58 research outputs found

    Form-flexible handling and joining technology (formhand) for the forming and assembly of limp materials

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    The assembly of limp, elastic or differently shaped objects poses a huge challenge which needs to be met by machine tools and the corresponding processes of handling, forming and joining. These processes are often carried out manually. This technological gap triggered the present work at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. A novel form-flexible handling tool (FormHand) is presented which focuses on the automation of these production steps taking into consideration the material behavior. The combination of the flexibility of both industrial robot and the FormHand end-effector allows for new processes appropriate for these materials. This article investigates the used materials of the granular filler and the cushion textile, the working states of FormHand and the use of online sensors for an automated process application

    Univerzális mechanikus megfogó vizsgálata optikai elven működő erőmérő használatával

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    Due to the automatisation of industry the usage of robots and robotic end effectors in manufacturing is increasing. Another trend is the sculpture like surfaces on goods thus needing robotic grippers to handle such goods. The article presents a further developed type of a universal gripper in order to improve its performance. It was tested against parallel grippers in performance according NIST measurements using a newly developed force measuring sensor. Az ipar automatizálás következtében a robotok és megfogóiknak használata egyre elterjedtebb a gyártásban. Egy másik trend a szabad felületű árucikkek térhódítása, ami magával vonja a robotmegfogók fejlesztését is. A cikk egy továbbfejlesztett univerzális megfogót mutat be, annak teljesítményének javítása érdekében. Párhuzamos megfogókkal való összehasonlításra is sor kerül NIST mérések alapján, egy újonnan kifejlesztett erőmérővel

    A design approach to a standard manipulator

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    New structures for gripping objects in robotic manipulation processes are oriented to the new arrangement of mechanical structures using new materials and processing technologies and innovative procedures for the implementation of contact gripping element links to an object with a high degree of adaptively of applications together with the ability to alter the structure of grip and limiting the intensity of the contact stiffness variation of snap elements custody and pliability. The application of elastomeric materials and surface finishes is important. This paper presents both a new gripper design for robot arms but also the search of the selected materials to make an experimental evaluation of technical parameters that are used to assess their application potential and suitability for the targeted applications. Also the results and conclusions for gripper testing in manipulation operations with two different robot arms are presented.Sellés Cantó, MÁ.; Pérez Bernabeu, E.; Sanchez-Caballero, S.; Cihlar, J. (2012). A design approach to a standard manipulator. Scientific Bulletin of "Petru Maior" Universityof Tîrgu-Mureş. 9(2):66-70. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62593S66709

    Univerzális mechanikus megfogó vizsgálata optikai elven működő erőmérő használatával: Universal mechanical gripper testing with optical force measuring sensors

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    Due to the automatisation of industry the usage of robots and robotic end effectors in manufacturing is increasing. Another trend is the sculpture like surfaces on goods thus needing robotic grippers to handle such goods. The article presents a further developed type of a universal gripper in order to improve its performance. It was tested against parallel grippers in performance according NIST measurements using a newly developed force measuring sensor. Kivonat Az ipar automatizálás következtében a robotok és megfogóiknak használata egyre elterjedtebb a gyártásban. Egy másik trend a szabad felületű árucikkek térhódítása, ami magával vonja a robotmegfogók fejlesztését is. A cikk egy továbbfejlesztett univerzális megfogót mutat be, annak teljesítményének javítása érdekében. Párhuzamos megfogókkal való összehasonlításra is sor kerül NIST mérések alapján, egy újonnan kifejlesztett erőmérővel