10 research outputs found

    A primer on noise-induced transitions in applied dynamical systems

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    Noise plays a fundamental role in a wide variety of physical and biological dynamical systems. It can arise from an external forcing or due to random dynamics internal to the system. It is well established that even weak noise can result in large behavioral changes such as transitions between or escapes from quasi-stable states. These transitions can correspond to critical events such as failures or extinctions that make them essential phenomena to understand and quantify, despite the fact that their occurrence is rare. This article will provide an overview of the theory underlying the dynamics of rare events for stochastic models along with some example applications

    Dynamics of Coupled Particles in a Time-Dependent, Double-Gyre Flow

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    We consider a time-dependent, wind-driven, stochastic double-gyre flow, and investigate the interaction between the flow and coupled particles operating within the flow. It is known that noise can cause individual particles to escape from one gyre to another gyre. By computing the Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) of the system, one can determine low and high probability regions of particle escape. We adjust the coupling between two particles, and study the effect on particle escape for a variety of initial conditions and noise intensities

    Controlling mean exit time of stochastic dynamical systems based on quasipotential and machine learning

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    The mean exit time escaping basin of attraction in the presence of white noise is of practical importance in various scientific fields. In this work, we propose a strategy to control mean exit time of general stochastic dynamical systems to achieve a desired value based on the quasipotential concept and machine learning. Specifically, we develop a neural network architecture to compute the global quasipotential function. Then we design a systematic iterated numerical algorithm to calculate the controller for a given mean exit time. Moreover, we identify the most probable path between metastable attractors with help of the effective Hamilton-Jacobi scheme and the trained neural network. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our control strategy is effective and sufficiently accurate

    Extinction of Species Due to Deterministic and Stochastic Interactions in Food Webs

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    Previous research on the extinctions that occur in niche model food webs with deterministic and stochastic dynamics has shown that the structure of the food web can play an important role in extinction cascades. In this thesis, other types of synthetic food web models are considered, namely the cascade and generalized cascade models, and the extinction cascades of these food webs are compared with previous findings on the extinction cascades from the niche model. It was found that there are many similarities in the results for all three models, which prompted a closer analysis using food webs with deterministic dynamics. We developed a method to theoretically predict the survival or extinction of species in two- and three-species food webs, and compared the predictions with numerical results

    Control of Secondary Extinctions in Stochastic Food Webs

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    Studies on both model-based and empirical food webs have shown that per- turbations to an ecological community can cause a species to go extinct, often resulting in the loss of additional species in a cascade of secondary extinctions. These eects can seriously debilitate a food web and threaten the existence of an ecosystem. Here, we consider niche model-based food webs with internal noise and investigate the eects of a control on a secondary extinction cas- cade triggered by a noise-induced extinction. We show that the forced removal of a nonbasal species immediately after a primary extinction can extend the mean time to extinction of individual nonbasal species as well as that of the complete extinction cascade. An analysis of numerical and statistical results illustrates the eectiveness of a control in delaying the mean time to extinction for endangered species in stochastic food webs

    Learning noise-induced transitions by multi-scaling reservoir computing

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    Noise is usually regarded as adversarial to extract the effective dynamics from time series, such that the conventional data-driven approaches usually aim at learning the dynamics by mitigating the noisy effect. However, noise can have a functional role of driving transitions between stable states underlying many natural and engineered stochastic dynamics. To capture such stochastic transitions from data, we find that leveraging a machine learning model, reservoir computing as a type of recurrent neural network, can learn noise-induced transitions. We develop a concise training protocol for tuning hyperparameters, with a focus on a pivotal hyperparameter controlling the time scale of the reservoir dynamics. The trained model generates accurate statistics of transition time and the number of transitions. The approach is applicable to a wide class of systems, including a bistable system under a double-well potential, with either white noise or colored noise. It is also aware of the asymmetry of the double-well potential, the rotational dynamics caused by non-detailed balance, and transitions in multi-stable systems. For the experimental data of protein folding, it learns the transition time between folded states, providing a possibility of predicting transition statistics from a small dataset. The results demonstrate the capability of machine-learning methods in capturing noise-induced phenomena

    Most probable transition paths in piecewise-smooth stochastic differential equations

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    We develop a path integral framework for determining most probable paths in a class of systems of stochastic differential equations with piecewise-smooth drift and additive noise. This approach extends the Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations to cases where the system is piecewise-smooth and may be non-autonomous. In particular, we consider an n−n-dimensional system with a switching manifold in the drift that forms an (n−1)−(n-1)-dimensional hyperplane and investigate noise-induced transitions between metastable states on either side of the switching manifold. To do this, we mollify the drift and use Γ−\Gamma-convergence to derive an appropriate rate functional for the system in the piecewise-smooth limit. The resulting functional consists of the standard Freidlin-Wentzell rate functional, with an additional contribution due to times when the most probable path slides in a crossing region of the switching manifold. We explore implications of the derived functional through two case studies, which exhibit notable phenomena such as non-unique most probable paths and noise-induced sliding in a crossing region.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure