16 research outputs found

    Asymptotic information leakage under one-try attacks

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of (a) information leakage and (b) adversary’s error probability in information hiding systems modelled as noisy channels. Specifically, we assume the attacker can make a single guess after observing n independent executions of the system, throughout which the secret information is kept fixed. We show that the asymptotic behaviour of quantities (a) and (b) can be determined in a simple way from the channel matrix. Moreover, simple and tight bounds on them as functions of n show that the convergence is exponential. We also discuss feasible methods to evaluate the rate of convergence. Our results cover both the Bayesian case, where a prior probability distribution on the secrets is assumed known to the attacker, and the maximum-likelihood case, where the attacker does not know such distribution. In the Bayesian case, we identify the distributions that maximize the leakage. We consider both the min-entropy setting studied by Smith and the additive form recently proposed by Braun et al., and show the two forms do agree asymptotically. Next, we extend these results to a more sophisticated eavesdropping scenario, where the attacker can perform a (noisy) observation at each state of the computation and the systems are modelled as hidden Markov models

    Identifying Website Users by TLS Traffic Analysis: New Attacks and Effective Countermeasures

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    Websites commonly use HTTPS to protect their users' private data from network-based attackers. By combining public social network profiles with TLS traffic analysis, we present a new attack that reveals the precise identities of users accessing major websites. As a countermeasure, we propose a novel length-hiding scheme that leverages standard TLS padding to enforce website-specific privacy policies. We present several implementations of this scheme, notably a patch for GnuTLS that offers a rich length-hiding API and an Apache module that uses this API to enforce an anonymity policy for sensitive user files. Our implementations are the first to fully exercise the length-hiding features of TLS and our work uncovers hidden timing assumptions in recent formal proofs of these features. Compared to previous work, we offer the first countermeasure that is standards-based, provably secure, and experimentally effective, yet pragmatic, offering websites a precise trade-off between user privacy and bandwidth efficiency.La vaste majorité des applications web repose sur HTTPS pour protéger, sur le réseau, les données privées de leurs utilisateurs. Nous présentons une nouvelle attaque qui, en combinant les données publiques des réseaux sociaux à une analyse de trafic TLS, permet de révéler l'identité des utilisateurs accédant aux sites web les plus populaires. En réponse à cette attaque, nous proposons un nouveau schéma, qui bien que n'utilisant que des fonctionnalités standards de TLS, permet de dissimuler la taille des données transitant et donc d'aiser l'application des politiques de sécurité. Nous avons intégré notre nouveau schéma de dissimulation de taille à GnuTLS via une API de haut niveau. Nous avons fait usage de cette dernière pour le développement d'un module Apache appliquant notre nouveau schéma à un ensemble de fichiers utilisateurs. Ainsi, nous offrons la première contre-mesure ne reposant que sur des fonctionnalités standards, possédant une preuve de sécurité formelle et efficace en pratique, et qui propose donc un bon compromis entre sécurité des utilisateurs et efficacité en terme de taille des données transitant sur le réseau

    Verifying and Synthesizing Constant-Resource Implementations with Types

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    We propose a novel type system for verifying that programs correctly implement constant-resource behavior. Our type system extends recent work on automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA), a set of techniques that automatically derive provable upper bounds on the resource consumption of programs. We devise new techniques that build on the potential method to achieve compositionality, precision, and automation. A strict global requirement that a program always maintains constant resource usage is too restrictive for most practical applications. It is sufficient to require that the program's resource behavior remain constant with respect to an attacker who is only allowed to observe part of the program's state and behavior. To account for this, our type system incorporates information flow tracking into its resource analysis. This allows our system to certify programs that need to violate the constant-time requirement in certain cases, as long as doing so does not leak confidential information to attackers. We formalize this guarantee by defining a new notion of resource-aware noninterference, and prove that our system enforces it. Finally, we show how our type inference algorithm can be used to synthesize a constant-time implementation from one that cannot be verified as secure, effectively repairing insecure programs automatically. We also show how a second novel AARA system that computes lower bounds on resource usage can be used to derive quantitative bounds on the amount of information that a program leaks through its resource use. We implemented each of these systems in Resource Aware ML, and show that it can be applied to verify constant-time behavior in a number of applications including encryption and decryption routines, database queries, and other resource-aware functionality.Comment: 30, IEEE S&P 201

    A Survey of Microarchitectural Timing Attacks and Countermeasures on Contemporary Hardware

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    Microarchitectural timing channels expose hidden hardware states though timing. We survey recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they are relevant for cloud computing. We classify types of attacks according to a taxonomy of the shared resources leveraged for such attacks. Moreover, we take a detailed look at attacks used against shared caches. We survey existing countermeasures. We finally discuss trends in attacks, challenges to combating them, and future directions, especially with respect to hardware support