2 research outputs found

    Emotion Recognition for Affective Computing: Computer Vision and Machine Learning Approach

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    The purpose of affective computing is to develop reliable and intelligent models that computers can use to interact more naturally with humans. The critical requirements for such models are that they enable computers to recognise, understand and interpret the emotional states expressed by humans. The emotion recognition has been a research topic of interest for decades, not only in relation to developments in the affective computing field but also due to its other potential applications. A particularly challenging problem that has emerged from this body of work, however, is the task of recognising facial expressions and emotions from still images or videos in real-time. This thesis aimed to solve this challenging problem by developing new techniques involving computer vision, machine learning and different levels of information fusion. Firstly, an efficient and effective algorithm was developed to improve the performance of the Viola-Jones algorithm. The proposed method achieved significantly higher detection accuracy (95%) than the standard Viola-Jones method (90%) in face detection from thermal images, while also doubling the detection speed. Secondly, an automatic subsystem for detecting eyeglasses, Shallow-GlassNet, was proposed to address the facial occlusion problem by designing a shallow convolutional neural network capable of detecting eyeglasses rapidly and accurately. Thirdly, a novel neural network model for decision fusion was proposed in order to make use of multiple classifier systems, which can increase the classification accuracy by up to 10%. Finally, a high-speed approach to emotion recognition from videos, called One-Shot Only (OSO), was developed based on a novel spatio-temporal data fusion method for representing video frames. The OSO method tackled video classification as a single image classification problem, which not only made it extremely fast but also reduced the overfitting problem

    Automatic System to Detect Both Distraction and Drowsiness in Drivers Using Robust Visual Features

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    [ES] De acuerdo con un reciente estudio publicado por la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS), se estima que 1.25 millones de personas mueren como resultado de accidentes de tr谩fico. De todos ellos, muchos son provocados por lo que se conoce como inatenci贸n, cuyos principales factores contribuyentes son tanto la distracci贸n como la somnolencia. En l铆neas generales, se calcula que la inatenci贸n ocasiona entre el 25% y el 75% de los accidentes y casi-accidentes. A causa de estas cifras y sus consecuencias se ha convertido en un campo ampliamente estudiado por la comunidad investigadora, donde diferentes estudios y soluciones han sido propuestos, pudiendo destacar los m茅todos basados en visi贸n por computador como uno de los m谩s prometedores para la detecci贸n robusta de estos eventos de inatenci贸n. El objetivo del presente art铆culo es el de proponer, construir y validar una arquitectura especialmente dise帽ada para operar en entornos vehiculares basada en el an谩lisis de caracter铆sticas visuales mediante el empleo de t茅cnicas de visi贸n por computador y aprendizaje autom谩tico para la detecci贸n tanto de la distracci贸n como de la somnolencia en los conductores. El sistema se ha validado, en primer lugar, con bases de datos de referencia testeando los diferentes m贸dulos que la componen. En concreto, se detecta la presencia o ausencia del conductor con una precisi贸n del 100%, 90.56%, 88.96% por medio de un marcador ubicado en el reposacabezas del conductor, por medio del operador LBP, o por medio del operador CS-LBP, respectivamente. En lo que respecta a la validaci贸n mediante la base de datos CEW para la detecci贸n del estado de los ojos, se obtiene una precisi贸n de 93.39% y de 91.84% utilizando una nueva aproximaci贸n basada en LBP (LBP_RO) y otra basada en el operador CS-LBP (CS-LBP_RO). Tras la realizaci贸n de varios experimentos para ubicar la c谩mara en el lugar m谩s adecuado, se posicion贸 la misma en el salpicadero, pudiendo aumentar la precisi贸n en la detecci贸n de la regi贸n facial de un 86.88% a un 96.46%. Las pruebas en entornos reales se realizaron durante varios d铆as recogiendo condiciones lum铆nicas muy diferentes durante las horas diurnas involucrando a 16 conductores, los cuales realizaron diversas actividades para reproducir s铆ntomas de distracci贸n y somnolencia. Dependiendo del tipo de actividad y su duraci贸n, se obtuvieron diferentes resultados. De manera general y considerando de forma conjunta todas las actividades se obtiene una tasa media de detecci贸n del 93.11%.[EN] According to the most recent studies published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2013, it is estimated that 1.25 million people die as a result of traffic crashes. Many of them are caused by what it is known as inattention, whose main contributing factors are both distraction and drowsiness. Overall, it is estimated that inattention causes between 25% and 75% of the crashes and near-crashes. That is why this is a thoroughly studied field by the research community, where solutions to combat distraction and drowsiness, in particular, and inattention, in general, can be classified into three main categories, and, where computer vision has clearly become a non-obtrusive effective tool for the detection of both distraction and drowsiness. The aim of this paper is to propose, build and validate an architecture based on the analysis of visual characteristics by using computer vision techniques and machine learning to detect both distraction and drowsiness in drivers. Firstly, the modules have been tested with all its components independently using several datasets. More specifically, the presence/absence of the driver is detected with an accuracy of 100%, 90.56%, 88.96% by using a marker positioned onto the headrest, the LBP operator and the CS-LBP operator, respectively. Regarding the eye closeness validation with CEW dataset, an accuracy of 93.39% and 91.84% is obtained using a new method using both LBP (LBP_RO) and CS-LBP (CS-LBP_RO). After performing several tests, the camera is positioned on the dashboard, increasing the accuracy of face detection from 86.88% to 96.46%. In connection with the tests performed in real-world settings, 16 drivers were involved performing several activities imitating different sings of sleepiness and distraction. Overall, an accuracy of 93.11%is obtained considering all activities and all drivers.El origen de las actividades del presente trabajo ha sido realizado parcialmente gracias al apoyo tanto de la Fundaci贸n para el fomento en Asturias de la investigaci贸n cient铆fica aplicada y la tecnolog铆a (FICYT) y de la empresa SINERCO SL, por medio de la ejecuci贸n del proyecto "Creaci贸n de algoritmos de visi贸n artificial ", con referencia IE09-511.El presente trabajo se engloba en la tesis doctoral de Alberto Fern谩ndez Vill谩n.Fern谩ndez Vill谩n, A.; Usamentiaga Fern谩ndez, R.; Casado Tejedor, R. (2017). Sistema Autom谩tico Para la Detecci贸n de Distracci贸n y Somnolencia en Conductores por Medio de Caracter铆sticas Visuales Robustas. 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