3 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of climate conditions on the distribution of mosquito species in Qatar

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    Qatar is a peninsular country with predominantly hot and humid weather, with 88% of the total population being immigrants. As such, it leaves the country liable to the introduction and dissemination of vector-borne diseases, in part due to the presence of native arthropod vectors. Qatar's weather is expected to become warmer with the changing climatic conditions across the globe. Environmental factors such as humidity and temperature contribute to the breeding and distribution of different types of mosquito species in a given region. If proper and timely precautions are not taken, a high rate of particular mosquito species can result in the transmission of various vector-borne diseases. In this study, we analyzed the environmental impact on the probability of occurrence of different mosquito species collected from several different sites in Qatar. The Naive Bayes model was used to calculate the posterior probability for various mosquito species. Further, the resulting Naive Bayes predictions were used to define the favorable environmental circumstances for identified mosquito species. The findings of this study will help in the planning and implementation of an active surveillance system and preventive measures to curb the spread of mosquitoes in Qatar

    A novel dissolved oxygen prediction model based on enhanced semi-naive Bayes for ocean ranches in northeast China

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    A challenge of achieving intelligent marine ranching is the prediction of dissolved oxygen (DO). DO directly reflects marine ranching environmental conditions. Through accurate DO predictions, timely human intervention can be made in marine pasture water environments to avoid problems such as reduced yields or marine crop death due to low oxygen concentrations in the water. We use an enhanced semi-naive Bayes model for prediction based on an analysis of DO data from marine pastures in northeastern China from the past three years. Based on the semi-naive Bayes model, this paper takes the possible values of a DO difference series as categories, counts the possible values of the first-order difference series and the difference series of the interval before each possible value, and selects the most probable difference series value at the next moment. The prediction accuracy is optimized by adjusting the attribute length and frequency threshold of the difference sequence. The enhanced semi-naive Bayes model is compared with LSTM, RBF, SVR and other models, and the error function and Willmott’s index of agreement are used to evaluate the prediction accuracy. The experimental results show that the proposed model has high prediction accuracy for DO attributes in marine pastures

    Addressing High False Positive Rates of DDoS Attack Detection Methods

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack detection methods based on the clustering method are ineffective in detecting attacks correctly. Service interruptions caused by DDoS attacks impose concerns for IT leaders and their organizations, leading to financial damages. Grounded in the cross industry standard process for data mining framework, the purpose of this ex post facto study was to examine whether adding the filter and wrapper methods prior to the clustering method is effective in terms of lowering false positive rates of DDoS attack detection methods. The population of this study was 225,745 network traffic data records of the CICIDS2017 network traffic dataset. The 10-fold cross validation method was applied to identify effective DDoS attack detection methods. The results of the 10-fold cross validation method showed that in some instances, addition of the filter and wrapper methods prior to the clustering method was effective in terms of lowering false positive rates of DDoS attack detection methods; in some instances, it was not. A recommendation to IT leaders is to deploy the effective DDoS attack detection method that produced the lowest false positive rate of 0.013 in detecting attacks outside of demilitarized zones to identify attacks directly from the Internet. Implications for positive social change is potentially in enabling organizations to protect their systems and provide uninterrupted services to their communities with reduced financial damages