7 research outputs found

    Attacking Split Manufacturing from a Deep Learning Perspective

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    The notion of integrated circuit split manufacturing which delegates the front-end-of-line (FEOL) and back-end-of-line (BEOL) parts to different foundries, is to prevent overproduction, piracy of the intellectual property (IP), or targeted insertion of hardware Trojans by adversaries in the FEOL facility. In this work, we challenge the security promise of split manufacturing by formulating various layout-level placement and routing hints as vector- and image-based features. We construct a sophisticated deep neural network which can infer the missing BEOL connections with high accuracy. Compared with the publicly available network-flow attack [1], for the same set of ISCAS-85 benchmarks, we achieve 1.21X accuracy when splitting on M1 and 1.12X accuracy when splitting on M3 with less than 1% running time

    ALL-MASK: A Reconfigurable Logic Locking Method for Multicore Architecture with Sequential-Instruction-Oriented Key

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    Intellectual property (IP) piracy has become a non-negligible problem as the integrated circuit (IC) production supply chain is becoming increasingly globalized and separated that enables attacks by potentially untrusted attackers. Logic locking is a widely adopted method to lock the circuit module with a key and prevent hackers from cracking it. The key is the critical aspect of logic locking, but the existing works have overlooked three possible challenges of the key: safety of key storage, easy key-attempt from interface and key-related overheads, bringing the further challenges of low error rate and small state space. In this work, the key is dynamically generated by utilizing the huge space of a CPU core, and the unlocking is performed implicitly through the interconnection inside the chip. A novel low-cost logic reconfigurable gate is together proposed with ferroelectric FET (FeFET) to mitigate the reverse engineering and removal attack. Compared to the common logic locking methods, our proposed approach is 19,945 times more time consuming to traverse all the possible combinations in only 9-bit-key condition. Furthermore, our technique let key length increases this complexity exponentially and ensure the logic obfuscation effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Practical Techniques for Improving Performance and Evaluating Security on Circuit Designs

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    As the modern semiconductor technology approaches to nanometer era, integrated circuits (ICs) are facing more and more challenges in meeting performance demand and security. With the expansion of markets in mobile and consumer electronics, the increasing demands require much faster delivery of reliable and secure IC products. In order to improve the performance and evaluate the security of emerging circuits, we present three practical techniques on approximate computing, split manufacturing and analog layout automation. Approximate computing is a promising approach for low-power IC design. Although a few accuracy-configurable adder (ACA) designs have been developed in the past, these designs tend to incur large area overheads as they rely on either redundant computing or complicated carry prediction. We investigate a simple ACA design that contains no redundancy or error detection/correction circuitry and uses very simple carry prediction. The simulation results show that our design dominates the latest previous work on accuracy-delay-power tradeoff while using 39% less area. One variant of this design provides finer-grained and larger tunability than that of the previous works. Moreover, we propose a delay-adaptive self-configuration technique to further improve the accuracy-delay-power tradeoff. Split manufacturing prevents attacks from an untrusted foundry. The untrusted foundry has front-end-of-line (FEOL) layout and the original circuit netlist and attempts to identify critical components on the layout for Trojan insertion. Although defense methods for this scenario have been developed, the corresponding attack technique is not well explored. Hence, the defense methods are mostly evaluated with the k-security metric without actual attacks. We develop a new attack technique based on structural pattern matching. Experimental comparison with existing attack shows that the new attack technique achieves about the same success rate with much faster speed for cases without the k-security defense, and has a much better success rate at the same runtime for cases with the k-security defense. The results offer an alternative and practical interpretation for k-security in split manufacturing. Analog layout automation is still far behind its digital counterpart. We develop the layout automation framework for analog/mixed-signal ICs. A hierarchical layout synthesis flow which works in bottom-up manner is presented. To ensure the qualified layouts for better circuit performance, we use the constraint-driven placement and routing methodology which employs the expert knowledge via design constraints. The constraint-driven placement uses simulated annealing process to find the optimal solution. The packing represented by sequence pairs and constraint graphs can simultaneously handle different kinds of placement constraints. The constraint-driven routing consists of two stages, integer linear programming (ILP) based global routing and sequential detailed routing. The experiment results demonstrate that our flow can handle complicated hierarchical designs with multiple design constraints. Furthermore, the placement performance can be further improved by using mixed-size block placement which works on large blocks in priority

    Practical Techniques for Improving Performance and Evaluating Security on Circuit Designs

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    As the modern semiconductor technology approaches to nanometer era, integrated circuits (ICs) are facing more and more challenges in meeting performance demand and security. With the expansion of markets in mobile and consumer electronics, the increasing demands require much faster delivery of reliable and secure IC products. In order to improve the performance and evaluate the security of emerging circuits, we present three practical techniques on approximate computing, split manufacturing and analog layout automation. Approximate computing is a promising approach for low-power IC design. Although a few accuracy-configurable adder (ACA) designs have been developed in the past, these designs tend to incur large area overheads as they rely on either redundant computing or complicated carry prediction. We investigate a simple ACA design that contains no redundancy or error detection/correction circuitry and uses very simple carry prediction. The simulation results show that our design dominates the latest previous work on accuracy-delay-power tradeoff while using 39% less area. One variant of this design provides finer-grained and larger tunability than that of the previous works. Moreover, we propose a delay-adaptive self-configuration technique to further improve the accuracy-delay-power tradeoff. Split manufacturing prevents attacks from an untrusted foundry. The untrusted foundry has front-end-of-line (FEOL) layout and the original circuit netlist and attempts to identify critical components on the layout for Trojan insertion. Although defense methods for this scenario have been developed, the corresponding attack technique is not well explored. Hence, the defense methods are mostly evaluated with the k-security metric without actual attacks. We develop a new attack technique based on structural pattern matching. Experimental comparison with existing attack shows that the new attack technique achieves about the same success rate with much faster speed for cases without the k-security defense, and has a much better success rate at the same runtime for cases with the k-security defense. The results offer an alternative and practical interpretation for k-security in split manufacturing. Analog layout automation is still far behind its digital counterpart. We develop the layout automation framework for analog/mixed-signal ICs. A hierarchical layout synthesis flow which works in bottom-up manner is presented. To ensure the qualified layouts for better circuit performance, we use the constraint-driven placement and routing methodology which employs the expert knowledge via design constraints. The constraint-driven placement uses simulated annealing process to find the optimal solution. The packing represented by sequence pairs and constraint graphs can simultaneously handle different kinds of placement constraints. The constraint-driven routing consists of two stages, integer linear programming (ILP) based global routing and sequential detailed routing. The experiment results demonstrate that our flow can handle complicated hierarchical designs with multiple design constraints. Furthermore, the placement performance can be further improved by using mixed-size block placement which works on large blocks in priority