71 research outputs found


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    The e-learning system provides the development of the learning process by organizing and correlating the following: general managerial activities, organizing activities of the learning process, sustaining activities of the learning process. This article cInternet, multimedia technologies, e-learning, professor, students

    Adrian: a platform for E-Learning Content Prodution

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    Universities and other institutions related to education are investing time and resources in E-learning initiatives. This leads to an increasing number of course offers in E-learning format. There are environments, called Learning Management Systems (LMS), designed to help teachers in the management of their courses. These systems support the management of administrative information, student evaluation and all the interactivity between teacher and students and among students. However they do not provide tools to help teachers to prepare and to produce content: lessons, tests, guided lab sessions, ... Here is where ADRIAN comes into the scene providing support for content production. ADRIAN is composed by several components: one component to help producing lessons and lab guided sessions; one component for the production of tests and exams; one component to support the production of multimedia presentations; and one component to generate interfaces that integrate all the material produced (content parts) by the other components or developed elsewhere by the teacher. The whole system is being developed with XML (eXtended Markup Language) using descriptive markup for content, and related technologies like XSL (eXtended Stylesheet Language) for content transformations. This way we ensure the portability and platform independence of the system. The last mentioned component, the integration component, is based on ontologies; the user is asked to define an ontology for his course. After that the system generates automatically the web interface that integrates all the courseware components. In this paper we describe the ADRIAN architecture and the components developed so far. This description is illustrated with a real case study

    Do students and lecturers actively use collaboration tools in learning management systems?

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    In recent years there has been a large emphasis placed on the need to use Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the field of higher education, with many universities mandating their use. An important aspect of these systems is their ability to offer collaboration tools to build a community of learners. This paper reports on a study of the effectiveness of an LMS (BlackboardŠ) in a higher education setting and whether both lecturers and students voluntarily use collaborative tools for teaching and learning. Interviews were conducted with participants (N=67) from the faculties of Science and Technology, Business, Health and Law. Results from this study indicated that participants often use BlackboardŠ as an online repository of learning materials and that the collaboration tools of BlackboardŠ are often not utilised. The study also found that several factors have inhibited the use and uptake of the collaboration tools within BlackboardŠ. These have included structure and user experience, pedagogical practice, response time and a preference for other tools

    Information and Communication Technologies as means for self-improvement at remote universities: the example of Urgench State University, Uzbekistan

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    This paper describes the research conducted at the Information Resource Center of Urgench State University, located in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, on the possibilities and challenges the students and lecturers face in their pursuit for self-improvement and self-education. The article discloses new qualitative approaches and IT methods in the teaching and educational processes in higher education of Central Asian countries in transition, the overall aim of which is to close the gap and shape the spiritual values of the young generation in the globalizing world. The framework conditions for this have been set by the Government of Uzbekistan through particular Decrees, aiming at the creation of e-education at universities and institutions throughout the country and specifically in the remote regions as to improve the access to regularly updated information, to motivate the use of IT in classes as well as to enhance the responsibility of the information services of universities for assuring the quality of research and teaching (pedagogical) activities of the lecturers. The research showed that the Internet can function inter alia as a controlling device when education is delivered through the web. Collection, analysis and preparation of educational-methodological materials on specific subjects and extracurricular activities require specific knowledge on IT and information literacy both in the teaching staff and the students

    Using Wiki to Build an E-learning System in Statistics in Arabic Language

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    E-learning plays an important role in education as it supports online education via computer networks and provides educational services by utilising information technologies. We present a case study describing the development of an Arabic language elearning course in statistics. Discussed are issues concerning e-learning in Arab countries with special focus on problems of the application of e-learning in the Arab world and the difficulties concerning the design Arabic platforms such as language problems, cultural and technical problems, especially ArabTeX works difficulty with LaTeX format. Thus Wiki is offered as a solution to such problems. Wiki supports LaTeX and other statistical programs, for instance R, and^Wiki offers the solution to language problems. Details of this technology are discussed and a solution as to how this system can serve in building an Arab platform is presented.E-Learning, MM*Stat, Wiki, ArabTeX, Statistical Software.

