11 research outputs found

    Radio Frequency Identification Based System Design For Logistics Application

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    Recently,RFID has been the focal point of technology in automatic information transfer mechanism to enhance product visibility throughout supply chain.In logistics and manufacturing,it is of utmost important to optimize utilization and control of material flow.This paper outlines the design approach for application of RFID technology in supply chain with focus on logistics process such as distribution,storage and delivery.The automatic device tracking system via RFID technology outlined in this paper is to be implemented in an actual manufacturing plant.The primary objective is to extend the benefits of RFID deployment in actual industrial application for cost reduction and improved efficiency. Conclusions and potential future advances are presented at the end of this paper

    Radio Frequency Identification Based System Design for Logistics Application

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    Recently, RFID has been the focal point of technology in automatic information transfer mechanism to enhance product visibility throughout supply chain. In logistics and manufacturing, it is of utmost important to optimize utilization and control of material flow. This paper outlines the design approach for application of RFID technology in supply chain with focus on logistics process such as distribution, storage and delivery. The automatic device tracking system via RFID technology outlined in this paper is to be implemented in an actual manufacturing plant. The primary objective is to extend the benefits of RFID deployment in actual industrial application for cost reduction and improved efficiency. Conclusions and potential future advances are presented at the end of this paper

    The Impact of Extended Warehouse Management System Implementation on Warehouse Operational Performance: A Case Study of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry

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    Warehouses operating in the Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry are affected by the supply chain disruptions. Therefore, it is critical to develop faster and effective mechanisms of managing warehouse operational performance. In this regard, this paper aims to evaluate the impact of Extended Warehouse Management System (EWMS) implementation on warehouse operational performance. It intended to achieve two objectives: to examine the advanced features of EWMS and the impact of EWMS implementation on warehouse operational performance. The case study method gathered operational quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources, ensuring data richness. Descriptive statistics and mean comparison tests through hypothesis testing were used as quantitative data analysis techniques, using the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 statistical analysis software package. The Framework Approach was used to analyse qualitative data. By mapping Process Flowcharts before and after the implementation, the improvements and drawbacks were identified with their root causes. Advanced features of EWMSs are presented by reviewing the literature. The study's findings reveal that implementation of EWMS increases the throughput, average receiving rate, average allocation and picking rate, average loading rate, average last truck dispatch time, and average on-time delivery. The scope of the research is limited to evaluating the EWMS implementation impact on warehouse operational performance in a selected FMCG warehouse. Future researchers can focus on the effects of EWMS on supply chain capability enhancements and the strategic performance of supply chain partners. The in-depth analysis of performance improvements in the extent of the throughput, average receiving rate, average allocation and picking rate, average loading rate, average last truck dispatch time, and average on-time delivery signals warehouse managers in decision making on effective utilisation EWMS implementation. This paper is among the very few evaluating Extended WMS, specifically, empirical investigation of the impact of EWMS system implementation on FMCG warehouse operational performance. Keywords: Extended Warehouse Management Systems, Advance Features, FMCG Warehouses, Warehouse Operational Performanc

    Design of Warehouse Management System in a Particular Company with the Use of Automatic Identification Technology

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    Diplomová práce, Návrh řízeného skladu v konkrétním podniku s využitím technologie automatické identifikace, se zabývá systémem řízení skladu, a komunikací mezi informačním systémem SAP a mobilními terminály tak, aby byla zajištěna podpora skladových procesů řízeného skladu s využitím technologie automatické identifikace. Práce obsahuje popis řízeného skladu, jeho skladových procesů, moderních technologií, nástrojů a metod používaných ve skladech. Dále stručně popisuje systém SAP, jeho moduly a podporu, kterou poskytuje skladovému hospodářství. Hlavním přínosem práce je vývoj metod volaných terminálovou aplikací, analýza původního způsobu řízení skladu zákazníka, popis návrhu nového řešení a zhodnocení jeho přínosu.The diploma thesis, Design of Warehouse Management System in a Particular Company with the Use of Automatic Identification Technology, deals with Warehouse Management System, and communication between SAP information system and mobile terminals, in order to ensure the support of warehouse processes in managed warehouse with usage of automatic identification technology. This thesis contains description of warehouse management and warehouse operations, modern technologies, tools and methods used in warehouses. It, as well, briefly describes information system SAP, its modules and support, which provides to warehouse management. The main contribution of this work is the development of methods remotely called by terminal application, analysis of the original way of managing the customer's warehouse, design of a new solution and evaluation of its benefits

    Smart warehouses: Rationale, challenges and solution directions

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    Smart warehouses aim to increase the overall service quality, productivity, and efficiency of the warehouse while minimizing costs and failures. In recent years, several studies have proposed and discussed different types of smart warehouses, identified key challenges, and proposed several solution directions for coping with these challenges. The objective of this article is to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the relevant studies discussing the design of smart warehouses and the transition to these new types of warehouses. We applied a systematic literature review (SLR) protocol to select primary studies. The SLR resulted in the identification of the domains in which smart warehouses are applied, key motivations for adopting smart warehouses, current distinctive characteristics of smart warehouses, currently adopted technologies for realizing smart warehouses, and challenges and strategies for transitioning to smart warehouses. To the best of our knowledge, no SLR paper has been published yet on smart warehouses, and therefore, this is timely research as organizations are nowadays transitioning to smart warehouses. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Scopus2-s2.0-8512179279

    Разработка комплексной системы управления складом для интернет-магазинов

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    В результате исследовательской работы была спроектирована и разработана комплексная система управления складом для интернет-магазинов. Система позволяет интегрировано вести учет и визуализировать расположение продукции на складе, регистрировать расходы, управлять ресурсами и отображать финансовую статистику бюджета компании.As a result of the research work, a comprehensive warehouse management system for online shopping stores was designed and developed. The system allows integrated accounting and visualization of the location of products in the warehouse, recording expenses, managing resources and displaying financial statistics of the company's budget

