6 research outputs found

    Queueing Models Performance Analysis in Optical Switching Network Nodes

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    In optical switching networks, queueing models are often used for modeling, analyzing, and evaluating the performance of switching nodes. These models determine the number of optical packets in the switch and how quickly the switch can serve the traffic. This paper examines the numerical performance of optical switching nodes under various queuing models and simulates a modeling system using the OPNET modeler simulation tool. The study estimates the expected average number of optical packets, the probability of packet loss, and the waiting delay time in an optical switch under different loads and wavelength channels.The study estimates the expected average number of optical packets, the probability of packet loss, and the waiting delay time in an optical switch under different loads and wavelength channels.The study estimates the expected average number of optical packets, the probability of packet loss, and the waiting delay time in an optical switch under different loads and wavelength channels

    Mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS)

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    En aquest treball s鈥檃valua, mitjan莽ant simulaci贸, el comportament de diferents mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a les xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS). La primera part del treball consisteix en programar i incorporar al simulador els m貌duls que permeten simular les funcions dels diferents mecanismes avaluats: conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na (Conv), fibres de retard (FDL) i combinacions dels dos mecanismes anteriors (Conv+FDL i FDL+Conv). A continuaci贸 s鈥檃valuen i es comparen els mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions en termes de retard i probabilitat de p猫rdua en dos escenaris diferents: (1) xarxa amb topologia lineal i fonts directament connectades als nodes de la l铆nia i (2) xarxa formada interconnectant el node central de diverses estrelles, els nodes extrems de les quals s贸n les fonts. Els resultats mostren la difer猫ncia de comportament de cada mecanisme de resoluci贸 de contencions en funci贸 de la topologia i la ubicaci贸 de les fonts a la xarxa. En aquest treball es discuteixen els avantatges i inconvenients d鈥檜tilitzar cadascun dels mecanismes per separat aix铆 com de manera combinada. A m茅s a m茅s, el treball es complementa amb un apartat te貌ric on s鈥檈xpliquen les bases de la tecnologia de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS) i dos models anal铆tics senzills per als casos de conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na i de fibres de retard

    Mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS)

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    En aquest treball s鈥檃valua, mitjan莽ant simulaci贸, el comportament de diferents mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a les xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS). La primera part del treball consisteix en programar i incorporar al simulador els m貌duls que permeten simular les funcions dels diferents mecanismes avaluats: conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na (Conv), fibres de retard (FDL) i combinacions dels dos mecanismes anteriors (Conv+FDL i FDL+Conv). A continuaci贸 s鈥檃valuen i es comparen els mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions en termes de retard i probabilitat de p猫rdua en dos escenaris diferents: (1) xarxa amb topologia lineal i fonts directament connectades als nodes de la l铆nia i (2) xarxa formada interconnectant el node central de diverses estrelles, els nodes extrems de les quals s贸n les fonts. Els resultats mostren la difer猫ncia de comportament de cada mecanisme de resoluci贸 de contencions en funci贸 de la topologia i la ubicaci贸 de les fonts a la xarxa. En aquest treball es discuteixen els avantatges i inconvenients d鈥檜tilitzar cadascun dels mecanismes per separat aix铆 com de manera combinada. A m茅s a m茅s, el treball es complementa amb un apartat te貌ric on s鈥檈xpliquen les bases de la tecnologia de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS) i dos models anal铆tics senzills per als casos de conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na i de fibres de retard

    A Queueing Network Model of an Edge Optical Burst Switching Node

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    We consider an edge optical burst switching (OBS) node with or without converters, and with no buffering. The OBS node serves a number of users, each connected to the switch over a fiber link that supports multiple wavelengths. Each wavelength is associated with a 3-state Markovian burst arrival process. The arrival process permits short and long bursts to be modeled. We model the edge OBS node as a closed non-product-form queueing network, with multiple heterogeneous classes, and we develop a suite of approximate decomposition algorithms to analyze it. Our approximate algorithms have a good accuracy, and they provide insight into the effect of various system parameters on the performance of the edge OBS node

    Analytic modelling and resource dimensioning of optical burst switched networks

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    The realisation of optical network architectures may hold the key to delivering the enormous bandwidth demands of next generation Internet applications and services. Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a potentially cost-effective switching technique that can satisfy these demands by offering a high bit rate transport service that is bandwidth-efficient under dynamic Internet traffic loads. Although various aspects of OBS performance have been extensively investigated, there remains a need to systematically assess the cost/performance trade-offs involved in dimensioning OBS switch resources in a network. This goal is essential in enabling the future deployment of OBS but poses a significant challenge due to the complexity of obtaining tractable mathematical models applicable to OBS network optimisation. The overall aim of this thesis lies within this challenge. This thesis firstly develops a novel analytic performance model of an OBS node where burst contention is resolved by combined use of Tuneable Wavelength Converters (TWCs) and Fibre Delay Lines (FDLs) connected in an efficient share-per-node configuration. The model uses a two-moment traffic representation that gives a good trade-off between accuracy and complexity, and is suitable for extension to use in network modelling. The OBS node model is then used to derive an approximate analytic model of an OBS network of switches equipped with TWCs and FDLs, again maintaining a two-moment traffic model for each end-to-end traffic path in the network. This allows evaluation of link/route loss rates under different offered traffic characteristics, whereas most OBS network models assume only a single-moment traffic representation. In the last part of this thesis, resource dimensioning of OBS networks is performed by solving single and multi-objective optimisation problems based on the analytic network model. The optimisation objectives relate to equipment cost minimisation and throughput maximisation under end-to-end loss rate constraints. Due to non-convexity of the network performance constraint equations, a search heuristic approach has been taken using a constraint-handling genetic algorithm