26,012 research outputs found

    A short proof of Stein's universal multiplier theorem

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    We give a short proof of Stein's universal multiplier theorem, purely by probabilistic methods, thus avoiding any use of harmonic analysis techniques (complex interpolation or transference methods)

    Quantitative Approximation of the Probability Distribution of a Markov Process by Formal Abstractions

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    The goal of this work is to formally abstract a Markov process evolving in discrete time over a general state space as a finite-state Markov chain, with the objective of precisely approximating its state probability distribution in time, which allows for its approximate, faster computation by that of the Markov chain. The approach is based on formal abstractions and employs an arbitrary finite partition of the state space of the Markov process, and the computation of average transition probabilities between partition sets. The abstraction technique is formal, in that it comes with guarantees on the introduced approximation that depend on the diameters of the partitions: as such, they can be tuned at will. Further in the case of Markov processes with unbounded state spaces, a procedure for precisely truncating the state space within a compact set is provided, together with an error bound that depends on the asymptotic properties of the transition kernel of the original process. The overall abstraction algorithm, which practically hinges on piecewise constant approximations of the density functions of the Markov process, is extended to higher-order function approximations: these can lead to improved error bounds and associated lower computational requirements. The approach is practically tested to compute probabilistic invariance of the Markov process under study, and is compared to a known alternative approach from the literature.Comment: 29 pages, Journal of Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    A forward--backward stochastic algorithm for quasi-linear PDEs

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    We propose a time-space discretization scheme for quasi-linear parabolic PDEs. The algorithm relies on the theory of fully coupled forward--backward SDEs, which provides an efficient probabilistic representation of this type of equation. The derivated algorithm holds for strong solutions defined on any interval of arbitrary length. As a bypass product, we obtain a discretization procedure for the underlying FBSDE. In particular, our work provides an alternative to the method described in [Douglas, Ma and Protter (1996) Ann. Appl. Probab. 6 940--968] and weakens the regularity assumptions required in this reference.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000674 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Counterexample-Guided Polynomial Loop Invariant Generation by Lagrange Interpolation

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    We apply multivariate Lagrange interpolation to synthesize polynomial quantitative loop invariants for probabilistic programs. We reduce the computation of an quantitative loop invariant to solving constraints over program variables and unknown coefficients. Lagrange interpolation allows us to find constraints with less unknown coefficients. Counterexample-guided refinement furthermore generates linear constraints that pinpoint the desired quantitative invariants. We evaluate our technique by several case studies with polynomial quantitative loop invariants in the experiments

    Enumeration of the Monomials of a Polynomial and Related Complexity Classes

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    We study the problem of generating monomials of a polynomial in the context of enumeration complexity. In this setting, the complexity measure is the delay between two solutions and the total time. We present two new algorithms for restricted classes of polynomials, which have a good delay and the same global running time as the classical ones. Moreover they are simple to describe, use little evaluation points and one of them is parallelizable. We introduce three new complexity classes, TotalPP, IncPP and DelayPP, which are probabilistic counterparts of the most common classes for enumeration problems, hoping that randomization will be a tool as strong for enumeration as it is for decision. Our interpolation algorithms proves that a lot of interesting problems are in these classes like the enumeration of the spanning hypertrees of a 3-uniform hypergraph. Finally we give a method to interpolate a degree 2 polynomials with an acceptable (incremental) delay. We also prove that finding a specified monomial in a degree 2 polynomial is hard unless RP = NP. It suggests that there is no algorithm with a delay as good (polynomial) as the one we achieve for multilinear polynomials

    Stochastic methods for solving high-dimensional partial differential equations

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    We propose algorithms for solving high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) that combine a probabilistic interpretation of PDEs, through Feynman-Kac representation, with sparse interpolation. Monte-Carlo methods and time-integration schemes are used to estimate pointwise evaluations of the solution of a PDE. We use a sequential control variates algorithm, where control variates are constructed based on successive approximations of the solution of the PDE. Two different algorithms are proposed, combining in different ways the sequential control variates algorithm and adaptive sparse interpolation. Numerical examples will illustrate the behavior of these algorithms
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