27 research outputs found

    A Proposed Methodology for Web Development

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the domain of World Wide Web site development and propose a methodology to assist with this process. Methodologies have both their proselytizers and those who decry the constraints and rigidity of prescriptive frameworks. The methodology presented here is not intended to be a universal panacea for the problems of web development; rather it is hoped it will provide a useful framework for guiding the process

    User Involvement in E-Commerce Systems Development

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    It has been said that there is only one opportunity to make a first impression. In the competitive world of ecommerce, attracting customers to a Web site is expensive; keeping them is a business imperative. The utility of the Web site from the user perspective is critical to success, and evidence suggests that an unrewarding initial experience will thwart further interaction with the site. Throughout the literature since the 1960’s, a commonly cited factor pertaining to system success has been user involvement in the systems development process. Among other things this is likely to lead to increased user satisfaction and the perceived usefulness of the application. The study examines e-commerce application developments at a number of organisations, and reports on the role of users in the development process. Despite the business need for remote, untrained users to quickly feel comfortable and satisfied in an e-commerce site encounter, it appears that organisations are making very little effort to engage users in any e-commerce site developmental activities

    Web Portal for Kashmir Tourism Industry:Design Guidelines

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    Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability to constantly adapt to customers\u27 changing needs and desires, as the customer satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the focus of tourism business. Developments in search engines, carrying capacity and speed of networks have influenced travelers around the globe to use technologies for planning and experiencing their travels. Tourism uses Internet marketing and Web portals by utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and ICT enabled services in order to gather and/or disseminate information and ease online booking and reservations. In this article an attempt has been made to identify the requirements of efficient Web portal for Kashmir Tourism Industry. This article provides a complete series of design guidelines vis-Ã -vis Web Portal strategy, structure, design, architecture, level of facilitation and features, Technologies and tools and process model for its successful implementation

    What\u27s So Different about Developing Web Based Information Systems?

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    This paper considers the suitability of traditional IS development methods to Web-based information systems. A two year e-commerce development project is used to explore Web-based IS development using action research. To distinguish the project from consultancy a framework of ideas – Multiview - is declared and tested in the research process. Multiview was defined in 1985 and has been since refined to become an influential approach to information systems development. It has soft and hard aspects and, as a contingency approach, is not prescriptive but adapted to the particular situation in the organization and the application. The differences and similarities of traditional IS development projects and Web-based projects are reported and found to be more about concrete differences of methodology content than abstract concepts. The project also provided an opportunity to reflect more generally about the role of methodology in IS development


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    The purpose of this study is to understand how interactions between structure and agency shape e- government portal development in developing countries and how these are managed to arrive at an outcome. The need for the research emerged from growing concerns that there are few studies addressing the pre-adoption stages of e-government portals. The research used the development of an e-government payment portal in Ghana as a case study. The structuration theory was adopted as the analytical lens. The findings show that technical and political interactions such as testing, expert reporting, design, and blurry as well as overlapping authority shaped expert validation, expert reporting, payment workflow, security and privacy structures. Although the case is based on the experience of Ghana, the findings can be applied to other developing countries with similar experiences. The study offers implication for research, practice and policy makers as well as future recommendations

    Repetitive Component Based Motion Learning with Kinect

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    Today’s world wants quick, smart and cost effective solutions to their problems. People want to learn everything online. They are interested in learning new techniques and every kind of art in a limited amount of time because they are busy with their own work and have very short time to take in class instructor led training. This is an attempt to fulfill the same so that the people can easily learn and master a new kind of art by themselves by using Kinect. The focus of this project is to master Kung-Fu, an ancient form of Chinese Martial Arts. Kung-Fu requires a good amount of practice and therefore needs a Kung-Fu expert mentoring all the time, which is quite expensive. Therefore, the idea is to develop an application which will help the user in imitating the actions performed by the experts and then comparing the performed actions with the captured recordings of experts. While doing the same motions like a master, users can judge themselves by using Kinect. The User Interface is developed in such a way that it will give the user the summary of his performance by comparing his motions with the recorded motions along with the instructions for the next step and with the suggestions to improve, if user fails to do that . The UI provides User Progress Information on the completion of each task. It also provides a record and replay option which helps the user in reviewing his/her actions. Application focuses on simple Kung-Fu punch movement patterns to do quality analysis and data quantity. This project is a combination of Bio-Mechanical principles and Neural Networking technology. It implements real time motion tracking, coaching and evaluation by providing real time feedback using artificial neural network while capturing motion


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    Salah satu kegiatan UP2M PNK sebagai pengelola kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepadamasyarakat di Politeknik Negeri Kupang adalah menyampaikan informasi terkait pelaksanaankegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat kepada civitas akademik Politeknik Negeri Kupangyang dilakukan melalui penyampaian surat kepada tiap unit dan jurusan di Politeknik Negeri Kupangataupun melalui media sosial seperti WhatsApp. Adapun kelemahan dari penyampaian informasimelalui media surat (kertas) tidak dapat menjangkau seluruh civitas akademik PNK secara luas.Begitu juga dengan menggunakan media WhatsApp yang hanya menjangkau dosen yang tergabungdalam grup WhatsApp tersebut.Saat ini di Politeknik Negeri Kupang sudah terdapat beberapa jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkansecara berkala, yaitu jurnal Mitra, Saintec, Flash (Teknik Elektro), Juteks (Teknik Sipil), Jaka(Akuntansi), dan Bisman (Bisnis Manajemen). Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukanpenerapan jurnal elektronik (e-journal) untuk jurnal Flash dan Jaka menggunakan aplikasi e-journalberbasis open source yaitu Open Journal Systems (OJS). Berdasarkan rencana kerja dari UnitPenelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Kupang (UP2M PNK) yangberkoordinasi dengan pengelola jurnal bahwa akan diterapkan jurnal elektronik pada seluruh jurnalyang ada di lingkungan Politeknik Negeri Kupang (PNK).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah website bagi UP2M PNK yang dapatmembantu UP2M PNK dalam menyampaikan informasi terkait kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdianmasyarakat di Politeknik Negeri Kupang, serta mengimplementasikan jurnal elektronik untukseluruh jurnal yang ada di Politeknik Negeri Kupang menggunakan Open Journal Systems (OJS).Tahapan-tahapan dalam melakukan penelitian ini mengacu pada metode pengembangan web yangmeliputi: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Generation, (4) Implementatio

    Multimedia development methodologies matrix

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    This study aims to produce a practical and usable guide to choosing methodology that enables novice multimedia developers to design and create effective multimedia systems by following a well-principled design methodology. A matrix of multimedia methodologies was developed. Third year multimedia students were selected and divided into tested and control groups. The tested group used the suggested methodology from the matrix while the control group used the datum as the methodology for their application development.The findings show that tested group has a higher preference towards the methodology and the methodology proved to be helpful as compared to the control group. Thus, it is believed that the multimedia methodology matrix can used as an aided tool towards better application development of novice multimedia developers