110 research outputs found

    Examining Undergraduate Public Health Education as a Pipeline to the Public Health Workforce

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    Undergraduate public health (UGPH) education in the U.S. has grown rapidly since the start of the 20th century and has been identified as potential strategy for strengthening the public health workforce. The objective of this research was to examine UGPH education as a pipeline to public health careers and identify the knowledge and skills graduates need to be well-prepared to enter the public health workforce. First, we characterized the postbaccalaureate education and employment of public health bachelor’s degree graduates from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. For the sample of respondents in this study, UGPH education served as an effective pipeline to the broad and diverse public health workforce, with the majority of graduates pursuing additional education in public health and clinical fields and obtaining employment in diverse employment sectors and occupations where they are working to improve the public’s health. Next, we described the job tasks being performed by graduates doing public health and health-related work and the knowledge and skills graduates reported needing to perform these tasks, and more broadly, to be successful in their postbaccalaureate pursuits. The job tasks and knowledge and skills reported by the sample of respondents in this study provide preliminary insights into the core knowledge and skills graduates may need to be well-prepared to enter the public health workforce, such as communication skills, data analysis skills, professional experience and related skills such as project management, knowledge of the U.S. health system and health policy, and teamwork and collaboration skills. Finally, we demonstrated a method that could be used by UGPH programs to collect post-graduate outcomes and alumni feedback on curricular effectiveness, described how programs could use this data to support program operations and continuous improvement, and offered lessons learned from the process. In sum, this research begins to address existing knowledge gaps regarding the career paths of graduates of UGPH programs and offers programs potentially valuable insights and guidance. However, the findings from this study are not generalizable and more research is needed to develop a nationally representative understanding of the implications of the growth of UGPH education in the U.S.Doctor of Philosoph

    Open source biotechnology

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    Presented Abstracts from the Thirty Fourth Annual Education Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (Pittsburgh, PA, October 2015)

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147137/1/jgc41044.pd

    IAIMS newsletter

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    NewsletterThe IAIMS Newsletter (1996-2005) provides valuable information about library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology

    2013 Annual Meeting Program

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    Using movement sonification to alter body perception and promote physical activity in physically inactive people

