2,295 research outputs found

    The Allocation of Software Development Resources In ‘Open Source’ Production Mode

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    This paper aims to develop a stochastic simulation structure capable of describing the decentralized, micro-level decisions that allocate programming resources both within and among open source/free software (OS/FS) projects, and that thereby generate an array of OS/FS system products each of which possesses particular qualitative attributes. The core or behavioral kernel of simulation tool presented here represents the effects of the reputational reward structure of OS/FS communities (as characterized by Raymond 1998) to be the key mechanism governing the probabilistic allocation of agents’ individual contributions among the constituent components of an evolving software system. In this regard, our approach follows the institutional analysis approach associated with studies of academic researchers in “open science” communities. For the purposes of this first step, the focus of the analysis is confined to showing the ways in which the specific norms of the reward system and organizational rules can shape emergent properties of successive releases of code for a given project, such as its range of functions and reliability. The global performance of the OS/FS mode, in matching the functional and other characteristics of the variety of software systems that are produced with the needs of users in various sectors of the economy and polity, obviously, is a matter of considerable importance that will bear upon the long-term viability and growth of this mode of organizing production and distribution. Our larger objective, therefore, is to arrive at a parsimonious characterization of the workings of OS/FS communities engaged across a number of projects, and their collective productive performance in dimensions that are amenable to “social welfare” evaluation. Seeking that goal will pose further new and interesting problems for study, a number of which are identified in the essay’s conclusion. Yet, it is argued that that these too will be found to be tractable within the framework provided by refining and elaborating on the core (“proof of concept”) model that is presented in this paper.

    The Economics of Developing Security Embedded Software

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    Market models for software vulnerabilities have been disparaged in the past citing how these do little to lower the risk of insecure software. In this paper we argue that the market models proposed are flawed and not the concept of a market itself. A well-defined software risk derivative market would improve the information exchange for both the software user and vendor removing the often touted imperfect information state that is said to believe the software industry. In this way, users could have a rational means of accurately judging software risks and costs and as such the vendor could optimally apply their time between delivering features and averting risk in a manner demanded by the end user. It is of little value to increase the cost per unit of software by more than an equal compensating control in an attempt to create secure software. This paper argues that if the cost of an alternative control that can be added to a system is lower than the cost improving the security of the software itself, then it is uneconomical to spend more time and hence money improving the security of the software. It is argued that a software derivative market will provide the mechanism needed to determine these costs

    Open innovation using open source tools: a case study at Sony Mobile

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    Despite growing interest of Open Innovation (OI) in Software Engineering (SE), little is known about what triggers software organizations to adopt it and how this affects SE practices. OI can be realized in numerous of ways, including Open Source Software (OSS) involvement. Outcomes from OI are not restricted to product innovation but also include process innovation, e.g. improved SE practices and methods. This study explores the involvement of a software organization (Sony Mobile) in OSS communities from an OI perspective and what SE practices (requirements engineering and testing) have been adapted in relation to OI. It also highlights the innovative outcomes resulting from OI. An exploratory embedded case study investigates how Sony Mobile use and contribute to Jenkins and Gerrit; the two central OSS tools in their continuous integration tool chain. Quantitative analysis was performed on change log data from source code repositories in order to identify the top contributors and triangulated with the results from five semi-structured interviews to explore the nature of the commits. The findings of the case study include five major themes: i) The process of opening up towards the tool communities correlates in time with a general adoption of OSS in the organization. ii) Assets not seen as competitive advantage nor a source of revenue are made open to OSS communities, and gradually, the organization turns more open. iii) The requirements engineering process towards the community is informal and based on engagement. iv) The need for systematic and automated testing is still in its infancy, but the needs are identified. v) The innovation outcomes included free features and maintenance, and were believed to increase speed and quality in development. Adopting OI was a result of a paradigm shift of moving from Windows to Linux

    The role of data & program code archives in the future of economic research

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    This essay examines the role of data and program-code archives in making economic research "replicable." Replication of published results is recognized as an essential part of the scientific method. Yet, historically, both the "demand for" and "supply of" replicable results in economics has been minimal. "Respect for the scientific method" is not sufficient to motivate either economists or editors of professional journals to ensure the replicability of published results. We enumerate the costs and benefits of mandatory data and code archives, and argue that the benefits far exceed the costs. Progress has been made since the gloomy assessment of Dewald, Thursby and Anderson some twenty years ago in the American Economic Review, but much remains to be done before empirical economics ceases to be a "dismal science" when judged by the replicability of its published results.Econometrics ; Research

    Open Source Software: From Open Science to New Marketing Models

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    -Open source Software; Intellectual Property; Licensing; Business Model.

    IT-Enabled Knowledge Creation for Open Innovation

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    Open innovation is increasingly important for researchers and practitioners alike. Open innovation is closely linked to knowledge creation in that, with open innovation, knowledge inflows and outflows are exploited for innovation. In the information systems field, open innovation has been closely linked to open source software development teams. However, the literature has not yet identified how open source software development teams use information technologies to create knowledge to bring about open innovation. This study fills in this gap by asking the following research questions: RQ1) How do innovative open source software development teams create knowledge?, and RQ2) What types of information technologies do innovative open source software development teams rely on for enabling knowledge creation? I answer these research questions with a revelatory case study. The findings contribute to the knowledge management theory by identifying how three of the four knowledge creation modes identified by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) manifest through different behaviors in the IT-enabled open innovation setting compared to behaviors observed in the organizational setting. The findings also contribute to information systems theory by identifying the role of information technologies in enabling knowledge creation for open innovation. This study further provides researchers and practitioners with ways of identifying knowledge creation by analyzing information technology artifacts, such as mailing lists, issue trackers, and software versioning tools

    An Empirical Investigation of Software Testing Methods and Techniques in the Province of Vojvodina

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    A high-quality test design is a conditio sine qua non of successful software testing process, and its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the choice and proper use of appropriate methods and relevant software testing techniques. The main goal of this study was to provide insight into the use of current methods and relevant software testing techniques used in the test design phase of software testing process in software companies in the Province of Vojvodina. The empirical study was conducted by a survey research strategy in twenty-four software organisations. Eighty-three respondents took part in the survey. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, the multidimensional scaling, binomial test and Cohran\u27s Q test were used for analyzing gathered quantitative data. The survey results have shown that respondents use to a significant extent the techniques belonging to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 testing standard. Comparison of the gathered data with individual results of similar studies conducted in Canada, Australia and Turkey has shown similarities between them and companies in the Province of Vojvodina. The findings of this study present empirically verified recommendations for testing design phase realization in the form of least and most used software testing methods and techniques, their benefits, limitations and details in application, similarities between software testing techniques, software testing techniques clusters and the probability of use of individual techniques

    Exploring ERP post-implementation modifications and their influence on business process outcomes: a theory driven model

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    The objective of this research in progress paper is to develop a theory-driven model to categorise post-implementation modifications to ERP systems and to understand the relationship between the identified categories and business process outcomes that are generated as a result of the modifications. While ERP systems can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of business processes, the relationship between these outcomes and post-implementation modifications is not understood adequately. The model proposed here provides a theoretical foundation for research into the impact of modifications on business process performance, and brings clarity to the definition of an ERP modification by developing a typology of modifications
