67 research outputs found

    Non-Volatile Memory Array Based Quantization- and Noise-Resilient LSTM Neural Networks

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    In cloud and edge computing models, it is important that compute devices at the edge be as power efficient as possible. Long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks have been widely used for natural language processing, time series prediction and many other sequential data tasks. Thus, for these applications there is increasing need for low-power accelerators for LSTM model inference at the edge. In order to reduce power dissipation due to data transfers within inference devices, there has been significant interest in accelerating vector-matrix multiplication (VMM) operations using non-volatile memory (NVM) weight arrays. In NVM array-based hardware, reduced bit-widths also significantly increases the power efficiency. In this paper, we focus on the application of quantization-aware training algorithm to LSTM models, and the benefits these models bring in terms of resilience against both quantization error and analog device noise. We have shown that only 4-bit NVM weights and 4-bit ADC/DACs are needed to produce equivalent LSTM network performance as floating-point baseline. Reasonable levels of ADC quantization noise and weight noise can be naturally tolerated within our NVMbased quantized LSTM network. Benchmark analysis of our proposed LSTM accelerator for inference has shown at least 2.4x better computing efficiency and 40x higher area efficiency than traditional digital approaches (GPU, FPGA, and ASIC). Some other novel approaches based on NVM promise to deliver higher computing efficiency (up to 4.7x) but require larger arrays with potential higher error rates.Comment: Published in: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC

    TL-nvSRAM-CIM: Ultra-High-Density Three-Level ReRAM-Assisted Computing-in-nvSRAM with DC-Power Free Restore and Ternary MAC Operations

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    Accommodating all the weights on-chip for large-scale NNs remains a great challenge for SRAM based computing-in-memory (SRAM-CIM) with limited on-chip capacity. Previous non-volatile SRAM-CIM (nvSRAM-CIM) addresses this issue by integrating high-density single-level ReRAMs on the top of high-efficiency SRAM-CIM for weight storage to eliminate the off-chip memory access. However, previous SL-nvSRAM-CIM suffers from poor scalability for an increased number of SL-ReRAMs and limited computing efficiency. To overcome these challenges, this work proposes an ultra-high-density three-level ReRAMs-assisted computing-in-nonvolatile-SRAM (TL-nvSRAM-CIM) scheme for large NN models. The clustered n-selector-n-ReRAM (cluster-nSnRs) is employed for reliable weight-restore with eliminated DC power. Furthermore, a ternary SRAM-CIM mechanism with differential computing scheme is proposed for energy-efficient ternary MAC operations while preserving high NN accuracy. The proposed TL-nvSRAM-CIM achieves 7.8x higher storage density, compared with the state-of-art works. Moreover, TL-nvSRAM-CIM shows up to 2.9x and 1.9x enhanced energy-efficiency, respectively, compared to the baseline designs of SRAM-CIM and ReRAM-CIM, respectively

    Enabling Neuromorphic Computing for Artificial Intelligence with Hardware-Software Co-Design

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    In the last decade, neuromorphic computing was rebirthed with the emergence of novel nano-devices and hardware-software co-design approaches. With the fast advancement in algorithms for today’s artificial intelligence (AI) applications, deep neural networks (DNNs) have become the mainstream technology. It has been a new research trend to enable neuromorphic designs for DNNs computing with high computing efficiency in speed and energy. In this chapter, we will summarize the recent advances in neuromorphic computing hardware and system designs with non-volatile resistive access memory (ReRAM) devices. More specifically, we will discuss the ReRAM-based neuromorphic computing hardware and system implementations, hardware-software co-design approaches for quantized and sparse DNNs, and architecture designs

    Block-Wise Mixed-Precision Quantization: Enabling High Efficiency for Practical ReRAM-based DNN Accelerators

