1,662 research outputs found

    Increasing Distributed Generation Penetration using Soft Normally-Open Points

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    This paper considers the effects of various voltage control solutions on facilitating an increase in allowable levels of distributed generation installation before voltage violations occur. In particular, the voltage control solution that is focused on is the implementation of `soft' normally-open points (SNOPs), a term which refers to power electronic devices installed in place of a normally-open point in a medium-voltage distribution network which allows for control of real and reactive power flows between each end point of its installation sites. While other benefits of SNOP installation are discussed, the intent of this paper is to determine whether SNOPs are a viable alternative to other voltage control strategies for this particular application. As such, the SNOPs ability to affect the voltage profile along feeders within a distribution system is focused on with other voltage control options used for comparative purposes. Results from studies on multiple network models with varying topologies are presented and a case study which considers economic benefits of increasing feasible DG penetration is also given

    Intelligent distribution network design

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    Distribution networks (medium voltage and low voltage) are subject to changes caused by re-regulation of the energy supply, economical and environmental constraints more sensitive equipment, power quality requirements and the increasing penetration of distributed generation. The latter is seen as one of the main challenges for today’s and future network operation and design. In this thesis it is investigated in what way these developments enforce intelligent distribution network design and new engineering tools. Furthermore it should be investigated how a new design and control strategy can contribute to meet the power quality and performance requirements in distribution networks in future. This thesis focuses on network structures that, typical for the Netherlands, are based on relatively short underground cables.Managing current and voltage in such networks both during normal and disturbed operation, requires a good network design and an adequate earthing concept. The limited size of Dutch distribution networks has a positive effect on power quality aspects and reliability. The use of impedance earthing for medium voltage (MV) cable networks reduces the risk of multi-phase faults that cause large fault currents and deep dips. It also reduces the risk on transient overvoltages due to re-striking of cable faults. A TN earthing system for the low voltage (LV) network reduces the risk of damaged apparatus and it maintains safety for people. However, care must be taken for the earthing of devices of other service providers, which requires a co-operative solution. The fast developments of computation techniques and IT equipment in the network opened the possibility to perform many calculations in short time based on both actual and historical data. Examples are the on-line distribution loadflow and the short-circuit calculation for protection coordination and intelligent fault location. In LV and MV network calculations the accuracy of the models and the availability of data are the main obstacles. Because of the unsymmetrical nature of load and generation in LV networks a multiple conductor model is needed. For safety calculations also the earth impedances have to be modelled as well as the neutral and protective earth impedances and their mutual interactions. The protection philosophy in MV networks must take into account the changing requirements regarding safety and power quality. An overall philosophy concerning both network and generator protection is necessary. New developments in substation automation benefit future upgrade and refurbishment of substation control and protection. As a result, also cheap,accurate and fast fault location becomes feasible, reducing the outage time of the customers. Next the influence of distributed generation on the above subjects is investigated. The increasing magnitude of short-circuit currents and the increasing voltage variations in the network are seen as a major challenge for the network planners. Conventional measures for reducing voltage problems may introduce problems with the short-circuit current level and vice versa. In networks which contain a large amount of both load and distributed generation, adverse voltage problems may occur, especially when the generation is located in the LV network. In order to reduce this, specific control strategies need to be developed. The last part of the thesis is related to these control strategies as a solution for operating future distribution networks. By introducing storage and power electronics, networks can be transformed into autonomously controlled networks. These networks remain an inseparable part of the electricity network but may behave in a fairly autonomous manner, both internally and externally, with respect to the rest of the network. The focus in this thesis is on maintaining an optimal voltage for all customers during all combinations of load and generation. Because of the autonomous behaviour of the control systems, their operation must be based on local measurements. A suggested approach is to replace the normal open point between MV feeders by a so called "intelligent node". This node is able to control the power flow in several feeders by means of power electronics and, if provided, by electricity storage. The voltage profile can be improved further, by introducing an intelligent voltage control on the HV/MV transformer feeding the distribution network. The simulation studies in this research have been performed on a realistic model of a typical Dutch MV/LV distribution system. Based on the results the following conclusions are drawn: • The HV/MV transformer control must be based on line drop compensation. This compensation must use the load situation instead of the measured exchange signal. The compensation factor must differ between cases of high load and of high generation. • The optimal control of the intelligent node is a voltage control, based on a linear dependence of the voltage at the node and the power flow towards that node. This method can be improved when the voltage of the MV bus bar in the substation is taken into account. • Methods to obtain a perfect voltage profile will lead to a storage device that is not available for this voltage level yet. • A voltage control based on a fixed value at both terminals of the intelligent node and at the MV bus bar of the HV/MV substation does not result in the optimal voltage profile, although guarantee a good voltage quality and might therefore be a good alternativ

    Stochastic management framework of distribution network systems featuring large-scale variable renewable energy sources and flexibility options

