4 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Mekanisme Konstruksi Behaviour Mobile Agent secara Runtime pada Lingkungan Heterogen dengan Efisiensi Penggunaan dan Pemilihan Sumber Daya

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    Sejak Mobile Agent (MA) dikembangkan pada lingkungan yang heterogen, banyak penelitian yang berkontribusi pada efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya. Salah satunya adalah proyek VERSAG yang dikembangkan oleh Gunasekera. VERSAG membuat mekanisme konstruksi behavior yang terpisah dari MA sehingga dapat di load, eksekusi, dan unload sesuai dengan kebutuhan ketika running. Kemampuan ini dinamakan runtime compositional MA. Namun kemampuan ini akan relevan jika beroperasi pada lingkungan yang memiliki sumber daya yang selalu cukup untuk menjalankan suatu behavior. Permasalahan akan muncul jika sumber daya yang dimiliki tidak cukup untuk menjalankan suatu behavior. Dalam proposal ini diusulkan sebuah mekanisme konstruksi behaviour MA secara runtime pada lingkungan heterogen dengan efisiensi penggunaan dan ketersediaan sumber daya. MA yang dapat memperhitungkan keterbatasan sumber daya pada lingkungan heterogen. MA dikembangkan menjadi aplikasi cerdas yang dapat berinteraksi dengan context dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan operasi. Adaptasi dapat terjadi ketika MA running pada node dengan sumber daya terbatas. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu menangani permasalahan pemilihan sumber daya terbaik untuk melakukan menjalankan behaviour. Dari hasil yang didapat, bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu mendapatkan 100% node dengan waktu respon terbaik. =============================================================================================== Since the Mobile Agent (MA) developed in a heterogeneous environment, a lot of research that contribute to resources efficiency. One is a project developed by Gunasekera VERSAG. VERSAG makes separated behavioral mechanisms from the MA so that it can be loaded, executed and unloaded when it is running according to the needs. This ability is named as runtimes composite MA. However, this ability will be an advantage when it is used to run a behavior in the sufficient resources environment. Some issues will arise when a node does not have sufficient resource to run a behavior. Problem will arise if the resources is not enough to run a behavior. In this proposal proposed a runtime mechanism composite MA in heterogeneous environments with resources efficiency. It is MA that can consider to resource limitations in heterogeneous environments. MA is developed as an intelligent application that can interact with the context and it adapts with the operation environment. The adaptation can be reached when MA runs on the limited resources. The test results show that the proposed method is able to handle the problems selecting the best resources to execute behavior. From the results obtained, that the proposed method is able to get 100% node with the best response time

    A Plug-in Architecture Providing Dynamic Negotiation Capabilities for Mobile Agents

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    . The diversity of research and development work on agent technology has led to a strong distinction between mobile and intelligent agents. This paper presents an architecture aiming at providing a step towards the integration of these two aspects, concretely by providing an approach of dynamically embedding negotiation capabilities into mobile agents. In particular, the requirements for enabling automated negotiations including negotiation protocols and strategies, a plug-in component architecture for realizing such requirements on mobile agents, and the design of negotiation support building blocks as components of this architecture are presented. 1 Introduction In recent years, the development of agent technology has drawn particularly great attention of people working in very different fields of computer science such as distributed systems, artificial intelligence, system management and electronic commerce. This at a first glance quite surprising fact is essentially based on the ..