12 research outputs found

    Temporal accumulation of oriented visual features

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    In this paper we present a framework for accumulating on-line a model of a moving object (e.g., when manipulated by a robot). The proposed scheme is based on Bayesian filtering of local features, filtering jointly position, orientation and appearance information. The work presented here is novel in two aspects: first, we use an estimation mechanism that updates iteratively not only geometrical information, but also appearance information. Second, we propose a probabilistic version of the classical n-scan criterion that allows us to select which features are preserved and which are discarded, while making use of the available uncertainty model. The accumulated representations have been used in three different contexts: pose estimation, robotic grasping, and driver assistance scenario

    Data-Driven Grasp Synthesis - A Survey

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    We review the work on data-driven grasp synthesis and the methodologies for sampling and ranking candidate grasps. We divide the approaches into three groups based on whether they synthesize grasps for known, familiar or unknown objects. This structure allows us to identify common object representations and perceptual processes that facilitate the employed data-driven grasp synthesis technique. In the case of known objects, we concentrate on the approaches that are based on object recognition and pose estimation. In the case of familiar objects, the techniques use some form of a similarity matching to a set of previously encountered objects. Finally for the approaches dealing with unknown objects, the core part is the extraction of specific features that are indicative of good grasps. Our survey provides an overview of the different methodologies and discusses open problems in the area of robot grasping. We also draw a parallel to the classical approaches that rely on analytic formulations.Comment: 20 pages, 30 Figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Autonomous Robotic Grasping in Unstructured Environments

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    A crucial problem in robotics is interacting with known or novel objects in unstructured environments. While the convergence of a multitude of research advances is required to address this problem, our goal is to describe a framework that employs the robot\u27s visual perception to identify and execute an appropriate grasp to pick and place novel objects. Analytical approaches explore for solutions through kinematic and dynamic formulations. On the other hand, data-driven methods retrieve grasps according to their prior knowledge of either the target object, human experience, or through information obtained from acquired data. In this dissertation, we propose a framework based on the supporting principle that potential contacting regions for a stable grasp can be found by searching for (i) sharp discontinuities and (ii) regions of locally maximal principal curvature in the depth map. In addition to suggestions from empirical evidence, we discuss this principle by applying the concept of force-closure and wrench convexes. The key point is that no prior knowledge of objects is utilized in the grasp planning process; however, the obtained results show that the approach is capable to deal successfully with objects of different shapes and sizes. We believe that the proposed work is novel because the description of the visible portion of objects by the aforementioned edges appearing in the depth map facilitates the process of grasp set-point extraction in the same way as image processing methods with the focus on small-size 2D image areas rather than clustering and analyzing huge sets of 3D point-cloud coordinates. In fact, this approach dismisses reconstruction of objects. These features result in low computational costs and make it possible to run the proposed algorithm in real-time. Finally, the performance of the approach is successfully validated by applying it to the scenes with both single and multiple objects, in both simulation and real-world experiment setups

    Bayesian-based techniques for tracking multiple humans in an enclosed environment

