616 research outputs found

    Time and space adaptivity for the second-order wave equation

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    The aim of this paper is to show that, for a linear second-order hyperbolic equation discretized by the backward Euler scheme in time and continuous piecewise linear finite elements in space, the adaptation of the time steps can be combined with spatial mesh adaptivity in an optimal way. We derive a priori and a posteriori error estimates which admit, as much as it is possible, the decoupling of the errors committed in the temporal and spatial discretizations

    Inverse estimates for elliptic boundary integral operators and their application to the adaptive coupling of FEM and BEM

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    We prove inverse-type estimates for the four classical boundary integral operators associated with the Laplace operator. These estimates are used to show convergence of an h-adaptive algorithm for the coupling of a finite element method with a boundary element method which is driven by a weighted residual error estimator