886 research outputs found

    Key distribution in PKC through Quantas

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    Cryptography literally means "The art & science of secret writing & sending a message between two parties in such a way that its contents cannot be understood by someone other than the intended recipient". and Quantum word is related with "Light". Thus, Quantum Cryptography is a way of descripting any information in the form of quantum particles. There are no classical cryptographic systems which are perfectly secure. In contrast to Classical cryptography which depends upon Mathematics, Quantum Cryptography utilizes the concepts of Quantum Physics which provides us the security against the cleverest marauders of the present age. In the view of increasing need of Network and Information Security, we do require methods to overcome the Molecular Computing technologies (A future technology) and other techniques of the various codebrakers. Both the parts i.e. Quantum Key distribution and Information transference from Sender to Receiver are much efficient and secure. It is based upon BB84 protocol. It can be of great use for Govt. agencies such as Banks, Insurance, Brokerages firms, financial institutions, e-commerce and most important is the Defense & security of any country. It is a Cryptographic communication system in which the original users can detect unauthorized eavesdropper and in addition it gives a guarantee of no eavesdropping. It proves to be the ultra secure mode of communication b/w two intended parties.Comment: 11 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journal 201


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    Abstract—Presently nations worldwide are starting to convert their aging electrical power infrastructures into modern, dynamic power grids. Smart Grid offers much in the way of efficiencies and robustness to the electrical power grid, however its heavy reliance on communication networks will leave it more vulnerable to attack than present day grids. This paper looks at the threat to public key cryptography systems from a fully realized quantum computer and how this could impact the Smart Grid. We argue for the use of Merkle Trees in place of public key cryptography for authentication of devices in wireless mesh networks that are used in Smart Grid applications

    Quantum games and quantum algorithms

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    A quantum algorithm for an oracle problem can be understood as a quantum strategy for a player in a two-player zero-sum game in which the other player is constrained to play classically. I formalize this correspondence and give examples of games (and hence oracle problems) for which the quantum player can do better than would be possible classically. The most remarkable example is the Bernstein-Vazirani quantum search algorithm which I show creates no entanglement at any timestep.Comment: 10 pages, plain TeX; to appear in the AMS Contemporary Mathematics volume: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Science; revised remarks about other quantum games formalisms; for related work see http://math.ucsd.edu/~dmeyer/research.htm

    A Talk on Quantum Cryptography, or How Alice Outwits Eve

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    Alice and Bob wish to communicate without the archvillainess Eve eavesdropping on their conversation. Alice, decides to take two college courses, one in cryptography, the other in quantum mechanics. During the courses, she discovers she can use what she has just learned to devise a cryptographic communication system that automatically detects whether or not Eve is up to her villainous eavesdropping. Some of the topics discussed are Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the Vernam cipher, the BB84 and B92 cryptographic protocols. The talk ends with a discussion of some of Eve's possible eavesdropping strategies, opaque eavesdropping, translucent eavesdropping, and translucent eavesdropping with entanglement.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures. Revised version of a paper published in "Coding Theory, and Cryptography: From Geheimscheimschreiber and Enigma to Quantum Theory," (edited by David Joyner), Springer-Verlag, 1999 (pp. 144-174). To be published with the permission of Springer-Verlag in an AMS PSAPM Short Course volume entitled "Quantum Computation.

    Spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC), also known as parametric fluorescence, parametric noise, parametric scattering and all various combinations of the abbreviation SPDC, is a non-linear optical process where a photon spontaneously splits into two other photons of lower energies. One would think that this article is about particle physics and yet it is not, as this process can occur fairly easily on a day to day basis in an optics laboratory. Nowadays, SPDC is at the heart of many quantum optics experiments for applications in quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology but also for testing fundamentals laws of physics in quantum mechanics. In this article, we will focus on the physics of this process and highlight few important properties of SPDC. There will be two parts: a first theoretical one showing the particular quantum nature of SPDC and the second part, more experimental and in particular focusing on applications of parametric down-conversion. This is clearly a non-exhaustive article about parametric down-conversion as there is a tremendous literature on the subject, but it gives the necessary first elements needed for a novice student or researcher to work on SPDC sources of light.Comment: Comments & questions are welcom

    Software Development for B92 Quantum Key Distribution Communication

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    Economical (k,m)-threshold controlled quantum teleportation

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    We study a (k,m)-threshold controlling scheme for controlled quantum teleportation. A standard polynomial coding over GF(p) with prime p > m-1 needs to distribute a d-dimensional qudit with d >= p to each controller for this purpose. We propose a scheme using m qubits (two-dimensional qudits) for the controllers' portion, following a discussion on the benefit of a quantum control in comparison to a classical control of a quantum teleportation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor revision, discussions improved, an equation corrected in procedure (A) of section 4.3, v3: major revision, protocols extended, citations added, v4: minor grammatical revision, v5: minor revision, discussions extende
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