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    Resistive random access memory (ReRAM)-based processing-in-memory (PIM) architectures have demonstrated great potential to accelerate Deep Neural Network (DNN) training/inference. However, the computational accuracy of analog PIM is compromised due to the non-idealities, such as the conductance variation of ReRAM cells. The impact of these non-idealities worsens as the number of concurrently activated wordlines and bitlines increases. To guarantee computational accuracy, only a limited number of wordlines and bitlines of the crossbar array can be turned on concurrently, significantly reducing the achievable parallelism of the architecture. While the constraints on parallelism limit the efficiency of the accelerators, they also provide a new opportunity for fine-grained mixed-precision quantization. To enable efficient DNN inference on practical ReRAM-based accelerators, we propose an algorithm-architecture co-design framework called \underline{B}lock-\underline{W}ise mixed-precision \underline{Q}uantization (BWQ). At the algorithm level, BWQ-A introduces a mixed-precision quantization scheme at the block level, which achieves a high weight and activation compression ratio with negligible accuracy degradation. We also present the hardware architecture design BWQ-H, which leverages the low-bit-width models achieved by BWQ-A to perform high-efficiency DNN inference on ReRAM devices. BWQ-H also adopts a novel precision-aware weight mapping method to increase the ReRAM crossbar's throughput. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of BWQ, which achieves a 6.08x speedup and a 17.47x energy saving on average compared to existing ReRAM-based architectures.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    ReDy: A Novel ReRAM-centric Dynamic Quantization Approach for Energy-efficient CNN Inference

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    The primary operation in DNNs is the dot product of quantized input activations and weights. Prior works have proposed the design of memory-centric architectures based on the Processing-In-Memory (PIM) paradigm. Resistive RAM (ReRAM) technology is especially appealing for PIM-based DNN accelerators due to its high density to store weights, low leakage energy, low read latency, and high performance capabilities to perform the DNN dot-products massively in parallel within the ReRAM crossbars. However, the main bottleneck of these architectures is the energy-hungry analog-to-digital conversions (ADCs) required to perform analog computations in-ReRAM, which penalizes the efficiency and performance benefits of PIM. To improve energy-efficiency of in-ReRAM analog dot-product computations we present ReDy, a hardware accelerator that implements a ReRAM-centric Dynamic quantization scheme to take advantage of the bit serial streaming and processing of activations. The energy consumption of ReRAM-based DNN accelerators is directly proportional to the numerical precision of the input activations of each DNN layer. In particular, ReDy exploits that activations of CONV layers from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a subset of DNNs, are commonly grouped according to the size of their filters and the size of the ReRAM crossbars. Then, ReDy quantizes on-the-fly each group of activations with a different numerical precision based on a novel heuristic that takes into account the statistical distribution of each group. Overall, ReDy greatly reduces the activity of the ReRAM crossbars and the number of A/D conversions compared to an static 8-bit uniform quantization. We evaluate ReDy on a popular set of modern CNNs. On average, ReDy provides 13\% energy savings over an ISAAC-like accelerator with negligible accuracy loss and area overhead.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, 4 Table

    Swordfish: A Framework for Evaluating Deep Neural Network-based Basecalling using Computation-In-Memory with Non-Ideal Memristors

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    Basecalling, an essential step in many genome analysis studies, relies on large Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to achieve high accuracy. Unfortunately, these DNNs are computationally slow and inefficient, leading to considerable delays and resource constraints in the sequence analysis process. A Computation-In-Memory (CIM) architecture using memristors can significantly accelerate the performance of DNNs. However, inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations of such designs can greatly degrade the basecalling accuracy, which is critical for accurate genome analysis. To facilitate the adoption of memristor-based CIM designs for basecalling, it is important to (1) conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential CIM architectures and (2) develop effective strategies for mitigating the possible adverse effects of inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations. This paper proposes Swordfish, a novel hardware/software co-design framework that can effectively address the two aforementioned issues. Swordfish incorporates seven circuit and device restrictions or non-idealities from characterized real memristor-based chips. Swordfish leverages various hardware/software co-design solutions to mitigate the basecalling accuracy loss due to such non-idealities. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Swordfish, we take Bonito, the state-of-the-art (i.e., accurate and fast), open-source basecaller as a case study. Our experimental results using Sword-fish show that a CIM architecture can realistically accelerate Bonito for a wide range of real datasets by an average of 25.7x, with an accuracy loss of 6.01%.Comment: To appear in 56th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 202