    Using R, LaTeX and Wiki for an Arabic e-learning platform

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    E-learning plays an important role in education as it supports online education via computer networks and provides educational services by utilising information technologies. We present a case study describing the development of an Arabic language elearning course in statistics. Discussed are issues concerning e-learning in Arab countries with special focus on problems of the application of e-learning in the Arab world and the difficulties concerning the design Arabic platforms such as language problems, cultural and technical problems, especially ArabTeX works difficulty with LaTeX format. Thus Wiki is offered as a solution to such problems. Wiki supports LaTeX and other statistical programs, for instance R, andWiki offers the solution to language problems. Details of this technology are discussed and a solution as to how this system can serve in building an Arab platform is presented.E-learning, MM*Stat, Wiki, ArabTeX, Statistical software

    Public Health Observatories: a learning community model to foster knowledge transfer for sustainable cities

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    [EN] A Public Health Observatory (PHO) is a platform to provide “health intelligence” as a service for a specific population. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the primary purposes of PHOs as “monitoring health situations and trends, including assessing progress toward agreed-upon health-related targets; producing and sharing evidence; and, supporting the use of such evidence for policy and decision making” For the purposes of the PULSE project, create an observatory to function as a unique point of access to the PULSE technology for people both inside and outside the project consortium.Specifically, we create a platform for e-learning and knowledge sharing that it can be easily navigated by lay persons that are interested in learning about or participating in the PULSE project. We targeted specifically policymakers, clinicians, as well as leaders and citizens in other cities. As a concept, it reflects the principles participation, sustainability, and collaboration across sectors and levels of government The Observatory leverages on the Health in All Policies (HiAP) framework. HiAP is a cross-sectoral approach to public policy that systematically takes into account the health implications of decisions, seeks synergies, and avoids harmful health impacts in order to improve population health and health equity.PULSE project has been founded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and it is documented in the grant agreement No 727816. Specifically. PULSE has been founded under the call H2020-EU-3.1.5. in the topic SCIPM-18-2016-Big Data supporting Public Health policies. More information on http://www.project-pulse.euVito, D.; Ottaviano, M.; Cabrera, MF.; Teriús Padrón, JG.; Casella, V.; Bellazzi, R. (2020). Public Health Observatories: a learning community model to foster knowledge transfer for sustainable cities. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1383-1390. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11285OCS1383139030-05-202

    A Cloud-Oriented Green Computing Architecture for E-Learning Applications

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    Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running Web applications. E-learning or e-Learning is one of such Web application has increasingly gained popularity in the recent years, as a comprehensive medium of global education system/training systems. The development of e-Learning Application within the cloud computing environment enables users to access diverse software applications, share data, collaborate more easily, and keep their data safely in the infrastructure. However, the growing demand of Cloud infrastructure has drastically increased the energy consumption of data centers, which has become a critical issue. High energy consumption not only translates to high operational cost, which reduces the profit margin of Cloud providers, but also leads to high carbon emissions which is not environmentally friendly. Hence, energy-efficient solutions are required to minimize the impact of Cloud-Oriented E-Learning on the environment. E-learning methods have drastically changed the educational environment and also reduced the use of papers and ultimately reduce the production of carbon footprint. E-learning methodology is an example of Green computing. Thus, in this paper, it is proposed a Cloud-Oriented Green Computing Architecture for eLearning Applications (COGALA). The e-Learning Applications using COGALA can lower expenses, reduce energy consumption, and help organizations with limited IT resources to deploy and maintain needed software in a timely manner. This paper also discussed the implication of this solution for future research directions to enable Cloud-Oriented Green Computing

    The eLearning place: progress report on a complete systems for learning and assessment

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    This short paper outlines the main features of The eLearning Place and describes the development of TestMaker by The eLearning Place partnership. TestMaker is an assessment creation tool written in Java adhering to QTI standards. It separates item- and test-development, and pools items by Learning Provider in an Oracle database

    Development of a Mind Map System Integrating Full Moodle Function

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    An LMS is the most basic infrastructure used in e-learning. Various types of LMSs are used, covering open source and commercial software. Moodle is one of the most widely used LMSs today. Moodle has many features that are educationally useful because of its long history and contributions of community. Moodle’s wide variety of functions are sometimes criticized as being too complicated to use. It is necessary to develop an LMS with various functions inside a simple and user-friendly GUI. In this paper, a Moodle GUI has been improved by mapping the main functions of a Moodle course to OKMindmap, which is an open service that runs on the Web, so that learners and teachers can use LMS services in a simple and convenient way. The developed results are demonstrated by applying actual class scenarios with which course activities, supplementary resources, and additional guide information was successfully integrated in a mind map
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