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWorldwide, one out of four adults are not physically active enough. Supporting people to be physically active through technology remains thus an important challenge in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Some technologies have tried to tackle this challenge of increasing physical activity (PA) by using sensing devices for monitoring the amount and quality of PA and providing motivational feedback on it. However, such technologies provide very limited support to physically inactive users: while users are aware of their physical inactivity level, they are frequently incapable of acting on these problems by themselves. Among the reasons for it are negative perceptions about one’s body (e.g., feelings of body tiredness or weakness in self-esteem) which may act as psychological barriers to PA. This research project aims to address this limitation by employing an approach that, through movement sonification (i.e., real-time auditory feedback on body movement), exploits bottom-up multisensory mechanisms related to BPs to ultimately support PA. This thesis presents the design, development, and evaluation of SoniShoes and SoniBand, two wearable technological devices with a gesture-sound palette that allows for a range of body movement sonifications aimed to alter BPs. These prototypes aim at changing BPs, and in turn emotional state and movement behavior, to address psychological barriers related to the perception of one’s body, and ultimately impact positively on people’s adherence to PA. First, this work proposes to organize knowledge through a taxonomy of the barriers to PA related to body perception (BP), which follows a process of four steps to inform the design of the movement-sound palette: (1) Identification, (2) Extraction and clustering of attributes, (3) Definition of instructions or considerations, and (4) Strategies. The first two steps allowed the identification and grouping of barriers to PA that are related to BPs, with inputs from a literature review, a survey, and a focus group with HCI experts. The third and fourth steps allowed defining the body features and dimensions to act upon, to finally propose movement sonification strategies that have the potential to tackle the barriers. Second, several movement-sound mappings, based on metaphors, are presented. Movements were selected from exercises included in guidelines for becoming more physically active (e.g., walking). The mappings of these movements into sounds were implemented in SoniShoes and SoniBand prototypes. They were evaluated through an iterative process, starting with an exploratory study that tested for the first time the potential of the proposed mappings to change BPs. In this first study, participants were asked to think aloud about their experiences using the first prototype of SoniShoes (from MagicShoes project), by describing their body sensations and sound characteristics during the exercise. Results suggested the potential of movement sonification to alter BP through movement sonification and informed the design of the subsequent studies and prototypes. This exploratory study was followed by quantitative and qualitative studies aimed to understand how to design movement sonifications and wearable devices integrating them to facilitate PA by tackling barriers related to BP. The quantitative studies were controlled laboratory studies, in which different versions of SoniShoes and SoniBand prototypes were evaluated, and which results led to further iterations of the prototypes. The results of these quantitative evaluations revealed movement-sound mappings that can lead to changes in feelings about the body (e.g., feeling lighter or less tired), feelings about the movement (e.g., having more movement control over the movement), and emotional feelings (e.g., having more comfort, motivation to complete the exercise, or feeling happier) during PA. Results also showed effects of sound on movement behavior, such as effects in movement deceleration/acceleration and stance time, and proprioceptive awareness. Furthermore, two qualitative studies were carried out, which involved using the SoniBand prototype for several days and in two different contexts of use, laboratory and home. The aim of these studies was two-fold. First, elucidating the effects that particular metaphorical sonifications’ qualities and characteristics have on people’s perception of their own body and their PA. Second, understanding how the observed effects may be specific to physically inactive (vs. active) populations. The results revealed specific connections between properties of the movement sonifications (e.g., gradual or frequency changes) on the one hand, and particular body feelings (e.g., feeling strong) and aspects of PA (e.g., repetitions) on the other hand, but effects seem to vary according to the PA-level of the populations. Finally, the findings, contributions, and principles for the design of movement sonifications and wearable technology to promote PA through acting upon BP are discussed, finishing by considering implications for potential interventions and applications supporting PA, as well as opportunities opened for future research.En todo el mundo, uno de cada cuatro adultos no es lo suficientemente activo físicamente. Por ello, ayudar a las personas a ser físicamente activas a través de la tecnología sigue siendo un reto importante en el campo de “Human-Computer Interaction” (HCI). Algunas tecnologías han tratado de abordar el reto de aumentar la actividad física (PA) mediante el uso de dispositivos de detección para controlar la cantidad y la calidad de la PA y proporcionar retroalimentación motivacional al respecto. Sin embargo, estas tecnologías proporcionan una ayuda muy limitada a los usuarios físicamente inactivos: aunque los usuarios son conscientes de su nivel