22,889 research outputs found

    Multimodal emotion recognition based on the fusion of vision, EEG, ECG, and EMG signals

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    This paper presents a novel approach for emotion recognition (ER) based on Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG), Electrocardiogram (ECG), and computer vision. The proposed system includes two different models for physiological signals and facial expressions deployed in a real-time embedded system. A custom dataset for EEG, ECG, EMG, and facial expression was collected from 10 participants using an Affective Video Response System. Time, frequency, and wavelet domain-specific features were extracted and optimized, based on their Visualizations from Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Local Ternary Patterns (LTP), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Gabor descriptors were used for differentiating facial emotions. Classification models, namely decision tree, random forest, and optimized variants thereof, were trained using these features. The optimized Random Forest model achieved an accuracy of 84%, while the optimized Decision Tree achieved 76% for the physiological signal-based model. The facial emotion recognition (FER) model attained an accuracy of 84.6%, 74.3%, 67%, and 64.5% using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest, Decision Tree, and XGBoost, respectively. Performance metrics, including Area Under Curve (AUC), F1 score, and Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC), were computed to evaluate the models. The outcome of both results, i.e., the fusion of bio-signals and facial emotion analysis, is given to a voting classifier to get the final emotion. A comprehensive report is generated using the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) language model based on the resultant emotion, achieving an accuracy of 87.5%. The model was implemented and deployed on a Jetson Nano. The results show its relevance to ER. It has applications in enhancing prosthetic systems and other medical fields such as psychological therapy, rehabilitation, assisting individuals with neurological disorders, mental health monitoring, and biometric security

    Efficient smile detection by Extreme Learning Machine

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    Smile detection is a specialized task in facial expression analysis with applications such as photo selection, user experience analysis, and patient monitoring. As one of the most important and informative expressions, smile conveys the underlying emotion status such as joy, happiness, and satisfaction. In this paper, an efficient smile detection approach is proposed based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). The faces are first detected and a holistic flow-based face registration is applied which does not need any manual labeling or key point detection. Then ELM is used to train the classifier. The proposed smile detector is tested with different feature descriptors on publicly available databases including real-world face images. The comparisons against benchmark classifiers including Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) suggest that the proposed ELM based smile detector in general performs better and is very efficient. Compared to state-of-the-art smile detector, the proposed method achieves competitive results without preprocessing and manual registration

    Objective Classes for Micro-Facial Expression Recognition

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    Micro-expressions are brief spontaneous facial expressions that appear on a face when a person conceals an emotion, making them different to normal facial expressions in subtlety and duration. Currently, emotion classes within the CASME II dataset are based on Action Units and self-reports, creating conflicts during machine learning training. We will show that classifying expressions using Action Units, instead of predicted emotion, removes the potential bias of human reporting. The proposed classes are tested using LBP-TOP, HOOF and HOG 3D feature descriptors. The experiments are evaluated on two benchmark FACS coded datasets: CASME II and SAMM. The best result achieves 86.35\% accuracy when classifying the proposed 5 classes on CASME II using HOG 3D, outperforming the result of the state-of-the-art 5-class emotional-based classification in CASME II. Results indicate that classification based on Action Units provides an objective method to improve micro-expression recognition.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures and 5 tables. This paper will be submitted for journal revie
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