    Разработка комплексной системы управления складом для интернет-магазинов

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    В результате исследовательской работы была спроектирована и разработана комплексная система управления складом для интернет-магазинов. Система позволяет интегрировано вести учет и визуализировать расположение продукции на складе, регистрировать расходы, управлять ресурсами и отображать финансовую статистику бюджета компании.As a result of the research work, a comprehensive warehouse management system for online shopping stores was designed and developed. The system allows integrated accounting and visualization of the location of products in the warehouse, recording expenses, managing resources and displaying financial statistics of the company's budget

    Automatización del control de inventario mediante redes de sensores

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    El propósito del presente proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación de control de inventario. Este sistema se compone de una red de nodos de sensores (Waspmote) conectados en modo infraestructura contra un punto de acceso de red WLAN. El back-end es una aplicación web ejecutándose sobre el contenedor de servlets Apache Tomcat. Waspmote es un dispositivo ampliamente configurable mediante distintos tipos de módulos y sensores. La configuración hardware que se ha utilizado en los nodos Waspmote está conformada a por un módulo WiFi, como dispositivo de comunicación de datos, y un módulo RFID, para la lectura de las tarjetas de los elementos a inventariar, ambos conectados a la placa madre del dispositivo Waspmote. Los nodos se encuentran sincronizados con el servidor del sistema utilizando el protocolo NTP. Para la transmisión hacia el servidor de los datos leídos haciendo uso del módulo RFID, los dispositivos Waspmote se valen del protocolo web HTTP 1.0. Cuando se produce algún error en la transmisión de los datos, los nodos disponen de una tarjeta SD que es utilizada para almacenar y guardar las cadenas HTTP que iban a ser enviadas al servidor. Desde el punto de vista de los usuarios administradores, la aplicación de control de inventario actúa como una interfaz web para los datos de la lógica del sistema. Esta interfaz cuenta con diferentes roles de acceso que proporcionan a los administradores diferentes capacidades de actuación sobre el sistema. La solución utiliza también una aplicación DNS y un servidor SMTP que complementan las funcionalidades del sistema de control de inventario.The aim of this project is the development of an inventory control application. This system consists of a network of nodes connected in infrastructure mode against a WLAN access point device. The back-end is a Web application running on the servlet container Apache Tomcat. Waspmote is a highly configurable device that allows using different types of modules and sensors. The hardware configuration used in the Waspmote node is formed by a WiFi module as communication device, and a RFID module for reading the items to inventory, both connected to the motherboard of the Waspmote device. These nodes are synchronized with the system server using the NTP protocol. To transmit the data read using RFID module to the server, the Waspmote devices use the web protocol HTTP 1.0. When an error occurs in the transmission of the data, the nodes have an SD card that is used to store and save the HTTP chains that were going to be sent to the server. From the point of view of the administrator users, the inventory control application acts as a web interface for the system logic data. This interface has different access roles that grant to the administrators different capacities for action on the system. The solution also has installed a DNS application and a SMTP server which complement the functionality of the inventory control system simulating a real business environment.Ingeniería Técnica en Telemátic

    Sistema de Localizações para mapear o Armazenamento de produtos em Armazém Manual

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    A presente dissertação, cuja parte empírica teve lugar na empresa Abílio Rodrigues Peixoto & Filhos, S.A., descreve todo o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da otimização da gestão de armazenamento e de stocks no centro logístico da empresa. A problemática alvo de intervenção foi a resolução de uma das maiores dificuldades existentes no contexto, o elevado tempo improdutivo dedicado à procura de material em armazém, que comprometia o padrão de qualidade desejado pela empresa. A solução encontrada passou pelo desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema de localizações em armazém manual, com recurso a uma aplicação informática, tendo-se conseguido reduzir o tempo improdutivo em 93% a 100%. Este processo levou a uma clara otimização da operação de picking, melhorando-se a capacidade de preparação em 63%. Além disso, o sistema apresenta outras vantagens como a maior exatidão e rastreabilidade de stock no armazém manual, a standardização das operações logísticas e a promoção do conceito de armazém sustentável. A eficiência da aplicação informática foi comprovada através de vários Key Performance Indicators, analisados antes e depois da implementação. Em paralelo foram também estudadas várias situações problemáticas no mesmo âmbito, tendo sido desenvolvidas estratégias que contribuíram para melhorar outros processos logísticos. De todo o trabalho desenvolvido obteve-se um feedback positivo por parte da empresa e dos seus colaboradores de armazém, tendo sido possível cumprir todos os objetivos propostos inicialmente.The present dissertation, whose empirical part took place in the company Abílio Rodrigues Peixoto & Filhos, S.A., describes all the work developed in the scope of the optimization of storage and stock management in the logistics center of the company. The main problem was the resolution of one of the greatest difficulties in the context, the high unproductive time devoted to searching for products in the warehouse, which compromised the quality standard desired by the company. The proposed solution was the development and implementation of localization system in manual warehouse, using a computer application, which led to a reduction of unproductive time by 93% to 100%. This process led to a clear optimization of the picking operation, improving the preparation capacity by 63%. In addition, the system has other advantages such as greater accuracy and traceability of stock in the manual warehouse, standardization of logistics operations and promotion of the concept of sustainable warehouse. The efficiency of the computer application was proven through several Key Performance Indicators, analysed before and after implementation. Simultaneously, several problematic situations were also studied in the same scope, and strategies were developed, contributing to the improvement of other logistics processes. From all the work developed, there was positive feedback from the company and the warehouse workers, and it was possible to fulfill all the objectives initially proposed