de inactividad física, a menudo son incapaces de actuar por sí mismos sobre estos problemas. Entre las razones están las percepciones negativas sobre el propio cuerpo (por ejemplo, la sensación de cansancio corporal o el no sentirse capaces) que pueden actuar como barreras psicológicas para la PA. Este proyecto de investigación pretende abordar esta limitación empleando un enfoque que, a través de la sonificación del movimiento (es decir, la retroalimentación auditiva en tiempo real sobre el movimiento del cuerpo), explota los mecanismos “bottom-up” multisensoriales relacionados con las percepciones del cuerpo (BPs) para apoyar la PA. Esta tesis presenta el diseño, el desarrollo y la evaluación de “SoniShoes” y “SoniBand”, dos dispositivos tecnológicos vestibles con una paleta de gestos y sonidos que permiten una serie de sonificaciones del movimiento corporal destinadas a modificar las BPs. Estos prototipos tienen como objetivo cambiar las BPs, y a su vez el estado emocional y el comportamiento de movimiento, para abordar las barreras psicológicas relacionadas con la BP, y en última instancia impactar positivamente en la adherencia de las personas a la PA. En primer lugar, este trabajo propone organizar el conocimiento a través de una taxonomía de las barreras a la PA relacionadas con la BP, que sigue un proceso de cuatro pasos para informar el diseño de la paleta de movimiento-sonido: (1) Identificación, (2) Extracción y agrupación de atributos, (3) Definición de instrucciones o consideraciones, y (4) Estrategias. Los dos primeros pasos permitieron identificar y agrupar las barreras a la PA relacionadas con los BP, con aportaciones de una revisión bibliográfica, una encuesta y un grupo de discusión con expertos en HCI. El tercero y cuarto paso permitió definir las características y dimensiones corporales sobre las que actuar, para finalmente proponer estrategias de sonificación del movimiento que tienen el potencial de abordar las barreras. En segundo lugar, se presentan varios mapeos de movimiento-sonido, basados en metáforas. Los movimientos se seleccionaron a partir de ejercicios incluidos en las guías para ser más activos físicamente (por ejemplo, caminar). Los mapeos de estos movimientos en sonidos se implementaron en los prototipos “SoniShoes” y “SoniBand”. Se evaluaron a través de un proceso iterativo, comenzando con un estudio exploratorio que probó por primera vez el potencial de los mapeos propuestos para cambiar los BP. En este primer estudio, se pidió a los participantes que pensaran en voz alta sobre sus experiencias utilizando el primer prototipo de “SoniShoes” (llamado “MagicShoes”), describiendo sus sensaciones corporales y las características del sonido durante el ejercicio. Los resultados mostraron el potencial de la sonificación del movimiento para alterar la BP a través de la sonificación del movimiento e informaron el diseño de los estudios y prototipos posteriores. A este estudio exploratorio le siguieron estudios cuantitativos y cualitativos destinados a comprender cómo diseñar sonificaciones del movimiento y dispositivos vestibles que las integren para facilitar la PA abordando las barreras relacionadas con la BP. Los estudios cuantitativos fueron estudios de laboratorio controlados, en los que se evaluaron diferentes versiones de los prototipos “SoniShoes” y “SoniBand”, y cuyos resultados condujeron a nuevas iteraciones de los prototipos. Los resultados de estas evaluaciones cuantitativas mostraron que existen mapeos de movimiento-sonido que pueden provocar cambios en las sensaciones sobre el cuerpo (por ejemplo, sentirse más ligero o menos cansado), en las sensaciones sobre el movimiento (por ejemplo, tener más control sobre el movimiento) y en las sensaciones emocionales (por ejemplo, tener más comodidad, motivación para completar el ejercicio o sentirse más feliz) durante la PA. Los resultados también mostraron los efectos del sonido en el comportamiento del movimiento, como los efectos en la desaceleración/aceleración del movimiento y el tiempo de postura, y la conciencia propioceptiva. Además, se llevaron a cabo dos estudios cualitativos, en los que se utilizó el prototipo “SoniBand” durante varios días y en dos contextos de uso diferentes, el laboratorio y el hogar. El objetivo de estos estudios era doble. En primer lugar, dilucidar los efectos que determinadas cualidades y características de las sonificaciones con metáforas tienen en la percepción que las personas tienen de su propio cuerpo y de su PA. En segundo lugar, comprender cómo los efectos observados pueden ser específicos de las poblaciones físicamente inactivas (vs. las activas). Los resultados revelaron conexiones específicas entre las propiedades de las sonificaciones de movimiento (por ejemplo, los cambios graduales o de frecuencia) por un lado, y las sensaciones corporales particulares (por ejemplo, sentirse fuerte) y los aspectos de la PA (por ejemplo, las repeticiones) por otro lado, pero los efectos parecen variar según el nivel de PA de las poblaciones. Por último, se discuten los hallazgos, las contribuciones y las guías de diseño de sonificación de movimiento y tecnología vestible para promover la PA a través de la actuación sobre la BP, para finalmente considerar las implicaciones para las posibles intervenciones y aplicaciones de apoyo a la PA, así como las oportunidades abiertas para futuras investigaciones.I owe thanks to “MAGIC SHOES” (PSI2016-79004-R and BES-2017-080471) and “CROSS-COLAB” (PGC2018-101884-B-I00) projects that funded my research. Thanks to “MAGIC OUTFIT” (PID2019-105579RB-I00) for letting me be part of the team and project.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Paloma Martínez Fernández.- Secretario: Domna Banakou.- Vocal: Mar González Franc


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    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse