255,333 research outputs found

    Developing a meta-model for early-stage overheating risk assessment for new apartments in London

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    The study presents a proposed approach towards developing the core engine for a simplified Rapid Overheating ASSessment Tool (ROASST), which is intended to help assist early-stage analysis of the risks of indoor overheating for apartments located in Greater London. Using a discrete number of plan forms selected from case studies, a virtual risk database was populated with the results of a large number of parametric dynamic thermal simulations based on the EnergyPlus calculation engine and including aspects such as location within Greater London, orientation, fenestration size and natural ventilation, which are associated with known overheating risk factors. Alternative statistical meta-models were developed with both explanatory and predictive purposes, correlating the simulation input with the overheating risk predictions expressed according to multiple metrics. Results from multiple linear regression analysis show that while all factors considered are relevant towards determining the propensity to overheating, window opening and natural ventilation capacity are by far the strongest predictors among those considered. The implementation of machine learning algorithms is shown to improve the accuracy of the meta-model, producing very high coefficients of determination (R2) and lower prediction errors (RMSE). The development of a meta-model demonstrates the ability of returning accurate predictions with limited input, albeit with significant limitations. Possibilities of further improvements to the tool are briefly outlined, including the coupling with a User Interface for applicability in a design environment for early-stage design advice

    Adoption of dynamic simulation for an energy performance rating tool for Korean residential buildings : EDEM-SAMSUNG

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    Currently, there is a high emphasis on reducing the energy consumption and carbon emissions of buildings worldwide. Korea is facing an emerging issue of energy savings in buildings in perspective of new green economic policy. In this context, various policy measures including the energy efficiency ratings for buildings are being implemented for domestic and non-domestic buildings. In practice, design teams tend to prefer easy to use assessment tools to optimise energy performance and carbon ratings while they are concerned about calculation accuracy and the accurate representation of the dynamics involved associated with the characteristics of Korean residential buildings. This paper presents an assessment tool, named ‘EDEM-Samsung’ that aims to address these challenges for Korean residential apartments, which often encounter complex design issues. EDEM-Samsung is a tool that enables users to make rapid decisions identifying the effect of design parameter changes on energy and carbon ratings with an effective user interface and without compromising accuracy. This paper describes the architecture and functionalities of the tool, and the advantages offered to Korean designers

    FESTivE: an information system method to improve product designers and environmental experts information exchanges

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    Effective collaboration between product designers and environmental experts is an important driver for the ecodesign practice in industry. This paper investigates the principal functions required for such an e ective collaboration and aims at facilitating them. Product designers should be able to integrate the environmental parameters into their activities, and to exchange information dynamically with the environmental expert whenever needed during the design process. Therefore, the IT system should be in itself dynamic and exible to the integration of new concepts (knowledge, software). Recent developments in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) are showing some interesting results to gain exibility and dynamism in the IT system. Combining software interoperability using model federation based on MDE with the speci city of ecodesign practice in industry this paper proposes the FESTivE method for Federate EcodeSign Tool modEls. Experimented in two different industrial contexts the practical feasibility of FESTivE has been validated with practitioners. Results on the e ects of using FESTivE in industry shows that product designers and environmental experts are more equipped to anticipate and to respond to each other's needs at each stage of the design process of product or service

    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    Metamodeling in EIA/CDIF - Meta-Metamodel and Metamodels

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    This article introduces the EIA/CDIF set of standards for the modeling of information systems and its exchange among computer-aided software tools of different vendors. It lays out the meta-metamodel and the standardized metamodels which are fully depicted in a hierarchical layout and annotated with the unique identifiers of all the standardized modeling concepts. The article also stresses the fact that EIA/CDIF has been used as the baseline in the creation of an international standard, the ISO/CDIF set of models, an ongoing project