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    The concerns surrounding climate change, energy supply security and the growing demand are forcing changes in the way distribution network systems are planned and operated, especially considering the need to accommodate large-scale integration of variable renewable energy sources (vRESs). An increased level of vRESs creates technical challenges in the system, bringing a huge concern for distribution system operators who are given the mandate to keep the integrity and stability of the system, as well as the quality of power delivered to end-users. Hence, existing electric energy systems need to go through an eminent transformation process so that current limitations are significantly alleviated or even avoided, leading to the so-called smart grids paradigm. For distribution networks, new and emerging flexibility options pertaining to the generation, demand and network sides need to be deployed for these systems to accommodate large quantities of variable energy sources, ensuring an optimal operation. Therefore, the management of different flexibility options needs to be carefully handled, minimizing the sideeffects such as increasing costs, worsening voltage profile and overall system performance. From this perspective, it is necessary to understand how a distribution network can be optimally operated when featuring large-scale vRESs. Because of the variability and uncertainty pertinent to these technologies, new methodologies and computational tools need to be developed to deal with the ensuing challenges. To this end, it is necessary to explore emerging and existing flexibility options that need to be deployed in distribution networks so that the uncertainty and variability of vRESs are effectively managed, leading to the real-time balancing of demand and supply. This thesis presents an extensive analysis of the main technologies that can provide flexibility to the electric energy systems. Their individual or collective contributions to the optimal operation of distribution systems featuring large-scale vRESs are thoroughly investigated. This is accomplished by taking into account the stochastic nature of intermittent power sources and other sources of uncertainty. In addition, this work encompasses a detailed operational analysis of distribution systems from the context of creating a sustainable energy future. The roles of different flexibility options are analyzed in such a way that a major percentage of load is met by variable RESs, while maintaining the reliability, stability and efficiency of the system. Therefore, new methodologies and computational tools are developed in a stochastic programming framework so as to model the inherent variability and uncertainty of wind and solar power generation. The developed models are of integer-mixed linear programming type, ensuring tractability and optimality.As mudanças climáticas, a crescente procura por energia e a segurança de abastecimento estão a modificar a operação e o planeamento das redes de distribuição, especialmente pela necessidade de integração em larga escala de fontes de energia renováveis. O aumento desses recursos energéticos sustentáveis gera enormes desafios a nível técnico no sistema, atendendo a que o operador do sistema de distribuição tem o dever de manter a integridade e a estabilidade da rede, bem como a qualidade de energia entregue aos consumidores. Portanto, os sistemas de energia elétrica existentes devem passar por um eminente processo de transformação para que as limitações atuais sejam devidamente atenuadas ou mesmo evitadas, esperando-se assim chegar ao paradigma das redes elétricas inteligentes. Para as redes de distribuição acomodarem fontes variáveis de energia renovável, novas e emergentes opções de flexibilidade, que dizem respeito à geração, carga e à própria rede, precisam de ser desenvolvidas e consideradas na operação ótima da rede de distribuição. Assim, a gestão das opções de flexibilidade deve ser cuidadosamente efetuada para minimizar os efeitos secundários como o aumento dos custos, agravamento do perfil de tensão e o desempenho geral do sistema. Desta perspetiva, é necessário entender como uma rede de distribuição pode operar de forma ótima quando se expõe a uma integração em larga escala de fontes variáveis de energia renovável. Devido à variabilidade e incerteza associadas a estas tecnologias, novas metodologias e ferramentas computacionais devem ser desenvolvidas para lidar com os desafios subsequentes. Desta forma, as opções de flexibilidade existentes e emergentes devem ser implantadas para gerir a incerteza e variabilidade das fontes de energia renovável, mantendo o necessário balanço entre carga e geração. Nesta tese é feita uma análise extensiva das principais tecnologias que podem providenciar flexibilidade aos sistemas de energia elétrica, e as suas contribuições para a operação ótima dos sistemas de distribuição, tendo em consideração a natureza estocástica dos recursos energéticos intermitentes e outras fontes de incerteza. Adicionalmente, este trabalho contém investigação detalhada sobre como o sistema pode ser otimamente gerido tendo em conta estas tecnologias de forma a que a uma maior percentagem de carga seja fornecida por fontes variáveis de energia renovável, mantendo a fiabilidade, estabilidade e eficiência do sistema. Por esse motivo, novas metodologias e ferramentas computacionais usando programação estocástica são desenvolvidas para modelizar a variabilidade e incerteza inerente à geração eólica e solar. A convergência para uma solução ótima é garantida usando programação linear inteira-mista para formular o problema

    Intelligent Control and Protection Methods for Modern Power Systems Based on WAMS

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    Communication Infrastructures for Distributed Control of Power Distribution Networks

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    The concept of traditional distribution networks with unidirectional power flow is weakening due to large penetration of Distributed Generation (DG). The penetration of DG may impact the operation of a distribution network in both beneficial and detrimental ways. Some of the positive impacts of DG are voltage support, power loss reduction, support of ancillary services and improved reliability, whereas negative ones include protection coordination, dynamic stability and islanding. Therefore, proper planning methods that evaluate the composite impacts, i.e. technical, economical and environmental impacts of DG integration to existing distribution networks are very much essential. This paper presents a critical review of various impacts of DG on power distribution system. For ease of reference and to facilitate better understanding this literature is categorized and discussed under five major headings

    A review of networked microgrid protection: Architectures, challenges, solutions, and future trends

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    The design and selection of advanced protection schemes have become essential for the reliable and secure operation of networked microgrids. Various protection schemes that allow the correct operation of microgrids have been proposed for individual systems in different topologies and connections. Nevertheless, the protection schemes for networked microgrids are still in development, and further research is required to design and operate advanced protection in interconnected systems. The interconnection of these microgrids in different nodes with various interconnection technologies increases the fault occurrence and complicates the protection operation. This paper aims to point out the challenges in developing protection for networked microgrids, potential solutions, and research areas that need to be addressed for their development. First, this article presents a systematic analysis of the different microgrid clusters proposed since 2016, including several architectures of networked microgrids, operation modes, components, and utilization of renewable sources, which have not been widely explored in previous review papers. Second, the paper presents a discussion on the protection systems currently available for microgrid clusters, current challenges, and solutions that have been proposed for these systems. Finally, it discusses the trend of protection schemes in networked microgrids and presents some conclusions related to implementation