1 research outputs found

    Replicated execution of workflows

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    Workflows are the de facto standard for managing and optimizing business processes. Workflows allow businesses to automate interactions between business locations and partners residing anywhere on the planet. This, however, requires the workflows to be executed in a distributed and dynamic environment, where device and communication failures occur quite frequently. In case that a workflow execution becomes unavailable through such failures, the business operations that rely on the workflow might be hindered or even stopped, implying the loss of money. Consequently, availability is a key concern when using workflows in dynamic environments. In this thesis, we propose replication schemes for workflow engines to ensure the availability of the workflows that are executed by these engines. Of course, a workflow that is executed by a replicated workflow engine has to yield the same result as a non-replicated execution of that workflow. To this end, we formally define the equivalence of a replicated and a non-replicated execution called Single-Execution-Equivalence. Subsequently, we present replication schemes for both imperative and declarative workflow languages. Imperative workflow languages, such as the Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL), specify the execution order of activities through an ordering relation and are the predominant way of specifying workflow models. We implement a proof-of-concept for demonstrating the compatibility of our replication schemes with current (imperative) workflow technology. Declarative workflow languages provide greater flexibility by allowing the reordering of the activities within a workflow at run-time. We exploit this by executing differently ordered replicas on several nodes in the network for improving availability further