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    This thesis deals with the problem of online visual tracking of multiple humans in an enclosed environment. The focus is to develop techniques to deal with the challenges of varying number of targets, inter-target occlusions and interactions when every target gives rise to multiple measurements (pixels) in every video frame. This thesis contains three different contributions to the research in multi-target tracking. Firstly, a multiple target tracking algorithm is proposed which focuses on mitigating the inter-target occlusion problem during complex interactions. This is achieved with the help of a particle filter, multiple video cues and a new interaction model. A Markov chain Monte Carlo particle filter (MCMC-PF) is used along with a new interaction model which helps in modeling interactions of multiple targets. This helps to overcome tracking failures due to occlusions. A new weighted Markov chain Monte Carlo (WMCMC) sampling technique is also proposed which assists in achieving a reduced tracking error. Although effective, to accommodate multiple measurements (pixels) produced by every target, this technique aggregates measurements into features which results in information loss. In the second contribution, a novel variational Bayesian clustering-based multi-target tracking framework is proposed which can associate multiple measurements to every target without aggregating them into features. It copes with complex inter-target occlusions by maintaining the identity of targets during their close physical interactions and handles efficiently a time-varying number of targets. The proposed multi-target tracking framework consists of background subtraction, clustering, data association and particle filtering. A variational Bayesian clustering technique groups the extracted foreground measurements while an improved feature based joint probabilistic data association filter (JPDAF) is developed to associate clusters of measurements to every target. The data association information is used within the particle filter to track multiple targets. The clustering results are further utilised to estimate the number of targets. The proposed technique improves the tracking accuracy. However, the proposed features based JPDAF technique results in an exponential growth of computational complexity of the overall framework with increase in number of targets. In the final work, a novel data association technique for multi-target tracking is proposed which more efficiently assigns multiple measurements to every target, with a reduced computational complexity. A belief propagation (BP) based cluster to target association method is proposed which exploits the inter-cluster dependency information. Both location and features of clusters are used to re-identify the targets when they emerge from occlusions. The proposed techniques are evaluated on benchmark data sets and their performance is compared with state-of-the-art techniques by using, quantitative and global performance measures

    Robust and Optimal Methods for Geometric Sensor Data Alignment

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    Geometric sensor data alignment - the problem of finding the rigid transformation that correctly aligns two sets of sensor data without prior knowledge of how the data correspond - is a fundamental task in computer vision and robotics. It is inconvenient then that outliers and non-convexity are inherent to the problem and present significant challenges for alignment algorithms. Outliers are highly prevalent in sets of sensor data, particularly when the sets overlap incompletely. Despite this, many alignment objective functions are not robust to outliers, leading to erroneous alignments. In addition, alignment problems are highly non-convex, a property arising from the objective function and the transformation. While finding a local optimum may not be difficult, finding the global optimum is a hard optimisation problem. These key challenges have not been fully and jointly resolved in the existing literature, and so there is a need for robust and optimal solutions to alignment problems. Hence the objective of this thesis is to develop tractable algorithms for geometric sensor data alignment that are robust to outliers and not susceptible to spurious local optima. This thesis makes several significant contributions to the geometric alignment literature, founded on new insights into robust alignment and the geometry of transformations. Firstly, a novel discriminative sensor data representation is proposed that has better viewpoint invariance than generative models and is time and memory efficient without sacrificing model fidelity. Secondly, a novel local optimisation algorithm is developed for nD-nD geometric alignment under a robust distance measure. It manifests a wider region of convergence and a greater robustness to outliers and sampling artefacts than other local optimisation algorithms. Thirdly, the first optimal solution for 3D-3D geometric alignment with an inherently robust objective function is proposed. It outperforms other geometric alignment algorithms on challenging datasets due to its guaranteed optimality and outlier robustness, and has an efficient parallel implementation. Fourthly, the first optimal solution for 2D-3D geometric alignment with an inherently robust objective function is proposed. It outperforms existing approaches on challenging datasets, reliably finding the global optimum, and has an efficient parallel implementation. Finally, another optimal solution is developed for 2D-3D geometric alignment, using a robust surface alignment measure. Ultimately, robust and optimal methods, such as those in this thesis, are necessary to reliably find accurate solutions to geometric sensor data alignment problems

    A Probabilistic Framework for 3D Visual Object Representation

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    We present an object representation framework that encodes probabilistic spatial relations between 3D features and organizes these features in a hierarchy. Features at the bottom of the hierarchy are bound to local 3D descriptors. Higher level features recursively encode probabilistic spatial configurations of more elementary features. The hierarchy is implemented in a Markov network. Detection is carried out by a belief propagation algorithm, which infers the pose of high-level features from local evidence and reinforces local evidence from globally consistent knowledge, effectively producing a likelihood for the pose of the object in the detection scene. We also present a simple learning algorithm that autonomously builds hierarchies from local object descriptors. We explain how to use our framework to estimate the pose of a known object in an unknown scene. Experiments demonstrate the robustness of hierarchies to input noise, viewpoint changes, and occlusions