2 research outputs found

    Morphometric analysis of capillaries in upper limbs in patients with ischemic stroke

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    Background. The aim of study was to answer whether acute phase of ischemic stroke may provoke upper limb capillary changes. We also tried to assess the character of the changes and the correlation between them and severity of ischemic stroke its acute phase as well as coexisting factors, which may facilitate skin capillary circulation abnormalities, i.e. blood hypertension, diabetes mellitus t. 2, and smoking. Material and methods. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of nailfold capillaries of upper limbs was done on 92 patients: 39 women and 53 men aged 46–92 years (on the average 67.7 yrs) admitted to the Department of Neurology between 2002 and 2003 because of first-ever episode of ischemic stroke. Control group consisted of 30 individuals: 13 women and 17 men suffered from diseases, which should not influence the capillaries. The nailfold capillaroscopy was done by means of Olympus PV10 videomicroscope connected with the KONTRON KS-100 v. 2.0 imaging system (license No. 0100176). The assessment has been done twice: on the first and 7th–10th day after ischemic stroke onset. Conclusions. In patients with ischemic stroke the skin capillaries of fingers appeared to be dilated. It was found in both upper limbs, but the dilation was significantly more distinct in arm involved by stroke. The skin capillary loops dilation was transient and disappeared within acute phase of stroke. Transient central and peripheral autonomic disregulation in the initial period of stroke is probably responsible for capillary dilation. The extent of dilation does not depend on intensity of paresis, however it correlated with smoking.Wst臋p. Celem pracy by艂a jako艣ciowa i ilo艣ciowa ocena zmian w kr膮偶eniu w艂o艣niczkowym sk贸ry w ko艅czynach g贸rnych u chorych z niedokrwiennym udarem m贸zgu i pr贸ba odpowiedzi na pytania, czy w ostrej fazie udaru dochodzi do zaburze艅 w kr膮偶eniu w艂o艣niczkowym sk贸ry i jaki te zaburzenia maj膮 charakter, a tak偶e czy wyst臋puj膮 korelacje mi臋dzy zaburzeniami w kr膮偶eniu w艂o艣niczkowym sk贸ry a ci臋偶ko艣ci膮 i faz膮 udaru oraz wsp贸艂wyst臋puj膮cymi nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, cukrzyc膮 typu 2 i paleniem tytoniu. Materia艂 i metody. Badaniu poddano 92 chorych: 39 kobiet i 53 m臋偶czyzn w wieku 46–92 lat (艣r. wieku 67,7 lat), hospitalizowanych w Klinice Neurologii PAM w latach 2002-2003 z powodu wyst膮pienia pierwszego w 偶yciu udaru niedokrwiennego m贸zgu. Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 30 os贸b: 13 kobiet, 17 m臋偶czyzn w wieku 45-82 lat (艣r. wieku 62 lata), leczonych w Klinice z powodu chor贸b, kt贸re nie powinny wp艂ywa膰 na stan w艂o艣niczek w ko艅czynach. Bior膮cych udzia艂 w badaniu 2-krotnie poddano kapilaroskopii wa艂u paznokciowego, przeprowadzonej za pomoc膮 wideomikroskopu Olympus PV10, po raz pierwszy w 1. dobie udaru i kolejny - mi臋dzy 7. a 10. dob膮 udaru. Wnioski. 1. U chorych z niedokrwiennym udarem m贸zgu dochodzi do rozszerzenia naczy艅 w艂osowatych sk贸ry. Zjawisko to dotyczy obu ko艅czyn g贸rnych, jednak znamiennie wi臋ksze jest w ko艅czynie niedow艂adnej. 2. Rozszerzenie p臋tli w艂o艣niczkowych sk贸ry ma charakter przemijaj膮cy i cofa si臋 jeszcze w ostrej fazie udaru niedokrwiennego. Za poszerzenie w艂o艣niczek przypuszczalnie odpowiada przej艣ciowe, czynno艣ciowe zaburzenie funkcji o艣rodkowych i obwodowych struktur uk艂adu autonomicznego w pocz膮tkowym okresie ostrej fazy udaru niedokrwiennego. 3. Stopie艅 rozszerzenia p臋tli w艂o艣niczkowych sk贸ry nie zale偶y od g艂臋boko艣ci niedow艂adu ani wsp贸艂wyst臋puj膮cego nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego i cukrzycy typu 2, natomiast koreluje z paleniem tytoniu

    Multi-dimensional local binary pattern texture descriptors and their application for medical image analysis

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    Texture can be broadly stated as spatial variation of image intensities. Texture analysis and classification is a well researched area for its importance to many computer vision applications. Consequently, much research has focussed on deriving powerful and efficient texture descriptors. Local binary patterns (LBP) and its variants are simple yet powerful texture descriptors. LBP features describe the texture neighbourhood of a pixel using simple comparison operators, and are often calculated based on varying neighbourhood radii to provide multi-resolution texture descriptions. A comprehensive evaluation of different LBP variants on a common benchmark dataset is missing in the literature. This thesis presents the performance for different LBP variants on texture classification and retrieval tasks. The results show that multi-scale local binary pattern variance (LBPV) gives the best performance over eight benchmarked datasets. Furthermore, improvements to the Dominant LBP (D-LBP) by ranking dominant patterns over complete training set and Compound LBP (CM-LBP) by considering 16 bits binary codes are suggested which are shown to outperform their original counterparts. The main contribution of the thesis is the introduction of multi-dimensional LBP features, which preserve the relationships between different scales by building a multi-dimensional histogram. The results on benchmarked classification and retrieval datasets clearly show that the multi-dimensional LBP (MD-LBP) improves the results compared to conventional multi-scale LBP. The same principle is applied to LBPV (MD-LBPV), again leading to improved performance. The proposed variants result in relatively large feature lengths which is addressed using three different feature length reduction techniques. Principle component analysis (PCA) is shown to give the best performance when the feature length is reduced to match that of conventional multi-scale LBP. The proposed multi-dimensional LBP variants are applied for medical image analysis application. The first application is nailfold capillary (NC) image classification. Performance of MD-LBPV on NC images is highest, whereas for second application, HEp-2 cell classification, performance of MD-LBP is highest. It is observed that the proposed texture descriptors gives improved texture classification accuracy