a recommender system of buggy app checkers. More specifically, we analyze the permissions and the user reviews of 46,644 apps to identify potential correlations between error-sensitive permissions and error-related reviews along time. This study reveals error-sensitive permissions and patterns that potentially induce the errors reported online by users. As a result, our systems give app store moderators efficient static checkers to predict buggy apps before they harm the reputation of the app store as a whole

    SeMA: A Design Methodology for Building Secure Android Apps

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    UX (user experience) designers visually capture the UX of an app via storyboards. This method is also used in Android app development to conceptualize and design apps. Recently, security has become an integral part of Android app UX because mobile apps are used to perform critical activities such as banking, communication, and health. Therefore, securing user information is imperative in mobile apps. In this context, storyboarding tools offer limited capabilities to capture and reason about security requirements of an app. Consequently, security cannot be baked into the app at design time. Hence, vulnerabilities stemming from design flaws can often occur in apps. To address this concern, in this paper, we propose a storyboard based design methodology to enable the specification and verification of security properties of an Android app at design time.Comment: Updates based on AMobile 2019 review


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    Research on mining user reviews in mobile application (app) stores has noticeably advanced in the past few years. The main objective is to extract useful information that app developers can use to build more sustainable apps. In general, existing research on app store mining can be classified into three genres: classification of user feedback into different types of software maintenance requests (e.g., bug reports and feature requests), building practical tools that are readily available for developers to use, and proposing visions for enhanced mobile app stores that integrate multiple sources of user feedback to ensure app survivability. Despite these major advances, existing tools and techniques still suffer from several drawbacks. Specifically, the majority of techniques rely on the textual content of user reviews for classification. However, due to the inherently diverse and unstructured nature of user-generated online textual reviews, text-based review mining techniques often produce excessively complicated models that are prone to over-fitting. Furthermore, the majority of proposed techniques focus on extracting and classifying the functional requirements in mobile app reviews, providing a little or no support for extracting and synthesizing the non-functional requirements (NFRs) raised in user feedback (e.g., security, reliability, and usability). In terms of tool support, existing tools are still far from being adequate for practical applications. In general, there is a lack of off-the-shelf tools that can be used by researchers and practitioners to accurately mine user reviews. Motivated by these observations, in this dissertation, we explore several research directions aimed at addressing the current issues and shortcomings in app store review mining research. In particular, we introduce a novel semantically aware approach for mining and classifying functional requirements from app store reviews. This approach reduces the dimensionality of the data and enhances the predictive capabilities of the classifier. We then present a two-phase study aimed at automatically capturing the NFRs in user reviews. We also introduce MARC, a tool that enables developers to extract, classify, and summarize user reviews

    Detection of spam review on mobile app stores, evaluation of helpfulness of user reviews and extraction of quality aspects using machine learning techniques

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    As mobile devices have overtaken fixed Internet access, mobile applications and distribution platforms have gained in importance. App stores enable users to search and purchase mobile applications and then to give feedback in the form of reviews and ratings. A review might contain critical information about user experience, feature requests and bug reports. User reviews are valuable not only to developers and software organizations interested in learning the opinion of their customers but also to prospective users who would like to find out what others think about an app. Even though some surveys have inventoried techniques and methods in opinion mining and sentiment analysis, no systematic literature review (SLR) study had yet reported on mobile app store opinion mining and spam review detection problems. Mining opinions from app store reviews requires pre-processing at the text and content levels, including filtering-out nonopinionated content and evaluating trustworthiness and genuineness of the reviews. In addition, the relevance of the extracted features are not cross-validated with main software engineering concepts. This research project first conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) on the evaluation of mobile app store opinion mining studies. Next, to fill the identified gaps in the literature, we used a novel convolutional neural network to learn document representation for deceptive spam review detection by characterizing an app store review dataset which includes truthful and spam reviews for the first time in the literature. Our experiments reported that our neural network based method achieved 82.5% accuracy, while a baseline Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification model reached only 70% accuracy despite leveraging various feature combinations. We next compared four classification models to assess app store user review helpfulness and proposed a predictive model which makes use of review meta-data along with structural and lexical features for helpfulness prediction. In the last part of this research study, we constructed an annotated app store review dataset for the aspect extraction task, based on ISO 25010 - Systems and software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation standard and two deep neural network models: Bi-directional Long-Short Term Memory and Conditional Random Field (Bi-LSTM+CRF) and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Field (CNN+CRF) for aspect extraction from app store user reviews. Both models achieved nearly 80% F1 score (the weighted average of precision and recall which takes both false positives and false negatives into account) in exact aspect matching and 86% F1 score in partial aspect matching