21,907 research outputs found

    Engineering formal systems in constructive type theory

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    This thesis presents a practical methodology for formalizing the meta-theory of formal systems with binders and coinductive relations in constructive type theory. While constructive type theory offers support for reasoning about formal systems built out of inductive definitions, support for syntax with binders and coinductive relations is lacking. We provide this support. We implement syntax with binders using well-scoped de Bruijn terms and parallel substitutions. We solve substitution lemmas automatically using the rewriting theory of the -calculus. We present the Autosubst library to automate our approach in the proof assistant Coq. Our approach to coinductive relations is based on an inductive tower construction, which is a type-theoretic form of transfinite induction. The tower construction allows us to reduce coinduction to induction. This leads to a symmetric treatment of induction and coinduction and allows us to give a novel construction of the companion of a monotone function on a complete lattice. We demonstrate our methods with a series of case studies. In particular, we present a proof of type preservation for CC!, a proof of weak and strong normalization for System F, a proof that systems of weakly guarded equations have unique solutions in CCS, and a compiler verification for a compiler from a non-deterministic language into a deterministic language. All technical results in the thesis are formalized in Coq.In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir praktische Techniken um Formale Systeme mit Bindern und koinduktiven Relationen in Konstruktiver Typtheorie zu implementieren. WĂ€hrend Konstruktive Typtheorie bereits gute UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr Induktive Definition bietet, gibt es momentan kaum UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr syntaktische Systeme mit Bindern, oder koinduktiven Definitionen. Wir kodieren Syntax mit Bindern in Typtheorie mit einer de Bruijn Darstellung und zeigen alle Substitutionslemmas durch Termersetzung mit dem -KalkĂŒl. Wir prĂ€sentieren die Autosubst Bibliothek, die unseren Ansatz im Beweisassistenten Coq implementiert. FĂŒr koinduktive Relationen verwenden wir eine induktive Turmkonstruktion, welche das typtheoretische Analog zur Transfiniten Induktion darstellt. Auf diese Art erhalten wir neue Beweisprinzipien fĂŒr Koinduktion und eine neue Konstruktion von Pous’ “companion” einer monotonen Funktion auf einem vollstĂ€ndigen Verband. Wir validieren unsere Methoden an einer Reihe von Fallstudien. Alle technischen Ergebnisse in dieser Dissertation sind mit Coq formalisiert

    Dynamic Congruence vs. Progressing Bisimulation for CCS

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    Weak Observational Congruence (woc) defined on CCS agents is not a bisimulation since it does not require two states reached by bisimilar computations of woc agents to be still woc, e.g. \alpha.\tau.\beta.nil and \alpha.\beta.nil are woc but \tau.\beta.nil and \beta.nil are not. This fact prevent us from characterizing CCS semantics (when \tau is considered invisible) as a final algebra, since the semantic function would induce an equivalence over the agents that is both a congruence and a bisimulation. In the paper we introduce a new behavioural equivalence for CCS agents, which is the coarsest among those bisimulations which are also congruences. We call it Dynamic Observational Congruence because it expresses a natural notion of equivalence for concurrent systems required to simulate each other in the presence of dynamic, i.e. run time, (re)configurations. We provide an algebraic characterization of Dynamic Congruence in terms of a universal property of finality. Furthermore we introduce Progressing Bisimulation, which forces processes to simulate each other performing explicit steps. We provide an algebraic characterization of it in terms of finality, two logical characterizations via modal logic in the style of HML and a complete axiomatization for finite agents (consisting of the axioms for Strong Observational Congruence and of two of the three Milner's τ\tau-laws). Finally, we prove that Dynamic Congruence and Progressing Bisimulation coincide for CCS agents

    Searching for a Solution to Program Verification=Equation Solving in CCS

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    International audienceUnder non-exponential discounting, we develop a dynamic theory for stopping problems in continuous time. Our framework covers discount functions that induce decreasing impatience. Due to the inherent time inconsistency, we look for equilibrium stopping policies, formulated as fixed points of an operator. Under appropriate conditions, fixed-point iterations converge to equilibrium stopping policies. This iterative approach corresponds to the hierarchy of strategic reasoning in game theory and provides “agent-specific” results: it assigns one specific equilibrium stopping policy to each agent according to her initial behavior. In particular, it leads to a precise mathematical connection between the naive behavior and the sophisticated one. Our theory is illustrated in a real options model

    Searching for a Solution to Program Verification=Equation Solving in CCS

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    Interaction and observation: categorical semantics of reactive systems trough dialgebras

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    We use dialgebras, generalising both algebras and coalgebras, as a complement of the standard coalgebraic framework, aimed at describing the semantics of an interactive system by the means of reaction rules. In this model, interaction is built-in, and semantic equivalence arises from it, instead of being determined by a (possibly difficult) understanding of the side effects of a component in isolation. Behavioural equivalence in dialgebras is determined by how a given process interacts with the others, and the obtained observations. We develop a technique to inter-define categories of dialgebras of different functors, that in particular permits us to compare a standard coalgebraic semantics and its dialgebraic counterpart. We exemplify the framework using the CCS and the pi-calculus. Remarkably, the dialgebra giving semantics to the pi-calculus does not require the use of presheaf categories

    Musings on Encodings and Expressiveness

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    This paper proposes a definition of what it means for one system description language to encode another one, thereby enabling an ordering of system description languages with respect to expressive power. I compare the proposed definition with other definitions of encoding and expressiveness found in the literature, and illustrate it on a case study: comparing the expressive power of CCS and CSP.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244
