2,206 research outputs found

    A Planning and Optimization Framework for Hybrid Ultra-Dense Network Topologies

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    The deployment of small cells has been a critical upgrade in Fourth Generation (4G) mobile networks as they provide macrocell traffic offloading gains, improved spectrum reuse and reduce coverage holes. The need for small cells will be even more critical in Fifth Generation (5G) networks due to the introduction of higher spectrum bands, which necessitate denser network deployments to support larger traffic volumes per unit area. A network densification scenario envisioned for evolved fourth and fifth generation networks is the deployment of Ultra-Dense Networks (UDNs) with small cell site densities exceeding 90 sites/km2 (or inter-site distances of less than 112 m). The careful planning and optimization of ultra-dense networks topologies have been known to significantly improve the achievable performance compared to completely random (unplanned) ultra-dense network deployments by various third-part stakeholders (e.g. home owners). However, these well-planned and optimized ultra-dense network deployments are difficult to realize in practice due to various constraints, such as limited or no access to preferred optimum small cell site locations in a given service area. The hybrid ultra-dense network topologies provide an interesting trade-off, whereby, an ultra-dense network may constitute a combination of operator optimized small cell deployments that are complemented by random small cell deployments by third-parties. In this study, an ultra-dense network multiobjective optimization framework and post-deployment power optimization approach are developed for realization and performance comparison of random, optimized and hybrid ultra-dense network topologies in a realistic urban case study area. The results of the case study demonstrate how simple transmit power optimization enable hybrid ultra-dense network topologies to achieve performance almost comparable to optimized topologies whilst also providing the convenience benefits of random small cell deployments

    Network-aware Placement Optimization for Edge Computing infrastructure under 5G

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Edge Computing has grown into a key solution for coping with the stringent latency requirements of 5G scenarios. Nevertheless, the edge node placement problem raises critical concerns regarding deployment and operational expenditures (i.e., mainly due to the number of nodes to be deployed),current backhaul network capabilities, non-technical placement limitations, etc. In this paper, a novel framework called EdgeON is presented aiming at reducing the overall expenses when deploying and operating an Edge Computing (EC) network, taking into account the usage and characteristics of the in-place backhaul network. The framework implements several placement and optimization strategies targeting the heavily constrained network-aware Edge Node Placement Problem (ENPP). The results obtained by our solution are promising, achieving an average of30%less Edge Nodes (ENs) deployed and 25% higher average usage ratio when compared to other widely used heuristics. Furthermore, our strategy achieved as core offset of less than2%in comparison to the implemented Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP).Postprint (author's final draft

    Edge computing infrastructure for 5G networks: a placement optimization solution

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    This thesis focuses on how to optimize the placement of the Edge Computing infrastructure for upcoming 5G networks. To this aim, the core contributions of this research are twofold: 1) a novel heuristic called Hybrid Simulated Annealing to tackle the NP-hard nature of the problem and, 2) a framework called EdgeON providing a practical tool for real-life deployment optimization. In more detail, Edge Computing has grown into a key solution to 5G latency, reliability and scalability requirements. By bringing computing, storage and networking resources to the edge of the network, delay-sensitive applications, location-aware systems and upcoming real-time services leverage the benefits of a reduced physical and logical path between the end-user and the data or service host. Nevertheless, the edge node placement problem raises critical concerns regarding deployment and operational expenditures (i.e., mainly due to the number of nodes to be deployed), current backhaul network capabilities and non-technical placement limitations. Common approaches to the placement of edge nodes are based on: Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), where the processing capabilities are deployed at the Radio Access Network nodes and Facility Location Problem variations, where a simplistic cost function is used to determine where to optimally place the infrastructure. However, these methods typically lack the flexibility to be used for edge node placement under the strict technical requirements identified for 5G networks. They fail to place resources at the network edge for 5G ultra-dense networking environments in a network-aware manner. This doctoral thesis focuses on rigorously defining the Edge Node Placement Problem (ENPP) for 5G use cases and proposes a novel framework called EdgeON aiming at reducing the overall expenses when deploying and operating an Edge Computing network, taking into account the usage and characteristics of the in-place backhaul network and the strict requirements of a 5G-EC ecosystem. The developed framework implements several placement and optimization strategies thoroughly assessing its suitability to solve the network-aware ENPP. The core of the framework is an in-house developed heuristic called Hybrid Simulated Annealing (HSA), seeking to address the high complexity of the ENPP while avoiding the non-convergent behavior of other traditional heuristics (i.e., when applied to similar problems). The findings of this work validate our approach to solve the network-aware ENPP, the effectiveness of the heuristic proposed and the overall applicability of EdgeON. Thorough performance evaluations were conducted on the core placement solutions implemented revealing the superiority of HSA when compared to widely used heuristics and common edge placement approaches (i.e., a MEC-based strategy). Furthermore, the practicality of EdgeON was tested through two main case studies placing services and virtual network functions over the previously optimally placed edge nodes. Overall, our proposal is an easy-to-use, effective and fully extensible tool that can be used by operators seeking to optimize the placement of computing, storage and networking infrastructure at the users’ vicinity. Therefore, our main contributions not only set strong foundations towards a cost-effective deployment and operation of an Edge Computing network, but directly impact the feasibility of upcoming 5G services/use cases and the extensive existing research regarding the placement of services and even network service chains at the edge

    State-of-the-art assessment of 5G mmWave communications

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    Deliverable D2.1 del proyecto 5GWirelessMain objective of the European 5Gwireless project, which is part of the H2020 Marie Slodowska- Curie ITN (Innovative Training Networks) program resides in the training and involvement of young researchers in the elaboration of future mobile communication networks, focusing on innovative wireless technologies, heterogeneous network architectures, new topologies (including ultra-dense deployments), and appropriate tools. The present Document D2.1 is the first deliverable of Work- Package 2 (WP2) that is specifically devoted to the modeling of the millimeter-wave (mmWave) propagation channels, and development of appropriate mmWave beamforming and signal processing techniques. Deliver D2.1 gives a state-of-the-art on the mmWave channel measurement, characterization and modeling; existing antenna array technologies, channel estimation and precoding algorithms; proposed deployment and networking techniques; some performance studies; as well as a review on the evaluation and analysis toolsPostprint (published version
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